Sika Annual Report 2011 1 → Content (2024)

Online Annual Report 2011 → 2011 � Sika Annual Report For Jean Nouvel, a 32000 m² façade clad with 6500 perfectly jointed glass panels. � For Daniel Libeskind, a 1400 m² roof that

Freedom of Design Acceleration The precision-designed Sikasil® silicone joints are essential to Sika superplasticizers and shrinkage-reducing admixtures were the glass façade's filigree aesthetic, rigorous color scheme and instrumental in delivering a handsome fair-faced concrete finish environmental control performance. and to keep the tight construction schedule. reads as a fifth façade, sloping at 37° from 90 to 180 meters in height. Turning architects’ visions into reality, drawing on in-depth experience and know-how to translate ideas into buildings and works of art – that is one side to Sika's definition of customer focus. The other is to offer variety, deliver quality and build trust. In all aspects of technology, materials and practical application. Its mission is to create fresh scope for ideas, formal designs and connecting assemblies which, in many cases, are still waiting to be discovered. Sika Annual Report 2011 1 → Content


Robust Growth Customer Focus 3 Letter to Shareholders 66 Freedom of Design 72 i-Cure Technology Investing in Sika 75 Acceleration 7 Stock price development 9 Risk Management Financial Report 80 Consolidated Financial Statements Strategy & Focus 85 Appendix to the Consolidated 13 Group Strategy Financial Statements 14 The Sika Brand 133 Five-Year Reviews 15 Customers & Markets 140 Sika AG Financial Statements 18 Products & Innovation 22 Sustainable Development 24 Acquisitions & Investments Financial Calendar Imprint Performance 27 Group Report Targets 28 Group Report Group 30 Group Report Regions 35 Group Report Outlook 36 Sustainability Report and Social Responsibility

Leadership 43 Organization & Leadership 44 Organizational Diagram 45 Group Management 49 Board of Directors 51 Employees 53 Corporate Governance IV Sika Annual Report 2011 → Brief Overview

Brief Overview �

Net sales Growth in local Operating profit as % of Net profit as % of Operating free as % of (consolidated) currencies before depreciation net sales after taxes net sales cash flow net sales

in CHF mn in % in CHF mn in % in CHF mn in % in CHF mn in %

5 000 15 750 15 500 8 500 10

4 000 10 600 14 400 7 400 8

3 000 5 450 13 300 6 300 6

2 000 0 300 12 200 5 200 4

1 000 -5 150 11 100 4 100 2

0 -10 0 10 0 3 0 0

07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11

Sika Group in CHF mn 2010 as % of 2011 as % of net sales net sales Net sales 4 416.0 4 556.4 Gross result 2 384.9 54.0 2 304.6 50.6 Operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) 576.7 13.1 477.4 10.5 Operating profit (EBIT) 439.2 9.9 347.1 7.6 Net profit after taxes 310.6 7.0 214.8 4.7 Operating free cash flow 332.2 7.5 186.1 4.1 Capital expenditures 99.9 2.3 117.1 2.6 Balance sheet total 3 940.8 3 830.4 Shareholders' equity 1 759.6 1 839.1 Equity ratio in % 44.7 48.0 ROCE in % 21.3 15.6 Earnings per share in CHF 124.48 85.06 Number of employees 13 482 15 254 Energy consumption in MJ per ton sold 1 259 1 505 CO₂ emissions in 1 000 tons 29 000 31 000 Water consumption in 1 000 m³ 2.0 2.0

Net sales by Region Net sales by market (consolidated) in CHF (consolidated) in CHF

Europe North 1 336 mn (29.3%) Construction 3 691 mn (81.0%)

Europe South 813 mn (17.8%) Industry 865 mn (19.0%)

North America 614 mn (13.5%) 0 500 1 000 1 500 2 000 2 500 3 000 3 500 4 556 mn Total Latin America 507 mn (11.1%)

IMEA* 264 mn (5.8%)

Asia/Pacific 777 mn (17.1%)

Other segments 245 mn (5.4%) and activities 0 250 500 750 1 000 1 250 1 500 4 556 mn Total

* India, Middle East, Africa ROCE* Energy consumption CO₂ emissions Water consumption

in % in MJ per ton sold in 1 000 tons in 1 000 cubic meters

25 500 500 500

20 400 400 400

15 300 300 300

10 200 200 200

5 100 100 100

0 0 0 0

07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11

Portrait and core competencies. Bonding Bonding ensures the permanent, elastic and structur- Sika AG, located in Baar, Switzerland, is a globally active specialty ally continuous connection of different materials. Innovative chemicals company. Sika supplies the building and construction processes are used to bond vehicle components, window assem- industry as well as manufacturing industries (automotive, bus, blies or even concrete bridge units weighing several tons. Sika’s truck, rail, alternative energies, building components). Sika is a bonding technology enhances the safety of end products while leader in processing materials used in sealing, bonding, damp- increasing design freedom. These applications may also be used ing, reinforcing and protecting load-bearing structures. to optimize manufacturing processes and reduce cycle times.

Sika’s product lines feature high-quality concrete admixtures, Damping Damping reduces vibrations of all frequencies in fixed specialty mortars, sealants and adhesives, damping and rein- and moving objects, thereby lowering resonance and noise emis- forcing materials, structural strengthening systems, industrial sion in load-bearing structures and cavities. The attenuation of flooring as well as roofing and waterproofing systems. World- noise, for instance, in vehicle interiors – in cars, on buses or on wide local presence in 76 countries and some 15 300 employees cruise ships – significantly increases the comfort of drivers and link customers directly to Sika and guarantee the success of all passengers alike. partners. Sika generates annual sales of CHF 4.556 billion. Reinforcing Reinforcing components are strategically incorpo- Sealing Sealing minimizes the infiltration of gases and liquids rated in structures to improve their resistance to static and dy- through voids and cavities as well as the transmission, spread namic loads. Applications range from lightweight window frames or loss of heat. Large expanses of flat roofing, complex tunnel and crash-resistant car bodies to monumental concrete bridges. systems, damage-prone water-retaining structures and sophisti- These solutions can be used to strengthen existing and optimize cated wall-cladding assemblies are durably weatherproofed and new-build load-bearing structures. made resistant to temperature fluctuations, aging and vibration – thereby enhancing the functionality and comfort of the interior Protecting Protective elements increase the durability of load- environment. bearing structures and help to preserve the fabric of new and renovated facilities. Sika’s solutions guarantee long-term pro- tection for concrete and steelwork assemblies against climatic conditions, chemical action, pollution and fire.

→ Net sales in local currencies were up 15.5% compared to → Acquisitions are an important element of the growth previous year. strategy. In 2011 Sika acquired eight companies. → Sika continued to gain market share worldwide. → In 2011 Sika increased its equity ratio to 48.0%. → Sika posted double-digit growth in all regions → Sika is confident that in the 2012 business year it will except Europe South. generate continued growth and improve margins.

* Return On Capital Employed 2 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Robust Growth Robust growth despite challenging markets. Sika achieved impressive growth of 15.5% in local currencies and posted

Robust Growth

double-digit expansion in all regions except Europe South. Sika recorded a decrease in profits. The huge increase in raw material prices and unfavorable exchange rate developments pressured our margins, with the result that profit was appreciably lower than in the previous year. We expect challenging market conditions to continue in 2012, but remain cautiously optimistic. Sika Annual Report 2011 3 → Robust Growth

Letter to Shareholders �

Market development In many countries large infrastructure projects had The Sika Group had a positive start to 2011. The con- a positive effect on Sika’s sales. Examples include struction industry made the most of a warm winter in construction activity in connection with the European Europe. In particular the Region Europe North bene- Football Championships in Poland and Ukraine in 2012 fited from the favorable conditions, and business in and investment in large infrastructure projects such Germany continued on its solid development path. as dams and power plants in the USA. In summer the escalating debt crisis in the euro zone started to unsettle markets in the Mediterranean The industrial markets, in particular motor vehicle area. The austerity measures of the governments in production, recovered surprisingly quickly from the Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, and Italy began to 2008–2009 crisis. In 2011 there were no signs of this weigh on domestic demand and construction activity development slowing. Indeed, Germany’s automotive in these countries. industry enjoyed a record year and the three large US car makers rebounded strongly and regained In the stagnating North American market we achieved market share. double-digit growth, thanks mainly to cooperation in the project business with Greenstreak, a company Higher sales, lower profit acquired in 2010, and record results in the roof mem- The satisfactory development in sales as measured brane business. in local currency (+ 15.5%) was only possible owing to worldwide gains in market share. However, this result By harnessing the unbroken momentum in the was impacted by developments in the currency mar- emerging markets of Asia and Latin America we kets. On account of the unfavorable exchange rate were able to post well above-average growth in development, sales in Swiss francs increased by only these markets. Thus, Sika has written another 3.2%, from CHF 4 416.0 million to CHF 4 556.4 million. chapter in the history of its success in the emerging markets, which in the meantime generate not only 36% of our consolidated net sales, but also a signifi- cant share of our Group profit.

Dr. Walter Grüebler, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Jan Jenisch, Chief Executive Officer 4 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Robust Growth

In 2011 construction industry markets experienced Sustainability and solidarity sharp increases in the prices of raw materials, in Sika technologies make an essential contribution to particular in the first half of the year. Because we can the sustainable development of our society. Our pass on increased costs of materials through higher additives make it possible to massively reduce CO₂ market prices only with a time lag, our margins came emissions in the production of concrete and cement. under pressure. Operating profit of CHF 347.1 million Sika roofing systems reduce energy consumption in corresponds to an EBIT margin of 7.6%. In the second buildings by up to 15%. Moreover, as the global leader half of the year price increases started to have an in waterproofing, we help to optimize global water impact and toward the end of the year the increase in management. raw material prices began to tail off. Sika employees demonstrated tremendous solidarity Balance sheet positions after the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami in In 2011 Sika increased its equity ratio from 44.7% to Japan in March 2011. More than 2 000 Sika employ- 48.0%. As a result of further acquisitions net debt ees around the world donated about CHF 150 000 to rose from CHF 165.2 million to CHF 338.7 million. At the rebuild the damaged houses of their Japanese col- end of October Sika repaid a bond in the amount of leagues. During the devastating floods in Thailand CHF 275 million, which, in view of its solid cash posi- in October, Sika was able to provide safe accommo- tion, it did not need to renew. The strong franc and dation outside the flooded districts in Bangkok for Sika’s good liquidity profile leave further scope for all of its affected employees. In both disaster areas acquisitions. employees demonstrated enormous commitment – including extra shifts – to maintain production. Acquisitions One element of our growth strategy is acquisitions. Outlook for 2012 In the year under review Sika acquired a total of We are cautiously optimistic about 2012. Developments eight firms. Including Hebei (concrete admixtures), in Europe are still overshadowed by uncertainty. Sika a company located southwest of Beijing, Colauto will counter this uncertainty with an enhanced focus (automotives industry) in São Paulo, and Axim (Italy, on customers and strict cost controls. The economy concrete admixtures), a globally active subsidiary of in North America has stabilized at a low level. In Italcementi Group. Together, the eight companies this region Sika forecasts further growth primarily generated annual sales of CHF 233.6 million in 2011. through increased market share and solid prospects for its project business. Furthermore, we work on the Acquisition targets include companies that will give premise that the emerging markets, with isolated Sika better market access or have a technology that exceptions, will continue to grow rapidly. our sales network can successfully market world- wide. Because the market for construction chemicals In the future Sika will continue to attach great impor- is consolidating, there will be more buying oppor- tance to strong growth and growing market share. tunities. Since 2000 Sika has acquired a total of 46 Although we are the global market leader in the field companies, without jeopardizing the Group’s healthy of construction chemicals, we are not yet number one financial base. in all our target markets. Our target markets have a potential market value in excess of CHF 50 billion, and in all of these markets there are growth opportunities. Sika Annual Report 2011 5 → Robust Growth

While we assume that margins will improve as prices Succession planning at the top of raw materials stabilize, we continue to apply strict As previously announced, after the Annual General cost management and only approve plans for expan- Meeting in April Walter Grüebler will be stepping sion if they are justified by performance. down after about 15 years of service to the Sika Group. His successor, Paul Hälg, unites in his person Proposals of the Board of Directors the necessary specialized market and technological The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General knowledge and experience. Meeting payment of an unchanged gross dividend of CHF 45.00 per bearer share and CHF 7.50 per regis- The change of Chief Executive Officer has already tered share. The payment is divided into an ordinary taken place. After some ten years with Sika Ernst gross dividend of CHF 24.00 per bearer share and Bärtschi has retired. He was succeeded by Jan CHF 4.00 per registered share that is subject to with- Jenisch as of January 1, 2012. We should like to take holding tax and, in keeping with the capital contri- this opportunity as well to offer Ernst Bärtschi our bution principle that Sika applies, a payment of warmest thanks for his great efforts on behalf of CHF 21.00 per bearer share and CHF 3.50 per registered the Sika Group. share that is not subject to withholding tax and for natural persons resident in Switzerland not subject Vote of thanks to income tax either. The proposal is an expression of 2011 was a challenging year for Sika. We had to contend Sika’s solid balance sheet and the consistency of its with unfavorable developments in exchange rates dividend payout policy. and the prices of raw materials, and some of our mar- kets were marked by great uncertainty. Many Sika Furthermore, it is recommended to the Annual managers and employees shouldered particularly General Meeting to re-elect current Board members heavy demands in the year under review. We thank all Paul Hälg, Daniel J. Sauter, and Ulrich W. Suter and who successfully rose to the challenges: our custom- to newly elect Frits van Dijk, former Executive Vice ers, suppliers, and business partners, our employees President and Member of Executive Board of Nestlé and, last but not least, you, our shareholders for your responsible for Asia, Oceania, Africa and Middle East. loyalty. We look forward to further fruitful coopera- Fritz Studer is not standing for re-election. We offer tion in 2012. him our warmest thanks for many years of highly qualified work in Sika’s interests.


Dr. Walter Grüebler Jan Jenisch Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer 6 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Investing in Sika On the one hand: 15.5% growth in local currencies resulting from gains in global market share, an equity ratio of 48.0% and

Investing in Sika

improved market access due to strategic acquisitions: Sika is a soundly based, suc­ cessful company that is fit for the future. � On the other hand: The Sika share price under pressure in the wake of global eco- nomic uncertainty, the debt crisis in Europe, the strong Swiss franc and high raw material costs. The upshot: price drop that bottomed out in August. Then slight, although not full, recovery by the end of 2011. One thing to emerge is that corporate performance and share prices are not always governed by the same logic. Thanks to its strong growth, Sika defies economic turbulences. Sika Annual Report 2011 7 → Investing in Sika

Lower margins weigh on Sika shares. On the back of the European debt crisis and the strong Swiss franc, the overall Swiss stock market declined year-on-year in 2011. In addition, Sika shares were hit by the lower margins as a result of higher raw materials. The share price began to recover at the end of the year.

Stock price development On June 20, Sika announced its succession plan. The Board of Directors nominated Paul Hälg as successor to the current Chairman of the Board of Directors, Stock market developments in 2011 Walter Grüebler. Jan Jenisch was named as successor Sika’s business year and the performance of the Sika to Ernst Bärtschi as CEO and assumed office on share were shaped by the uncertainties in the global January 1, 2012. In July the Group announced the economy. Between January 3 and December 30, 2011, acquisition of BIRO Edwin Bischof AG, a Swiss manu- Sika shares fell by 13.7%, from CHF 2 051 to CHF 1 770. facturer of injection molded components, and of In 2011 Sika shares peaked at CHF 2 250 on April 4 and Technokolla, an Italian specialty chemicals company. reached a low of CHF 1 528 on August 10. As a consequence of the debt crisis Sika shares plunged On January 11, 2011, Sika published the sales fig- in summer, in line with the rest of the stock market. ures for 2010. The Group achieved consolidated net The share price bottomed in August. Owing to rising sales of CHF 4.4 billion, which represents an increase raw material prices, Sika’s margins came under pres- of more than 10% in local currencies. Growth was sure. In the half-year report published in July, the com- particularly strong in the Region Asia/Pacific, which pany was able to announce that sales had increased posted gains of 41.4%. The earnings figures came out by 6.6% to CHF 2.2 billion. As in the 2010 business year, at the beginning of March. In the 2010 business year growth was driven by the markets in Asia/Pacific and net profit increased by 37.7% year-on-year to CHF 311 Latin America. million. Although higher raw material prices trimmed gross margins, this impact was more than offset by In the fall Sika announced further acquisitions: In Brazil growth in the emerging markets and one-off tax the purchase of Colauto Adesivos e Massas strength- effects. The stock market reacted positively to the ened the Group’s position in the automotives industry. published figures. In Spain Sika acquired Comercial de Preresa, a floor- ing manufacturer. Likewise in March, Sika announced that it had acquired a majority stake in Hebei Jiuqiang Construction Sika’s third-quarter results, which were published at Material, a Chinese supplier of building materials. In the beginning of November, indicated that growth mid-April Sika published the results for the first quar- was slowing. Sales in the first nine months of 2011 ter of 2011. In this period, sales rose to CHF 1.0 billion, rose by 3.2% to CHF 3.4 billion. In local currency this an increase of 14.3% in local currencies compared to represented an increase of 17.2%. Toward the end of the same period in the previous year. the year Sika shares recovered to CHF 1 770, a level, however, that did not fully compensate for the losses sustained early in the year and in summer.

Performance of Sika bearer shares in Swiss francs from January 1, 2011, to December 31, 2011 Share prices as of December 31, 2011: CHF 1 770 2 200 SMI 2 100

2 000

1 900 Sika 1 800 bearer share 1 700

1 600 SMIM 1 500

1.11 2.11 3.11 4.11 5.11 6.11 7.11 8.11 9.11 10.11 11.11 12.11 8 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Investing in Sika

Per share data 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Bearer shares¹, ²: Nominal value CHF 0.60 (CHF 9.00) Number of shares as of December 31 2 151 199 2 151 199 2 151 199 2 151 199 2 151 199 of which entitled to dividend 2 117 179 2 089 691 2 095 572 2 115 291 2 122 071 of which entitled to vote 2 117 179 2 089 691 2 095 572 2 115 291 2 122 071 Gross dividend CHF 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 24.00³ Repayment of nominal value / net payout CHF – – – 8.40 21.00³ of capital contribution reserves Stock quotations high CHF 2 595 2 082 1 658 2 145 2 250 low CHF 1 850 788 685 1 482 1 528 year-end CHF 2 136 900 1 615 2 051 1 770 Stock price performance % 13.0 -58.0 79.4 27.0 -13.7 Average daily trading volume4 Shares 8 870 8 871 5 746 10 735 6 333 Registered shares⁵, ⁶: Nominal value CHF 0.10 (CHF 1.50) Number of shares as of December 31 2 333 874 2 333 874 2 333 874 2 333 874 2 333 874 of which entitled to dividend 2 333 874 2 333 874 2 333 874 2 333 874 2 333 874 of which entitled to vote 2 333 874 2 333 874 2 333 874 2 333 874 2 333 874 Gross dividend CHF 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 4.00³ Repayment of nominal value / net payout CHF – – – 1.40 3.50³ of capital contribution reserves Key data per bearer share⁷ Net profit per share (EPS)⁸ basic EPS CHF 135.4 107.00 91.03 124.48 85.06 EPS development % 50.0 -22.0 -14.9 36.7 -31.7 Equity per share CHF 584 587 640 704 728 Price-earnings ratio (P/E), year-end 15.8 8.4 17.7 16.5 20.8 Dividend/repayment of nominal value yield % 2.1 5.0 2.8 2.6 2.56 Other information Market capitalization9 CHF mn 5 426 2 286 4 102 5 210 4 496 in % of equity % 369 156 258 297 246 Total dividend/repayment of nom. value CHF mn 111.5 111.5 111.8 134.2 113.0³ in % of net profit (payout ratio)7 % 33 42 50 43 53

¹ Registration no. 58797/Reuters: SIK.S, Bloomberg: SIK SW 6 Of which, in 2011, Sika AG owned no (0) registered shares ² Of which, in 2011, Sika owned 29 128 (35 908) bearer shares not 7 Excluding minority interests entitled to dividend or voting rights ⁸ For EPS calculation, see note 25 ³ Pursuant to proposal to Annual General Meeting 9 The registered shares were delisted from the Swiss stock exchange 4 Average daily volume traded on SIX Swiss Exchange in 2003. In our calculation these are taken into account with 1⁄6 of (Source: SIX Swiss Exchange, Zurich) the bearer share price of December 31, 2011 5 The registered shares of Sika AG were delisted from the SIX Swiss Exchange on September 4, 2003 Sika Annual Report 2011 9 → Investing in Sika

Early identification of possible risks. As a global player, Sika is exposed to a variety of risks. The permanent protection of the Group’s reputa- tion and the capital invested in Sika as well as safeguarding of its freedom of action necessitate a timely analysis of potential risks and their integration into strategic decision-making processes. Thereby new opportunities may unlock.

Risk Management � Suppliers and raw materials Materials, as Sika’s biggest cost factor, are high on the risk assessment agenda. Almost 70% of the mate- Risks and opportunities rials used by Sika in production – e.g. polyurethanes, Flawed risk assessments may seriously impair a com - epoxy resins, or polyvinyl chloride – are based on pany’s reputation, limit its freedom of action or, at crude oil or crude oil derivatives. Purchase prices worst, lead to insolvency. Well aware of this, Sika consequently vary according to the respective supply reacted years ago by introducing a comprehensive and demand situation of each raw material and the risk management system for the Group and all its volatility in the price of oil. subsidiaries. Dangers should be identified at an early stage and integrated into strategic decision-making Sika purchases its base chemicals from the suppliers processes. Risk management may sometimes assist that offer the best quality and greatest reliability. in the identification of new opportunities and thereby Wherever possible, Sika obtains those materials help to generate added value. The risk management required for special solutions from at least two pro- process comprises four steps: risk identification, risk viders. Base materials needed for one-of-a-kind assessment, risk monitoring, and risk controlling. technologies are manufactured in-house.

Group management and Board of Directors Production and logistics Whereas Sika’s Group Management regularly reviews Risk management in the areas of production and the processes underlying risk management, the logistics entails the annual systematic analysis of Board of Directors bears ultimate responsibility for possible operational risks that may lead to downtime risk assessment. Its duties include annual reassess- or other disruptions along with the specification of ment of the risk situation at Group level. Here, the suitable preventive measures. Sika is also insured focus is on those strategic and operative risks that against production losses. The practical and organi- are capable of seriously endangering the Group as a zational procedures for handling operational and all whole. All risks are assessed in terms of a few basic other risks are laid down in Sika’s Risk Management questions: Policy. This policy is based on the mandatory stan- – Is the risk global or regional in scope? dards governing environmental protection, health, – How significant is the risk for the Group? and safety. Risk analyses performed by external – How high is the probability of losses occurring? specialists, frequently in close collaboration with the – �What measures need to be implemented to relevant property insurance companies, complement prevent the risk or mitigate its consequences? the in-house assessments.

Suitable measures are then taken to counteract any risks that are rated critical in the overall assessment. 10 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Investing in Sika


Customer diversification: No single customer accounts for more 1.5 than 1.5% of Sika's turnover On average, internal checks are carried out at Sika’s For more than ten years Sika has had a global program major factories every three years. Accompanied by in place to minimize the risks in counseling and sales the local management and their teams, corporate activities that could provide grounds for product specialists conduct two-day risk visits to identify complaints. Thanks to a host of additional measures, and record those risks that may result in production including the regular and systematic training of downtimes, property damage or liability claims. employees, clearly formulated standards, detailed The probability and implications of the risks are as- causal analyses, and stricter controls, expenditure sessed and measures subsequently defined and for product-related claims is steadily being reduced. implemented to minimize the risk potential at the site To reduce risk of incorrect application of its products, and enhance safety. Adopting the same procedure, Sika attach great importance to targeted customer each company independently conducts an annual support and quality controls. in-house risk analysis on its production and logistics operations. Customers and markets Sika has a policy of strategic diversification to limit Sika sets defined standards for risk provisions that market- and customer-related risks. Geographical are binding for its production and logistics opera- diversification is tremendously important in the tions. They are part of a Group-wide management locally based construction industry, given the some- system and are displayed together with the statutory times contrary business trends witnessed in this regulations in the management system of each site. sector in the different regions of the world. Customer For this purpose, Sika production companies are cer- diversification – no single customer accounts for tified to DIN EN ISO 14001 (environmental protection) more than 1.5% of Sika’s turnover – is another stabiliz- and 9001 (quality), and many already to OHSAS 18001 ing factor. As a further safeguard against economic (safety and health). Detailed information on certifica- fluctuations, Sika operates both in the new-build tions of Group companies can be found on page 128 ff. sector and in the less cyclical renovation and mainte- nance market. The risks potentially posed by products are minimized through the implementation of binding procedures Financial risks governing product development and refinement – The purpose of financial risk management is to opti- the so-called product creation process and product mize funding and achieve a liquidity position geared maintenance process. Both processes are subject to to payment of obligations. Liquidity is ensured by highly stringent controls. The issues addressed relate, means of three long-term bonds, two to the value of on one hand, to ecology and safety in development, CHF 250 million maturing in 2013 und 2016 and one for production, and product handling, and, on the other, CHF 300 million maturing in 2014. to market opportunities and intellectual property protection. Sika Annual Report 2011 11 → Investing in Sika


is the Standard & Poor’s A rating for Sika Liquidity is optimized by means of a cash pooling arrangement. For selected activities in the treasury area, Sika relies on additional third-party services. Sika also manages its net working capital with the utmost prudence and, through a cost structure dove- tailed to the prevailing market conditions, ensures adequate cash generation at all times. Sika attaches high priority to open and cost-efficient access to capital markets. Of significance here is the Standard & Poor’s rating A-/stable (long-term).

Financial risk management is described in detail on page 117 ff of this Report. 12 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Strategy & Focus To generate growth in clearly defined markets by means of new products, energy- and cost-efficient solutions, and

Strategy & Focus

targeted acquisitions. Key strategy is to focus on core competencies – sealing, bonding, damping, reinforcing and protec­ ting – and emerging markets, in tandem with uncompromising brand management and innovation. One-third of Sika’s sales comes from products that have been on the market for less than 5 years. CHF 77.7 million was spent on research and deve­ lopment, whose aim is to boost sustainability through the more efficient use of energy, water and materials plus a longer service life. Sika’s firm commitment: to become the number 1 in all its target markets. Sika Annual Report 2011 13 → Strategy & Focus

A trademark for innovation, quality and service. Sika constantly seeks to exploit growth potential in all its target markets in order to achieve market leadership and create sustainable growth.

Group Strategy � Particularly crucial for Sika are the emerging markets of Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and parts of Asia. To capitalize on the momentum in Vision these rapidly growing markets – where the potential With its range of process materials for sealing, bond- for structural growth is far from exhausted – the ing, damping, reinforcing and protecting load- company relies on cost-effective solutions for early bearing structures, Sika strives for leadership in market development. At the same time, investment clearly defined target markets. in the training of both employees and customers paves the way for the introduction of new, more effi- Sika’s target markets are: cient technologies and improves market penetration. – Concrete production – Elastic sealing and bonding Sustainable development and values – Waterproofing Sustainable development is for Sika not a goal that – Roofing systems can be achieved immediately, but a continuous pro- – Flooring systems cess of optimization, adaptation to customer needs – Refurbishment and strengthening and innovation. That is why Sika is constantly on the – � Industrial manufacturing search for possible refinements, for ways of further- (primarily motor vehicle production) ing the good of the company, its customers and the environment. For Sika, responsibility to shareholders, Sika provides its customers with innovative solutions market players and the general public is fundamental that boost the efficiency, durability and aesthetic to sustainable business activities. Sika acts in accord- appeal of buildings, infrastructure facilities, installa- ance with common values that form the basis for the tions and vehicles, throughout production and use, company's sustainable development. and thereby makes a substantial contribution to sustainable development. Sika pursues a double-pronged sustainability strategy: – �it seeks to design products and services that meet Market potential and strategy the demand for efficient, sustainable solutions in Despite being global market leader in the construction the target markets; chemicals sector, Sika does not yet hold the number – �it continuously refines its own operations in line one position in all its target markets. Sika’s core target with sustainable practice and backs this up by markets alone offer potential in the order of CHF 50 suitable investment in sustainability on the basis billion. Sika systematically leverages the growth of economic principles. potential in its target markets. The company draws on its innovative power, for instance, to meet the rising demand for energy-efficient and cost-effective solutions in both the construction and industrial manufacturing sectors. This has led to the develop- ment of new roofing systems that vastly improve the energy performance of buildings and state-of-the- art, low-weight, time-saving adhesives for vehicle production – to name just two examples. As globali- zation proceeds, the ability to deliver comprehensive integral solutions for globally operating key accounts and large-scale projects is a crucial success factor. 14 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Strategy & Focus

The Sika brand stands for quality and consistency. Sika is a strong brand. It allows the Group to present a consistent identity in all target markets and with all products.

The Sika Brand � The umbrella brand Sika together with some 600 Sika product trademarks, such as Sikaflex®, Sika® Visco- Crete®, SikaBond® or Sarnafil®, sharpen the company’s Sika as a brand competitive edge. Hence the crucial role of trademark Branding lends products a distinct identity and as- protection as a management task, performed both sociates them with a specific set of values. This fact globally, at Group level, and locally, at national level. was recognized early in Sika’s history by founder In total, Sika held 15 680 trademark registrations in Kaspar Winkler, who coined the company’s name and 160 countries at the end of the period under review. designed its logo. The considerable standing acquired Sika AG continuously monitors its trademarks and by the Sika brand over the years is a tribute to this takes consistent legal action in cases of infringement. farsightedness. Having changed only slightly since its creation, the logo epitomizes continuity and solidity. Marketing It is recognized across the globe as synonymous The company catchword “Know-how from Site to with innovation, quality and service. Nearly as old Shelf” encapsulates the principles behind Sika’s as the company itself, the combined word/picture distribution business: Sika exclusively sells high- trademark has proved a valuable asset through- grade products boasting a track record of top per- out the world during the Sika Group’s decades-long formance on the world’s largest job sites and expansion. Both the word “Sika” and the logo, with available from builders’ merchants’ shelves in uni- its familiar red and yellow hues, are readily accepted form quality. Customers around the world, both across all cultural boundaries. large and small, reap the benefits of superior qual- ity. “From Roof to Floor”, another company slogan, Worldwide trademark protection this time underscores the wide variety of applica- Given the high awareness of the Sika brand, particu- tions covered by the Sika range. Sika’s products and larly the graphic trademark, the company attaches systems deliver prime solutions for every phase of high priority to a consistent and standardized use of construction. the logo, and verifies compliance with the associated corporate image guidelines. Customers throughout the world can rest assured that they will receive Sika quality and service wherever they see the Sika logo. The various attempts, in recent years, to copy the logo only serve to underline its enormous intangible value for the company. Sika Annual Report 2011 15 → Strategy & Focus

Individual solutions for global requirements. Sika’s growth strategy focuses on four customer groups, whose varying requirements are conscientiously met at global, regional and local level.

Customers & Markets � Builders’ merchants (“Distribution”) play a more or less prominent role in different countries, depending on the traditional organization of the construction Customers sector. In some countries, the smaller tradesmen’s Sika’s marketing, service and sales operations are businesses obtain materials from building supplies geared to four key customer groups, each with its stores, while the larger contractors and specialist own special demands. applicators purchase their products directly from Sika. In other countries, builders’ merchant outlets Concrete producers (“Concrete”) need cost-opti- represent the principal distribution channel for mized solutions, purpose designed for the particular practically all users. In the latter case, merchants cement and application, and subject to individual also act in an advisory capacity and help tradesmen fine-tuning in ready-mixed and precast concrete to tackle the diverse challenges arising on the job plants, or on the job site. As a result, Sika’s business site. This function is particularly important for Sika success largely hinges on its presence in all relevant in the emerging markets, e.g. India or Latin America, local markets. Key account management is, however, given that merchants act as disseminators and pro- also playing an ever more important role due to the mote market penetration. increasingly globalized operations of major cement and concrete producers. Industrial customers (“Industry”) require Sika products that are tailored to their particular needs – and these Specialized applicators (“Contractors”) purchase Sika generally in larger volumes. Here, the focus tends to products, such as Sikaplan® or Sarnafil® polymeric be on bonding, reinforcing and soundproofing appli- sheet membranes, which they then incorporate as cations. Sika technologies are primarily employed in waterproof barriers in roof or basem*nt construc- the manufacture of automobiles, buses, trucks, rail- tions. They use liquid polymers to install industrial way cars and ships. Other sectors offering attractive flooring or protective coatings, and apply sealants sales potential include industrial window production, and adhesives to prevent water infiltration through wind turbines and solar power stations. structural joints or to bond wooden floor finishes. As these works are always part of a larger scheme, Sika offers its support and know-how to owners, architects, engineers and other involved parties at the earliest possible project stage. The professional counseling of all project parties is the key to success. 16 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Strategy & Focus

Regions Sika has grown continuously since its foundation in 1910. The first subsidiary outside Europe was estab- lished as early as 1932 in Japan.The Group was split into Regions at an early stage so as to allow the na- tional organizations to capitalize on synergies and set up further companies. The six Regions are headed by regional managers and effectively shape the compa- ny’s management structure. The regional managers are members of Group Management and assume line responsibility for their Region. The regional manage- ment structures encompass sales functions as well as the marketing and development activities geared to the customer groups.

In 2002, following strong growth, the Region Europe was segmented into the Regions Europe North and Europe South. The latest restructuring, in 2006, set out to exploit Sika’s full potential in the Middle East, where the company was thought to have under- performed for years. The grouping together of the Middle East with India and South and East Africa led to the creation of the new IMEA (India, Middle East and Africa) Region. The individual Regions’ develop- ment in the year under review is described in detail on page 30 ff and on page 123 ff. Sika Annual Report 2011 17 → Strategy & Focus

Sika established the first subsidiary 1932 outside Europe in Japan Worldwide Market Presence

Europe North Europe South North America Latin America IMEA Asia/Pacific Sales in CHF mn Sales in CHF mn Sales in CHF mn Sales in CHF mn Sales in CHF mn Sales in CHF mn � 1 336 813 614 507 264 777 � Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees � 4 997 2 318 1 491 2 101 1 224 3 123 �

Länder mit Sika Gesellschaft

Sika subsidiary Länder mit Verkaufsrepräsentant 18 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Strategy & Focus

Investment in a sustainable future. Products that have been on the market for a maximum of five years accounted for 32.7% of Sika sales in 2011. This success largely derives from the company’s strategic focus on the target markets, expert research and development management primarily geared to client projects, efficient development processes and a targeted response to the needs of the customer groups.

Products & Innovation � Bonding. Bonding ensures the permanent, elastic and structurally continuous connection of different materials. Innovative processes are used to bond Innovation and growth vehicle components, window assemblies or even Innovation is a key driver in the successful implemen- concrete bridge units weighing several tons. Sika’s tation of the company’s growth strategy. It makes a bonding technology enhances the safety of end major contribution to the achievement of an average products while increasing design freedom. These medium-term organic growth of 8 to10%. Research applications may also be used to optimize manufac- and development (R & D) enjoy an accordingly high turing processes and reduce cycle times. priority within the company. The R&D strategy adopted by Sika in recent years has yielded a high innovation Damping. Damping reduces vibrations of all frequen- rate, with numerous patents plus a host of new prod- cies in fixed and moving objects, thereby lowering ucts. Products that have been on the market for only resonance and noise emission in load-bearing struc- five years or less accounted for 32.7% of Sika sales in tures and cavities. The attenuation of noise, for the reporting year (previous year: 30.3%). instance, in vehicle interiors – in cars, on buses or on cruise ships – significantly increases the comfort of Core competencies drivers and passengers alike. One key factor for the success of Sika’s R & D work is its strategic focus on clearly defined core competen- Reinforcing. Reinforcing components are strategically cies, namely sealing, bonding, damping, reinforcing incorporated in structures to improve their resistance and protecting of load-bearing structures in building to static and dynamic loads. Applications range from and industry. lightweight window frames and crash-resistant car bodies to monumental concrete bridges. These solu- Sealing. Sealing minimizes the infiltration of gases tions can be used to strengthen existing and optimize and liquids through voids and cavities as well as the new-build load-bearing structures. transmission, spread or loss of heat. Large expanses of flat roofing, complex tunnel systems, damage- Protecting. Protective elements increase the durabil- prone water-retaining structures and sophisticated ity of load-bearing structures and help to preserve wall-cladding assemblies are durably weatherproofed the fabric of new and renovated facilities. Sika’s solu- and made resistant to temperature fluctuations, aging tions guarantee long-term protection for concrete and vibration – thereby enhancing the functionality and steelwork assemblies against climatic conditions, and comfort of the interior environment. chemical action, pollution and fire. Sika Annual Report 2011 19 → Strategy & Focus

% of sales in 2011 was generated by products that have been on the market for a maximum 32.7 of five years Research strategy Corporate expert teams play a crucial role in the At Sika, research and development are dictated by management of research and development projects. two main factors. The first of these relates to global These global teams include representatives from trends driven by the principles of sustainable wide-ranging corporate functions, such as purchasing, development, such as the demand for resource- development, fabrication, marketing and logistics. saving building methods, energy-efficient construc- They ensure that the different perspectives are given tion materials or lightweight vehicles. The second due consideration in projects and they assume re- relates to the considerable adaptation of products sponsibility for implementation in the Regions and necessary to meet local needs, which vary according Business Units. to the particularities of the construction industry in different countries – e.g. with regard to raw materi- The regional components of Sika’s research strategy als, climate or legal framework. Accordingly, Sika’s are entrusted to the eleven technology centers in research strategy has both centralized and decentral- America, Europe and Asia. These sites assume specific ized components. technology responsibilities and develop new prod- ucts and applications independently. The technology The centralized elements of the research strategy centers also support the global market launch of their are devolved to the subsidiary Sika Technology AG, innovations. For this, they liaise closely with regional which is responsible for long-term research pro- and local customer-oriented laboratories. This allows grams, analytical services and research manage- the swift adjustment of new products to local require- ment. The long-term research programs are geared ments, e.g. the fine-tuning of concrete admixtures to the technology road maps governed by the five to climatic conditions or to locally sourced aggregates megatrends (population growth in the emerging such as gravel or sand. The Sika technology centers countries, increasing urbanization, greater standardi- are also responsible for finding local raw materials so zation, mounting shortages of natural resources, as to minimize production costs and maximize supply and more intensive environmental protection). Here, security. the identification of new products, alternative raw materials and new production methods is only one aspect. Equally important is the refinement of existing products or their introduction in new fields of application. 20 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Strategy & Focus

Product Creation Process

Science Push Market Pull Obsolescene

Technology Creation Process

Equipment Creation Process Product Development Process

Trading Product Process Product Maintenance Process Elimination Process

R & D Corporate Operations Procurement Corporate Expert Teams

Collaborations Innovation In the field of basic research, Sika relies mainly Expenditure on research and development in the on collaborations with premier universities in Group in the year under review totaled CHF 77.7 Switzerland, the USA, Germany, Spain, France, China, million (2010: CHF 74.4 million), roughly equivalent India and other countries, with the focus being to 1.7% of sales (2010: 1.7%). The R & D budget was mainly on doctoral theses. Sika is also sponsoring a allocated in accordance with strategic priorities. professorship for sustainable construction at the ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) Zurich. The Sika Group’s Corporate Research & Development The combination of shared interests and geographic unit is aligned with the enterprise strategy and focuses proximity often spawns prompt, unbureaucratic on research into technology platforms and imple- solutions that bring obvious benefits for the company. mentation procedures for high-priority R & D projects At the same time, Sika is at pains to counteract the in the development departments. The seven-stage prevailing shortage of engineers and chemists in development process for products, the so-called certain countries by attracting suitable candidates Product Creation Process (PCP), is employed uniformly to the company. worldwide to ensure that new and patented products can be brought to market as quickly as possible. Yet, Sika is permanently engaged in a range of inter- apart from short time to market, Sika also aims for national projects such as the NanoCem consortium. high efficiency and strives to achieve cost leadership This European research network studies nanoscale for its products in all target markets. In collaboration and microscale phenomena that influence the per- with Corporate Operations, the R & D unit also con- formance of cementitious materials and the prod- tinuously works to streamline the comprehensive ucts and structures in which they are used. Sika also product range in order to consolidate, simplify and collaborates with its key suppliers and customers to lower the cost of marketing, production and distribu- promote innovation as early as possible in the supply tion processes. chain and pave the way for the use of tailored inter- mediate products. The regional technology support functions are re- sponsible for compliance with the PCP in their area Sika Technology AG participates in a range of projects and perform regular PCP audits to review process funded by the European Union or its member coun- quality. The audits ensure that employees always tries. These projects range from basic research into apply an up-to-date state of knowledge so as to meet sustainable chemistry to process and application the high standards specified by Sika and that local development. chemists are kept abreast of the latest technologies. At the same time, innovative ideas from the Regions Sika Technology AG is also active in the United Nations are collected and leveraged for the Group. Sustainable Buildings and Climate Initiative (SBCI), whose aim is to establish sustainable building prac- tices worldwide. Sika Annual Report 2011 21 → Strategy & Focus

Expenditure as % of Research & Development net sales

in CHF mn in %

100 � 2.0

80 1.6

60 1.2

40 0.8

20 0.4

0 0

07 08 09 10 11

2011 saw Sika launch onto the market a number of new important products, which include the following: – �Unique one-component structural polyurethane adhesives for automotive industry, combining advantages of i-Cure technology, proprietary Booster system and ultra-high-modulus adhesives – � New generation of reinforcer technology and high-expansion (2000%) baffles for profile extrusion in automotive industry – �Aluminum-compatible, crash-resistant SikaPower® products for lightweight construction in auto- motive industry – �Next generation of polyurethane/cementitious industrial flooring (PurCem®) with high load capacity – �Liquid polyurethane membrane for European and Latin American markets – �New shotcrete accelerator, tailored to raw materials situation in emerging markets – �ViscoCrete®-based concrete plasticizer for major markets, specifically China and Japan – �Hot-melt adhesives for bonded roof membranes and for connecting polar and nonpolar substrates – �New i-Cure curing technology for Sikaflex® flooring adhesives

Patents In 2011, Sika filed for 70 patents (2010: 60) and made 75 invention disclosures (2010: 82). 22 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Strategy & Focus

Responsibility for the future. Climate change, population growth, energy costs, raw materials and water shortages – these are some of the global megatrends and challenges that are set to change our society in the decades ahead. At the same time, these developments act as powerful drivers for new technologies and solutions.

Sustainable Development � For Sika, ecological efficiency means delivering equivalent or better solutions while consuming less material and energy. This necessitates innovation Sika pursues a double-pronged sustainability in both materials and application techniques, backed strategy: up by suitable methods to assess the environmental – �It seeks to design products and services that meet impact of products and works. the demand for efficient, sustainable solutions in the target markets; Commitment – �It continuously refines its own operations in line With a corporate history spanning over 100 years, with sustainable practice and backs this up by Sika is all the more committed to sustainable develop- suitable investment in sustainability on the basis ment as a guiding principle. In active pursuit of the of economic principles. associated economic, ecological and social aims, the company has for many years participated in the Challenges and megatrends chemical industry’s Responsible Care sustainability The commitment to sustainable development de- program. It is also a signed member of the UN Global manded by the global challenges and megatrends has Compact corporate responsibility initiative, the precipitated changes in the economic environment. Carbon Disclosure Project and the World Business Buildings, infrastructure facilities, installations and Council for Sustainable Development, and honors the vehicles are now constructed and used differently associated objectives and obligations. from in the past. Low-energy houses and cars, for ex- ample, are increasingly becoming the norm. The rising Sustainability in the value chain demand for sustainable products is changing both Sika’s mission statement specifies the following: “Our Sika’s target markets and the requirements placed on aim is to address environmental and safety concerns its products. Sika is determined to help shape these throughout the value chain.” To increase the sustain- change processes proactively through innovation. ability of its own activities, Sika this year launched a Top priority is given here to sustainably developed global three-year program for safety and efficiency. and manufactured products that enhance durability The program focuses on the reduction of work acci- and promote the efficient use of energy, water and dents, on the efficient use of energy and water, and materials. The following challenges are particularly on materials use and waste avoidance at Sika sites. relevant to Sika: Sika targets a considerable reduction in the number – � Climate change and regulation of the carbon of accidents over the next three years together with economy substantial cuts per manufactured unit in energy use, – Population growth and urbanization water consumption or waste production, as appropri- – Energy costs and repercussions for climate ate for the particular site. – � Raw materials and water shortages as well as poor water quality Sika Annual Report 2011 23 → Strategy & Focus

national subsidiaries of Sika have participated 40 in the Responsible Care program since 1992 Subsidiaries in some 40 countries have participated in the chemical industry’s Responsible Care program since 1992. As of the year under review, the majority of the manufacturing companies boast certified environmental management systems, while 25 sites have achieved OHSAS:18001 (occupational health and safety) certification.

Sika checks its production facilities for risks to staff and local residents, monitors damage and stoppages, and makes continuous efforts to improve safety. Internal audits and controls guarantee compliance with the specified rules and procedures.

One cornerstone of sustainable corporate manage- ment is the provision of basic and advanced training for employees. The wide-ranging courses deal with raw materials handling, occupational safety, statutory regulations as well as product packaging, labeling and transport.

Product sustainability Sika sets out to undertake objective, transparent and comparative assessments of the sustainability of its products – not only in manufacture, but throughout their life cycle. These analyses may pinpoint neces- sary improvements for existing products. They may also deliver important insights into raw materials, production processes or application efficiency and thereby promote innovation and optimize the devel- opment of new products.

24 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Strategy & Focus

Stronger growth in target markets. Acquisitions are a key plank of Sika’s growth strategy in that they enable the company to complement its core business areas with related technologies or improve its access to target markets. Through capacity expansion fine-tuned to market demands and investment in plant efficiency, the Group ensures the consolidation of its global growth potential.

Acquisitions & Investments � 280 km southwest of Beijing in Hebei Province. The company enjoys a strong market position, has an ex- tensive sales network and benefits from the well-known Acquisition strategy Jiuqiang brand name in the Chinese market for pow- Organic growth, i. e. growth driven by entrepreneurial der concrete admixtures. The new partnership will endeavor, is at the core of Sika’s corporate strategy. enable Sika to expand its market position in China This organic growth is compounded by carefully and supply the construction industry in this dynamic targeted external growth. This offers a useful way of region with a wide range of products and technologies. closing existing gaps in access to the target markets and consolidating fragmented markets. Particularly In the course of the ongoing reorganization in the in North America, Asia and parts of Latin America, Middle East, Sika established a regional holding com- Sika pursues this policy as a means of steadily im- pany (Sika Arabia Holding Company WLL, Bahrain) proving its market position. At the same time, how- with its local partner. Sika holds a 51% stake. The pre- ever, the company seeks to strengthen or extend its vious associated company Sika Gulf B.S.C. was taken core business through the selective acquisition of over by the holding company and consolidated for the related technologies. Sika mainly finds these tech- first time as of June 30, 2011. nologies in small and medium-sized enterprises in Europe, the USA and some Asian countries. The fact At the start of July, Sika AG acquired BIRO Edwin that such businesses are usually unable to market Bischof AG in Romanshorn, Switzerland, a plastic their systems worldwide sooner or later proves an products manufacturer with strong skills in insurmountable barrier to growth. By acquiring such multicomponent injection molding. BIRO Edwin companies, the Sika Group, as a global player, is able Bischof AG produces components for the European to leverage their full potential. automotive industry, including sound-damping parts and reinforcers for bodywork structures. The Sika’s acquisition strategy typically involves the take - company has come under increasing pressure in over of small and medium-sized companies. The recent years as a result of the economic and finan- assessment of takeover offers is based on gained cial crisis. BIRO Edwin Bischof AG has been producing experience and competencies as well as clearly de- parts for the automotive industry on Sika’s behalf fined processes. Given that, in most cases, acquired for over ten years. By acquiring the company, Sika companies are fully incorporated in the Group, Sika is thus ensured that production would continue and at pains to ensure that this integration runs smoothly. that various supply commitments to its partners Sika therefore pays particular attention to the cor- would be honored. The move also allowed the Group porate culture of all takeover candidates prior to any to establish its own European center of excellence acquisition. for injection molding.

The Regions generally assume responsibility for July also saw Sika AG acquire Technokolla, a company the particular acquisition procedures. The process is based in northern Italy with a modern production supervised and coordinated at Group level. site at Sassuolo. Technokolla has a strong position in the Italian market for tile adhesive systems and also 2011 Acquisitions operates in the neighboring countries. Thanks to the In March of the year under review, Sika, through its new partnership, Sika will be able to capitalize on new Chinese subsidiary Sika (China) Ltd., acquired a ma- distribution channels to strengthen its market posi- jority stake in Hebei Jiuqiang Construction Material tion and supply the Italian construction industry with Co. Ltd., a leading provider of concrete admixtures an even wider range of products and technologies. in northern China. The company’s main plant is located Sika Annual Report 2011 25 → Strategy & Focus

Investments 2011

Capacity expansion 48%

Replacement 30%

Efficiency measures 16%

Quality/Environment 6%

0 10 20 30 40 50

At the end of August, Sika took over Colauto Adesivos This acquisition allows Sika to significantly strengthen e Massas Ltda, a Brazilian manufacturer of adhesives its market position in the relevant countries and expand and sealants as well as acoustic damping and struc- market share in the admixtures business worldwide. tural reinforcement elements for the fast-growing automotive and transport industry. Colauto enjoys 2011 Investments an excellent reputation as a customer- and solution- Sika’s unchanged investment strategy is geared to led company and ranks among the leading suppliers consolidating its global presence, built up during the of chemical process materials for the Latin American last few years, and unlocking new markets or expand- automotive sector. Acquisition of Colauto has pro- ing its activities to this end. To encourage focused vided Sika with ready access to this very promising growth, selected markets, customers, technologies growth market. and products are prioritized. Investment rose signifi- cantly year-on-year, especially in the growth markets The start of October saw Sika AG, through its Spanish of Asia and Latin America. Through its decentralized subsidiary Sika S.A.U., acquire full ownership of market development policy Sika is close to its cus- Comercial de Preresa S.A.U. (Copsa), a company tomers, and invests locally in production and logistics operating in the flooring, repair and reinforcement capacities. markets in Spain and Portugal. Sika had started col- laborating with Copsa several years previously after Investments in the year under review rose from buying a 35% stake in the company. The full takeover CHF 99.9 million to CHF 117.1 million, equivalent to will enable Sika to strengthen its position and pen- 2.6% of net sales. A key focus of investment was the etration in the Iberian market. expansion of production capacity in the emerging markets. The share of investment devoted to capac- Through its Canadian subsidiary, Sika took over ity expansion declined from 59% to 48%. The break- Duochem Inc. at the start of December. The company down of the remaining investment is as follows: 16% develops, manufactures and sells polymer flooring (2010: 16%) was used for rationalization, 30% (2010: and waterproofing products for the construction 18%) was needed to replace existing facilities, and 6% industry. Its core products include polymer flooring (2010: 7%) was spent on environmental protection, systems for a wide variety of applications together health and safety as well as quality control. with polyurethane waterproofing membranes and coatings used to protect parking decks and concrete Sika will continue to invest in those regions where structures. By acquiring Duochem Inc., Sika has the Group can tap into new markets and generate further bolstered its strong position in the Canadian growth. These include Latin America, Eastern market. Europe, China, India, the Middle East and Africa.

Shortly before the year-end, Sika took over Axim, the market name for the global concrete admixture and cement grinding aid business of the Italcementi Group. Operating several production units and sales organizations in Italy, France, the USA, Canada, Morocco and Spain, Axim offers a broad range of innovative products. Apart from concrete admixtures and cement grinding aids, these include specialized chemicals that enhance the performance of cement and concrete, as well as improve cement production efficiency. 26 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Performance Sales growth across all Regions: Asia/ Pacific +28.1%, North America +21.5%, Latin America +21%, IMEA +12.9%, Europe


North +11.3%, Europe South +4.2%. Total sales: CHF 4556.4 million, of which 36% was generated in the emerging markets. � Rising raw material prices, in particular, squeezed the gross margin and cut operating profit from the previous year’s CHF 439.2 million to CHF 347.1 million in 2011. The sustainability measures throughout the value chain showed impact: The energy requirement per ton of product sold fell from 616 to 595 megajoules. Sika views its prospects for 2012 with cautious optimism and stands by its medium-term growth target of 8–10%. Sika Annual Report 2011 27 → Performance

Sika stands by medium-term targets. Sika has defined medium-term financial targets that are tailored to the Group’s strategy of growth. These targets relate to sales objectives, profit, cash flow and return on capital employed (ROCE).

Group Report Targets �

Medium-term targets Results 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Growth in local currencies in % 8–10 13.0 5.9 -6.2 6.1 11.6 Operating profit before depreciation as % of net sales 12–14 13.9 12.0 13.0 13.1 10.5 Net profit as % of net sales >6 7.5 5.8 6.5 7.0 4.7 Operating free cash flow as % of net sales 4–6 4.2 3.6 8.9 7.5 4.1 ROCE* in % 20–25 26.0 20.3 19.3 21.3 15.6

* Return On Capital Employed, see also page 135

Financial targets Operative performance figures Sika’s financial targets are based on the company’s While Sika’s national companies conduct daily assess- growth strategy and factor in development costs in ments of key performance figures, the Group works the emerging countries. To be able to finance growth with monthly appraisals based on operating profit per requires a sound operating cash flow to sales ratio. region. Modern calculation tools facilitate the evalu- Growth is expected to produce a higher operating ation of cost and price trends as well as measures at profit in absolute figures. product and customer level. Moreover, customer relationship management (CRM) systems facilitate The Board of Directors regularly reviews the Sika the definition of customer-specific targets, the apprais- Group’s strategy and targets, and adjusts these as al of customer-specific performance, and the imple- appropriate. Sika’s medium-term targets envisage mentation of debtor analyses. Active working capital sales growth in local currencies of between 8 and 10% management helps to reduce costs and improve a year. Sika seeks to gain market share in its key sales performance. The introduction of a uniform ERP system markets and, in the longer-term, achieve a 20% share will pave the way for a further optimization of per- in all regions and target markets. formance fundamentals. 28 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Performance

Higher sales and lower profit. In the 2011 business year, Sika increased sales by 15.5% in local currencies. Owing to the huge rise in prices of raw materials, gross profit declined to CHF 2 304.6 million (previous year: CHF 2 384.9 million), which corresponds to a gross margin of 50.6%. Operating profit fell to CHF 347.1 million (previous year: CHF 439.2 million). Sika is confident that in the 2012 business year it will generate continued growth and improve margins.

Group Report Group � Sika increased sales of products for the building and construction industry by 16.3% in local currencies, with an acquisition effect of 4.2%. Sales of products Growth in all regions for industrial manufacturing increased 12.1% in local In the 2011 business year, Sika lifted sales by 15.5% currencies, including an acquisition effect of 2.3%. in local currencies. This figure includes an acquisition effect of 3.9%. Due to the negative exchange rate In the year under review alone the impact of exchange effects (-12.3%), sales in Swiss francs were only rate developments in the Swiss franc cost Sika around 3.2% up year-on-year, from CHF 4 416.0 million to CHF 545 million in sales (-12.3%). This corresponds CHF 4 556.4 million. almost exclusively to conversion effects. The Group’s decentralized organization and the fact that as a Sika expanded in all regions and witnessed strong rule purchasing, production, and sales occur in the growth in the emerging markets of Asia/Pacific and same currency area provide a good natural exchange Latin America. Sika also increased sales in the Region rate hedge. North America, gaining additional share in a fiercely competitive market. Europe North reported double- Profit development digit growth due to a mild winter and strong sales In the year under review material prices rose once in Germany, Poland and Russia, while Europe South again. As these can be passed on through sales prices was able to maintain growth in the single-digit range only with a time lag, gross margins remained under on the back of the markets in France and Great Britain. pressure. Thus, gross profit declined to CHF 2 304.6 Broken down by region, Sika expanded as follows in million (previous year: CHF 2 384.9 million), which 2011 in local currencies: Europe North + 11.3%, Europe corresponds to a gross margin of 50.6% (previous South + 4.2%, North America + 21.5%, Latin America year: 54.0%). Accordingly, operating profit fell to + 21.0%, IMEA (India, Middle East, Africa) + 12.9%, CHF 347.1 million (previous year: CHF 439.2 million), Asia/Pacific + 28.1%. Growth in North America and which resulted in an operating profit margin of 7.6% Asia/Pacific was significantly boosted by acquisitions, (previous year: 9.9%). Further efficiency improve- which accounted for 5.1% and 14.0% respectively. ments had a favorable effect of 0.8 percentage points on the items personnel expenses and other operat- In 2011 Sika acquired eight firms. Together these ing expenses, which partially mitigated the impact of companies generated annual sales of about CHF 233.6 high raw material prices. million in 2011, which is in line with Sika’s strategic target for nonorganic growth. Sika usually targets At CHF 214.8 million, net profit was down 30.8% on the companies for acquisition which provide it with better previous year (CHF 310.6 million). As a result of various market access or which possess technologies that are special effects, the high tax of 31.9% had a negative easy to market through Sika’s global sales network. impact on net profit. Furthermore, exchange rate ef- fects had a negative impact of about CHF 35 million In the year under review Sika generated 36% of its owing to the fact that headquarter costs are incurred sales in emerging markets. in Switzerland. Sika Annual Report 2011 29 → Performance

Net sales Operating profit Net profit Operating free (consolidated) before depreciation after taxes cash flow in CHF mn in CHF mn in CHF mn in CHF mn

5 000 750 500 500

4 000 600 400 400

3 000 450 300 300

2 000 300 200 200

1 000 150 100 100

0 0 0 0

07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11

Investments Sika’s unchanged investment strategy is geared to further consolidating the global presence it has established in recent years, developing new markets, and expanding existing activities. Owing to strong growth in the year under review, Sika expanded its investment volume year-on-year to CHF 117.1 million (2010: CHF 99.9 million). Further details are presented on page 125 of this Report.

Liquidity and balance sheet Despite the challenging business environment net working capital as percentage of net sales only in- creased slightly from 18.2% to 19.9%. Operating free cash flow of CHF 186.1 million in the year under review (previous year: CHF 332.2 million) coupled with higher acquisition activity resulted in lower cash and cash equivalents of CHF 536.0 million as of the end of the year (previous year: CHF 938.4 million). As a conse- quence, net debt rose to CHF 338.7 million, whereby a bond to the amount of CHF 275 million was repaid at the end of October and, in view of Sika’s solid cash position, was not renewed. 30 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Performance

Sika posted double-digit growth in local currencies in all regions except Europe South. Sika has expanded in all regions and witnessed strong growth in the emerging markets of Asia/Pacific and Latin America. Sika also increased sales in the Region North America, gaining additional share in a fiercely competitive market. Europe North reported double-digit growth thanks to weather conditions and solid support from Germany, Poland and Russia, while Europe South was able to maintain growth in the single-digit range thanks to the markets in France and Great Britain.

Group Report Regions � In many countries large infrastructure projects had a positive effect on Sika’s sales, e.g. the construction activity in connection with the European Football Europe North Championship in Poland and Ukraine in 2012. Sika recorded net sales of CHF 1336.2 million in the In Germany more industrial and commercial buildings Region Europe North (2010: CHF 1312.6 million). were constructed than in the previous year. Measured in local currencies, this is equivalent to a rise of 11.3% (currency effect: -9.5%). After weak results in the previous year, sales of roofing systems rose to a new all-time record in the With the Region Europe North market trends were Region Europe North. Sales of industrial flooring mixed: Whereas business activity in the Central systems also increased as the launch of new products European countries such as Hungary, Romania, and in 2010, in particular the Sika ComfortFloor range, the Czech Republic continued to slow, the markets began to bear fruit in 2011. in Western Europe enjoyed further expansion. This holds in particular for Germany and the Nordic states, In the industry business both motor vehicle produc- with the exception of Denmark. Germany’s auto- tion and the applications and components segment motive industry reported a record year. The markets posted strong double-digit growth. in Poland and Russia also experienced strong growth. Europe South In Central Europe lack of confidence is still widespread Sika recorded net sales of CHF 813.2 million in the among investors. Compared to the record year in Region Europe South (2010: CHF 874.1 million). 2008, foreign direct investment still persists at a Measured in local currencies, this is equivalent to very low level, not least because of the euro crisis. rise of 4.2% (currency effect: -11.2%). In addition, there has been a sharp rise in the risk of insolvency among customers. There has also been Several economies in the Region Europe South suffered a striking deterioration in customers’ payment be- enormously as a result of the euro crisis. The consider - havior in general. Through consistent management able economic uncertainty in Greece, Portugal, Sika has been able to avoid payment defaults and Ireland, Spain, and Italy and the austerity measures exclude longer payment terms. introduced by the respective governments weighed heavily on domestic demand, private investment, and Compared to 2010, the construction industry bene- consumption. In many states the high level of unsold fited from good weather conditions throughout the real estate further dampened building activity. region. For example, with the winter much milder than in the previous year, numerous construction Although less susceptible to crises, development of projects were started unusually early. the maintenance and refurbishment segment were at best stable in most countries in the Region Europe All of the construction industry markets relevant for South. Cement consumption rose by 5% in France Sika experienced marked price increases in raw and Great Britain. More cement was also consumed materials, particularly in the first half of the year. Sika in Serbia, Morocco, and Algeria than in the previous was able to implement the necessary price increases year. By contrast, cement consumption fell by 10% in with a time lag, i.e. only in the second half of the year. Italy, by 15% in Spain and Portugal respectively, and by at least 35% in Greece and Bulgaria. Sika Annual Report 2011 31 → Performance

Net sales Net sales Europe North Europe South

in CHF mn in CHF mn

2 000 2 000

1 600 1 600

1 200 1 200

800 800

400 400

0 0

07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11

In view of the decrease in demand, many competitors North America tried to retain market share by adjusting their prices. In the Region North America Sika recorded net sales At present the market for roof membranes and wa- of CHF 614.4 million (2010: CHF 586.3 million). Mea- terproofing membranes is one of the most fiercely sured in local currencies, this is equivalent to rise of contested because of capacity that has recently come 21.5% (currency effect: -16.7%), with an acquisition on stream. In construction a number of competi- effect of 5.1%. tors are withdrawing from rapidly shrinking markets, which offers stronger players, such as Sika, opportu- The euro and sovereign debt crisis in Europe and nities to gain market share. fears of lower production in China also unsettled the markets in the Region North America. In the first Despite market uncertainties, Sika was able to in- half of the year the real estate market virtually stag- crease sales in the Region Europe South by 4.2% in nated and investment in construction was sluggish. local currencies. For instance, Sika France gained Although export companies benefited from the weak market share in the fields of ready-mix concrete and dollar and posted record profits, they, too, have put heavy precast concrete components, increasing their investment plans on hold. In the second half of overall sales by about 20%. Sika UK increased sales in the year consumer confidence improved significantly, the concrete business by almost 30%. Thanks to new reaching its highest level in December. Car sales and infrastructure projects in Serbia, Sika almost doubled construction investment picked up and residential sales of concrete admixtures. construction rebounded on the back of low mortgage rates and higher confidence among consumers. Pub- As in the previous year, contractors and distributors lic sector consumption also increased. (builders’ merchants) were the main drivers of growth in the Region Europe South. Business in these Because of higher global demand and the currency fields was up by 30% in France and by 15% in Great effect on the oil price, raw material prices remained Britain. high in the year under review. Owing to fierce com- petition, Sika was able to pass on price increases only Sika’s business with industrial customers rose by with a time lag, i.e. in the second half of the year. almost 4% – driven by the national subsidiaries in Great Britain, France, and Spain. In the field of roofing systems Sika North America posted record sales figures. This is due on the one Through its investment in an i-Cure production plant hand to significant pent-up demand and on the other at its Incorez subsidiary in Preston, Great Britain, Sika to the growing recognition among US and Canadian is now in the position to manufacture this important customers of the savings offered by Sika roofing admix, which is crucial for the production of low- systems coupled with good thermal insulation. White emission, high-performance polyurethane adhesives. roofs with optimal reflection of solar radiation and Furthermore, to strengthen its market position, Sika plant-covered green roofs enjoyed growing popularity. France has invested in a new mortar factory.

Moreover, new sites in Angola, Kosovo, and Montenegro further bolstered the company’s market position. 32 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Performance

Net sales Net sales North America Latin America

in CHF mn in CHF mn

2 000 2 000

1 600 1 600

1 200 1 200

800 800

400 400

0 0

07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11

Sika North America was able to increase sales in the To meet the increased volume of orders from the field of concrete production by 15% year-on-year automotive industry, Sika North America also invest- and achieve substantial gains in market share. Total ed in new production machinery for the plant market volume was more or less unchanged. In the in Grandview, USA. year under review Sika North America won contracts for four new power plant projects: two wind power Latin America projects, a solar power project, and, in the field of In the Region Latin America Sika recorded net sales hydropower, a further expansion phase of the San of CHF 507.3 million (2010: CHF 477.8 million). Mea- Vincent Dam near San Diego, California. In addi- sured in local currencies, this is equivalent to rise of tion, Sika will supply all the structural waterproofing, 21.0% (currency effect: -14.8%). formwork, and concrete admixtures for the famous Gilboa Dam in New York. In Texas Sika successfully Latin America’s economy expanded rapidly in the first completed five road building projects. half of the year. Brazil, the biggest economy in this region, grew particularly strongly. Thanks to its large Part of this success is attributable to the acquisition domestic market, relatively stable financial system, of Greenstreak in 2010, a reputable company that and a consistent economic policy, the country at- enables Sika to improve early access to projects and tracted large inflows of foreign investment. However, more actively promote cross-selling. In its first full this trend changed in the second half of the year: In year in the Sika Group, Greenstreak’s sales expanded Brazil industrial production and domestic consump- by more than 20%. tion sank, and in most other countries in the region economic activity also slowed. Sika also achieved remarkable sales success in its industrial business, in particular in the automotive In the first half of 2011 the leading currencies in Latin industry and in window production. Although the America appreciated against the US dollar as a result overall market expanded by about 10%, Sika North of the debt crisis in the USA. One consequence was America increased sales to automotive industry lower import prices, which helped Latin American customers by 30%. A particularly prestigious sales countries to offset increases in the prices of raw success is the contract for the jointing technique for materials. In the second half of the year, however, the 300 000 square meters of glass cover for the new local currencies once again depreciated against the One World Trade Center in New York, which will be dollar and the euro. Some countries in the region the highest building in the United States when it is are still struggling with very high inflation. Venezuela completed in 2013. and Argentina have inflation rates in excess of 25% and Brazil a rate of 6%. Toward the end of the year under review, Sika North America acquired the Boucherville, Quebec-based Sika reported a sharp increase in sales of construction company Duochem Inc., which develops, manufac- products, particularly in the first half of the year. tures, and sells polymer flooring and waterproofing The company achieved excellent performance in the products for the construction industry, and the North infrastructure projects and concrete production American operations of the global concrete admixture segments. Developments in the builders’ merchant and cement grinding aid business of the Italcementi business were also very positive. Group, which trades under the brand Axim. Sika Annual Report 2011 33 → Performance

Net sales Net sales IMEA Asia/Pacific

in CHF mn in CHF mn

2 000 2 000

1 600 1 600

1 200 1 200

800 800

400 400

0 0

07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11

Sika Colombia reported outstanding results for the In Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and India Sika grew by be- 2011 business year, further strengthening its market tween 20% and 30%, gaining market share in the position in the construction sector. process. This rapid growth was almost enough to off- set the loss of sales incurred by Sika in the countries In the year under review Sika also expanded in indus- affected by political turmoil. trial markets, though less strongly. With the acquisi- tion of Colauto in Brazil, Sika was able to gain needed Sika’s sales soared by more than 20% in its target production capacity in this segment and improve markets waterproofing and sealing and bonding. market access. Sika made capital investments in regions with sig- In the period under review, Sika Latin America also nificant market potential and high sales, particularly made substantial investments in strengthening the India and Turkey, but also East Africa. Despite lower production chain, including the expansion of the demand, Sika did not reduce its workforce in Egypt, existing works in São Paulo and the construction of Bahrain, and Lebanon in the year under review so as a new factory in northeastern Brazil. Sika also in- to be prepared for the expected economic upturn. creased and further optimized production capacity in Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Argentina, and Sika established new national subsidiaries in Kenya Uruguay. and Pakistan. In addition, Sika acquired the major- ity shareholding in Sika Gulf B.S.C in Bahrain, which A number of Latin American countries are showing manufactures concrete admixtures and ready-to-use signs of political instability. In addition, it is becoming mortar to supply countries in the region. increasingly difficult to repatriate money from Venezuela and Argentina. Sika is closely monitoring Asia/Pacific the situation here and, wherever possible, taking Sika recorded net sales of CHF 776.7 million in the steps to minimize risks and dependencies. Region Asia/Pacific (2010: CHF 661.0 million). Mea- sured in local currencies, this is equivalent to rise of IMEA 28.1% (currency effect: -10.6%). Sika recorded net sales of CHF 263.9 million in the Region India, Middle East, Africa (2010: CHF 285.3 The Region Asia/Pacific had to contend with several million). Measured in local currencies, this is equiva- natural catastrophes in 2011: the earthquake and lent to rise of 12.9% (currency effect: -20.4%). tsunami in Japan, the earthquake in New Zealand, and floods in Australia, Thailand, the Philippines, and On account of political unrest in North Africa and Cambodia. Each of these catastrophes negatively parts of the Arab world, Sika reported substantial impacted the respective local economy. setbacks in sales in these countries: Business in Libya came to a complete halt, in Egypt the construction sector shrank by 60%, and the revolt in Syria para- lyzed the economy, which negatively impacted the entire region. The uprising in Bahrain also strained the confidence of foreign investors. 34 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Performance

The Chinese economy was in good shape, continuing Aside from high structural growth, Sika’s business in to expand in the year under review, notwithstanding China benefited from the increase in the range the efforts of the government to cool the real estate of locally manufactured products and continuing geo- sector and other overheated markets. Increases in graphic expansion. At the beginning of 2011 Sika ac- banks’ minimum reserve requirements and the quired Hebei, a manufacturer of concrete admixtures temporary suspension of construction on the country’s in northern China, making Sika one of the biggest high-speed rail network had a negative effect on suppliers of concrete admixtures in China. the construction sector in the fourth quarter of 2011. Performance in Southeast Asia varied from country New marketing offices and additional production to country. While the markets in Indonesia, Malaysia, facilities in Chengdu, Chongqing, and Xian strength- and Singapore continued to grow, the Thai economy ened Sika China’s presence in the west of the country. faltered on account of political uncertainties in the In Japan Sika created additional production capacity first half of the year and the floods in the second half. to secure the local supply chain. Vietnam suffered from high inflation and the depreci- ation of the local currency. The economies in the OECD countries (Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and South Korea) gradually recovered; in Japan spending on construction rose after the tsunami and in Australia investment in commercial construction rose strongly.

Sika again experienced strong growth in the Region Asia/Pacific in the year under review and gained market share in all key markets. In Japan Sika was able to achieve a significant increase in sales. The employees of Sika Japan demonstrated enormous commitment in difficult circ*mstances and were able to satisfy the heavy demand of the local market. Dyflex, which Sika Japan acquired in the previous year, turned in a solid performance and its new prod- ucts promise to improve market access in the field of waterproofing. Sika Annual Report 2011 35 → Performance

Sika stands by its medium-term growth target of 8 – 10%. Sika expects challenging market conditions to continue in 2012, but remain cautiously optimistic.

Group Report Outlook � Sika will continue to consistently pursue its acqui- sition strategy in 2012 by focusing on expanding market access and acquiring technologies that it Developments in Europe are still overshadowed by lacks and which can be globally marketed through uncertainty. Sika will counter this uncertainty with an its network. enhanced focus on customers and, where necessary, strict cost controls. The economy in North America Sika affirms that its medium-term growth targets has stabilized at a low level; Sika forecasts renewed remain unchanged in 2012. These envisage an in- growth driven by infrastructure and refurbishment crease in sales in local currencies of between 8 and contracts. The emerging markets, with isolated 10% annually with an EBITDA margin of between exceptions, will continue to grow rapidly. In addition, 12 and 14%. Sika seeks to gain market share in its the significance of the Asian markets continues to key sales markets, with the longer-term goal of be- rise; their potential for structural growth has not coming the market leader in all target markets. been exhausted by a long way.

Toward the end of 2011 the upward trend in raw material prices started to tail off. Moreover, Sika’s price increases started to bear fruit in the second half of 2011. These two factors will positively impact the company’s operating profit margin in 2012. 36 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Performance

Responsibility for the future. Global megatrends, such as energy and raw materials shortages, urbanization and population growth, are confronting companies and communities with major economic, social and ecological challenges. At the same time, these developments act as powerful drivers for the technologies and solutions of tomorrow. As a technology-based company and market leader in its target markets, Sika regards this as an opportunity.

Sustainability Report and Social Responsibility Environment, safety and health � Investment in safety and environmental protection: In the reporting year, Sika invested some CHF 6.5 Sika addresses environmental and safety concerns million in technical equipment for environmental pro- throughout the value chain and adopts the widely tection (previous year: CHF 6.5 million). Stepped-up used GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) system in the efforts over the past few years, above all the increased report. In meeting its social responsibility, Sika honors use of state-of-the-art equipment, have borne fruit the principles of the UN Global Compact. and enabled Sika to reduce replacement investments. Current expenditure stood at CHF 21.9 million (previ- To promote sustainability, transparent data and infor- ous year: CHF 24.0 million). Worldwide, the number of mation are needed on products and works along the full-time employees in the field of environment, health, entire value chain. safety and sustainability exceeded 100.

To collect the necessary data and information, Sika Health and safety: At 13.3 per 1 000 employees in 2011 launched the following activities: (previous year: 14.9 per 1 000 employees), the – �Development of a method to measure product number of occupational accidents in the reporting sustainability in line with international life-cycle year with over one day’s lost working time was assessment (LCA) standards, e.g. from the slightly down year-on-year. Due to shorter absences ISO 14040 series. after accidents, the number of days lost per million – �Measurement and improvement of sustainability workdays fell to 1 050 (previous year: 1 296). in Sika’s own value chain through a global program to boost safety and efficiency in terms of energy Energy use: Energy consumption in the reporting and raw materials. period totaled 1 505 terajoules, thereby rising year- – �Introduction of new information systems on on-year (previous year: 1 259 terajoules). Given the product safety to provide users with much more approx. 16% rise in production volumes in the report- detailed product information. ing year, energy use per manufactured ton remained more or less static. Half of Sika’s energy requirement The following facts and figures relate to Sika’s global was met by electrical power (previous year: 60%). business operations in 2011, excluding those sites As in the previous year, a further quarter of demand acquired during the last three years. Most new ac- was covered by natural gas, the rest by heating oil quisitions initially undergo a program to boost their and, to a small extent, by district heating. The energy sustainability performance. The extent of operations requirement per ton of product sold fell to 595 mega- covered by the report for the year under review was joules (previous year: 616 megajoules). equivalent to 97% of total sales (previous year: 96%). The sustainability indicators are consistent with the widely used GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) system. Sika Annual Report 2011 37 → Performance

Investments in Expenditures for environment and safety environment and safety

in CHF mn in CHF mn

10 � 25

8 20

6 15

4 10

2 5

0 0

07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11

Atmospheric emissions: In the reporting year, CO₂ Around one-third of waste, particularly that from emissions resulting from the use of primary energy polymer and mortar production, is reclaimed and sources (Scope 1) ran to 31 000 tons (previous year: recycled. Waste from the manufacture of polymer 29 000 tons). Primary energy consumption is depen- membranes, for example, is granulated and reintro- dent on the product mix and energy type, and varies duced into production. accordingly. Production and products CO₂ emissions from consumption of purchased Under the banner “Innovating Performance and electricity (Scope 2): 2011 is the first year for which Sustainability”, Sika seeks to enhance the outstand- Scope 2 emissions have been reported. The consump- ing and widely appreciated utility of its products by tion of purchased electricity in the reporting year optimizing their sustainability profile, and so create entailed CO₂ eq. emissions of around 100 000 tons, added value for its customers. The following examples a figure some three times greater than the direct showcase Sika solutions that combine first-class per- emissions. This assessment is subject to a certain formance with high sustainability standards. degree of inaccuracy as it relies on unverified statis- tics regarding the energy mix for electricity gene- Saving energy and raw materials: Worldwide con- ration in the individual countries. Sika applies the sumption of fuels such as crude oil, coal and natural Greenhouse Gas Protocol formulae in its estimates. gas, and other resources such as water, iron ore and cement is constantly rising, driven by population Water use: Despite the rise in production volumes, growth and greater purchasing power. Yet these the Group’s water consumption remained static resources are limited. Their extraction is becoming at 2.0 million cubic meters. Cooling water is mainly increasingly expensive or is negatively impacting the obtained from the company’s own authority-approved climate. The efficient and purposeful use of these wells and returned, unpolluted, to the water cycle. resources is one of the greatest challenges to future Cooling water accounted for roughly two-thirds of growth. the company’s total water demand. The used water quantity fell to around 0.75 cubic meters per ton of Sika solutions for saving energy and raw materials: product (previous year: 0.90 cubic meters). – � Sika’s concrete admixtures for high-grade concrete incorporating recycled aggregates reduce the de- Materials use: Given the rise in production volumes, mand for gravel waste quantities were up on the previous reporting – � Special seals for argon-filled insulating glass units period, running to around 49 000 tons (previous year: and for bonding lighter windows improve the insu- 41 000 tons). Due to the changed product mix, some lation performance of low-energy buildings 19 kg waste arose per ton of product (previous year: – �Structural adhesives and polymer-based reinforcing 16 kg). The proportion of hazardous waste from pro- components for lighter automobiles help save fuel duction was nonetheless down year-on-year. 38 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Performance

Occupational Working days lost Energy consumption Energy consumption accidents in case of accidents

per 1 000 employees per mn working days in TJ in MJ per ton sold

25 � 1 500 1 500 � 1 000

20 � 1 200 1 200 800

15 900 900 600

10 600 600 400

5 300 300 200

0 0 0 0

07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11

Example: Saving energy with grinding aids. Sika For example, one Sika customer who needed 3 600 grinding aids for energy-efficient cement production cubic meters of concrete for the construction of a save approx. 64 megajoules per ton cement (0.035% gas storage tank opted to use the admixture Sika® dosage) compared to grinding performed without ViscoCrete®. The resulting 9% net reduction in these aids. Only around 10 megajoules of energy CO₂ emissions was in this case equivalent to 50 tons are consumed in the manufacturing chain for the of CO₂. Applied to the annual worldwide concrete grinding aids. This results in net savings of 54 mega- consumption of 5 billion cubic meters, this offers joules per ton cement, roughly equivalent to the potential cuts in the order of 72 million tons of CO₂, daily electricity consumption of a Swiss household. a figure roughly equivalent to the annual CO₂ emis- Extrapolated to the global cement demand of 3 294 sions of Austria. million tons in 2010, Sika grinding aids could theo- retically have achieved energy savings equal to the Saving water: The process of global population annual power consumption of around 6.5 million growth is making clean water an increasingly scarce households. commodity. The careful management of water con- sumption, purification and storage as well as waste- Cutting CO₂ emissions: The earth’s climate is changing water treatment is essential. Already today, a billion with manifold consequences for the whole world. people suffer from inadequate access to drinking This makes climate protection, in particular the con- water. tinuous reduction of greenhouse emissions, a crucial task for the future. Sika solutions for an adequate supply of clean water: – �Concrete produced with Sika® ViscoCrete® Sika solutions for climate protection: admixtures requires up to 15 % less water than – �Adhesives for the solar industry reliably bond very concrete mixed using standard procedures hot surfaces – �Waterproof concrete and interior coatings for – �Highly reflective polymeric roof membranes boost drinking water reservoirs reduce water losses the efficiency of solar installations and lower the – �Spray-applied waterproofing membranes for cooling demand in buildings watertight structures and wastewater treatment – �Offshore wind farms with special corrosion plants reduce contamination protection systems achieve longer service lives under rough conditions Example: Drinking water tanks. On the Jungfraujoch – � Viewed over their entire life-cycle, Sika Sarnafil® saddle, high up in the Bernese Alps, a Sika product roof membranes entail 30% lower CO₂ emissions was used to reinstate a drinking water tank. The than other less durable roofing sheets defective waterproof barrier had compromised the water quality due to contact with the concrete. The Example: Cutting CO₂ emissions with concrete ad- most straightforward and effective solution consisted mixtures. Concrete admixtures can be used to in relining the tank with Sikaplan® WT 4300-15C Felt reduce cement content without in any way impairing waterproofing membranes. the concrete quality. Large quantities of CO₂, which is emitted during the combustion of limestone in cement production, can thus be avoided. Sika Annual Report 2011 39 → Performance

CO₂ emissions Water consumption Waste disposal and reuse

in 1 000 tons in 1 000 cubic meters in 1 000 tons

50 � 2 500 50

40 � 2 000 40

30 � 1 500 30

20 1 000 20

10 500 10

0 0 0

07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11

Building sustainably: Astronomic sums are spent Memberships worldwide on infrastructure provision and mainte- UN Global Compact: Sika has participated in the nance. The rapid economic ascent of the emerging UN Global Compact network since 2009. The Global countries necessitates enormous investments in Compact principles enshrine a series of universally energy, transportation, water and health care. The accepted values in the areas of human rights, labor existing infrastructure in developed countries also standards, environmental protection and anticorrup- requires modernization. tion policy. Another United Nations initiative where Sika is engaged is the Sustainable Buildings and Sika solutions: Climate Initiative (SBCI), whose aim is to establish – � Construction chemicals, shotcreting machines and sustainable building practices worldwide. waterproof membranes allow efficient tunneling – � Composite materials can be used to strengthen World Business Council for Sustainable Develop - aging engineering structures such as bridges and ment (WBCSD): Sika has signed the WBCSD Manifesto substantially prolong their service life for Energy Efficiency in Buildings, thus committing -it – � Root-resistant polymeric roof membranes and self to the optimization of energy efficiency through- systems allow the installation of green roofs to out the value chain. The reporting year also saw improve the urban climate Sika participate, as sponsor, in the World Resources – �Special concrete repair mortars and resins consid- Forum in Davos. Sika participated with its expertise in erably extend the service life of bridges and con- a panel discussion on global resource consumption. crete structures Responsible Care: Sika honors the rules of the Example: Gotthard base tunnel. When inaugurated in Responsible Care program, a voluntary global ini- 2016, the new 57 km Gotthard base tunnel will be the tiative of the chemical industry. Through their world’s longest tunnel. For the tunneling operations national associations, companies work together through the Alps, Sika supplied concrete admixtures, to continuously improve their health, safety and waterproofing and shotcreting systems and machin- environmental performance. The Responsible Care ery, together with fire protection mortars. ethic encourages industry to operate with due con- sideration to future generations. Social responsibility In today’s world, social, economic and ecological Green building programs: Green building and issues are closely intertwined. Social responsibility is certification programs such as LEED (Leadership in the necessary concomitant of success. Mindful of Energy and Environmental Design) and BREEAM (BRE its obligations, Sika actively engages in sustainable Environmental Assessment Method) evaluate the and humanitarian development projects, either as sustainability performance of construction materi- a member of international organizations or directly als and buildings. Sika participates in programs and on the spot. schemes such as the German Seal of Quality for Sustainable Construction (DGNB) and the Green Globes in the USA. Sika also cultivates an active part- nership with the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). 40 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Performance

Activities The Juan XXIII children’s home in Chile, reconstructed Romuald Burkard Foundation: The Sika Board of by Sika in 2010 following its destruction by an earth- Directors established the Romuald Burkard Founda- quake, was reoccupied in the reporting year. The tion in 2005 in memory of Dr. Romuald Burkard, the official inauguration took place in December in the third-generation representative of the Winkler fam- presence of government representatives and the ily, which founded Sika. It provides financial support Swiss ambassador. Run by the nonprofit organiza- to social and ecological projects in countries in which tion Coanil, the home now houses 60 children. Sika Sika maintains subsidiaries. The projects focus on employees volunteered to help with the renovation the following areas: works. Total aid provided: CHF 215 000. – �Buildings and infrastructure that serve a social ( � or ecological purpose – �Technical training in construction professions Sika has also continued its sponsorship of YES (Youth and trades Encounter on Sustainability) courses worldwide. – Water projects with ecological and social objectives The courses, developed by a spin-off from the ETH � (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) Zurich, Sika seeks to promote on-the-ground self-help. The address various aspects of sustainable development local Sika companies are thus required to put forward and are geared to students. Total aid provided: specific aid applications and, working with local part- CHF 100 000. ners, supervise the projects on site up to completion. ( � Via the Romuald Burkard Foundation, Sika supported the following major projects in the year under review: ETH Zurich Foundation: Sika solutions help to cut CO₂ emissions in the construction sector and re- New Zealand was rocked by earthquakes in Septem- duce water consumption for concrete production. In ber 2010 and February 2011. Some 390 000 people in 2010, Sika underscored its commitment in this field the Christchurch region were affected by the disas- by sponsoring a new professorship for sustainable ters. Sika New Zealand provided the Red Cross with construction at the ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of on-the-spot assistance. Total aid provided: CHF 70 000. Technology) Zurich. Applications for the professor- ship were solicited in the reporting year. The partner- As in the previous year, Sika supported the activities ship will provide the ETH Zurich Foundation with ad- of nonprofit organization Operation Smile in Vietnam. ditional funding to the tune of CHF 7 million. Through Thanks to Sika’s donation, 66 children with facial its engagement, Sika is continuing its successful and deformities underwent successful operations at the wide-ranging partnership with the ETH in the fields of National Hospital for Odonto-Stomatology in Ho Chi chemistry, construction and materials science. Minh City in August 2011. A number of Sika employ- ees also assisted Operation Smile and the associated medical teams with their work on the ground. Total aid provided: CHF 95 000. ( Sika Annual Report 2011 41 → Performance

over Sika employees contributed with donations to their Japanese colleagues who had been directly 2000 affected by the tsunami Sika Experience: After the launch in 2010, its cente- Donation campaign for Japan: A devastating earth- nary year, Sika in 2011 continued the successful quake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale hit north- Sika Experience program, which is directed at eastern Japan in March 2011. Shortly after, a tsunami students and career starters. The program attracted engulfed entire coastal towns, wreaking enormous applications from over 300 candidates from across damage. In a concerted effort, Sika donated a total of the globe for an internship or a place on one of the CHF 400 000. This included some CHF 150 000 donated Sika Experience themed trips – “Fascination Glass” by over 2 000 Sika employees, with CHF 200 000 or “Concrete Technology”. At the end of 2011, in contributed by the Sika Group and CHF 50 000 by the collaboration with the Global Nature Fund and its Burkard family. The money went to the Japanese Red Colombian partner organization Fundación Cross, local organizations and those Sika employees Humedales, Sika organized and financed an intern- whose houses had been destroyed. ship at the Laguna de Fúquene. The research con- ducted is designed to help improve water quality Furthermore, various smaller donations were given to throughout the region, which depends on this sustainable and cultural organizations. natural reservoir for its drinking water. (

Donations Global Nature Fund: Sika supports the international Living Lakes environmental program of the Global Nature Fund (GNF). Comprising 70 partner organiza- tions from various lake regions across the globe, the Living Lakes network sets out to promote sustainable development and the protection of drinking water, lakes and wetlands. The initiative uses concrete models to demonstrate how, with the involvement of the local population, positive social and economic devel- opments can be achieved in different climatic zones and societies without any threat to nature and the environment. Total aid provided: CHF 60 000. ( 42 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Leadership Any claim to leadership demands leader­ ship qualities – both human and technical – from Sika management and employees


alike. Hence the top priority given by Sika to continuity, skills, responsibility, respect and trust. 2011 saw Sika invest some CHF 8.5 million in personnel development. Continuity is decisive: Succession planning centers on internal solutions. Skills training is based on “best demonstrated practices”. Respect and confidence are overriding principles and, given that Sika allows nobody to delegate their responsibilities, every one of the company’s 15300 employees knows that his or her contribution is vital in consolidating and extending Sika’s leadership position. Sika Annual Report 2011 43 → Leadership

Speaking the customer’s language. Sika’s organizational structure is heavily decentralized, a pivotal role being played by the management teams in the Regions and national subsidiaries. At all management levels, the focus is maintained on the four customer groups – three from the construction industry and one from the industrial manufacturing sector.

Organization & Leadership � Moreover, Sika’s internal organization is geared to four customer groups (see page 15). While the con- struction industry accounts for three of these, the fourth brings together customers from the industrial Organizational structure manufacturing sector. The relevant managers are Since its international expansion first began, Sika responsible for the definition and launch of new has organized its global activities by country. products, the implementation of demonstrated best The national units were later consolidated into practices, and the product-line and pricing policies Regions with higher-level management functions. for Group products, i.e. those offered worldwide The heads of the Regions are members of Group rather only within a particular country. Management. The regional and national manage- ment teams bear full profit and loss responsibility, and – based on the Group strategy – set country- specific growth and sustainability targets, and allocate resources.

The Regions, which may cut across continental boundaries, are defined on the basis of particular organizational, commercial and cultural factors. The Region IMEA (India, Middle East, Africa), for example, unites India with the countries of the Middle East due to the strong interdependence of their construction industries. The precise break- down of the Regions is shown on page 16. 44 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Leadership

Clearly defined structures. Stability and continuity are factors of entrepreneurial sustainability.As a company operating in a global arena, Sika places considerable emphasis on strong leadership within transparent structures.

Organizational Diagram

Board of Directors

Chief Executive Officer Jan Jenisch, lic. rer. pol.

Construction Europe North Contractors, Alexander Bleibler, Dipl. Bau-Ing. HTL Silvio Ponti, Dipl. Bau-Ing. ETH, MBA Distribution, Christoph Ganz, lic. oec. HSG Concrete, Ernesto Schümperli, Dipl. Bau-Ing. ETH, MBA

Industry Europe South Bruno Fritsche, BBA Hubert Perrin de Brichambaut, MBA

Research and Development IMEA Urs Mäder, Dr. rer. nat., Dipl. Chem. Ing. HTL Iven Chadwick, MBA

Finance North America Ronald Trächsel, lic. rer. pol. Paul Schuler, MBA

Operations Latin America Peter Krebser, Dr. sc. techn., Dipl. Chem. Ing. ETH José Luis Vázquez, Dr. Ing., MBA

Changes in Group Management: In the year under Asia/Pacific review Jan Jenisch was appointed new CEO and Heinz Gisel, MBA successor of Ernst Bärtschi. In addition Heinz Gisel was appointed new Regional Manager Asia/Pacific. Both take up their new position on January 1, 2012. Sika Annual Report 2011 45 → Leadership

Management by personality. Sika’s Group Management team is made up of personalities with a vast wealth of experience to draw on when serving the needs of their sector, their markets and their regions. Familiarity with both the theory and practice of their subject matter is the cornerstone of their management competence.

Group Management �

1 2 1 Jan Jenisch, 2 Silvio Ponti, 3 Alexander Bleibler, 4 Iven Chadwick,5 Bruno Fritsche, 6 Christoph Ganz, 7 Heinz Gisel, 8 Peter Krebser, 9 Urs Mäder, 10 Hubert Perrin de Brichambaut, � 11 Paul Schuler, 12 Ernesto Schümperli, 13 Ronald Trächsel, 14 José Luis Vázquez �

3 4 5

6 7 8

9 10 11

12 13 14 46 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Leadership

Jan Jenisch, lic. rer. pol. Iven Chadwick, MBA CEO Nationality: British, Year of birth: 1960, Member since Nationality: German, Year of birth: 1966, Member 2009; since 2007: Regional Manager IMEA, Sika AG, since 2004; since 2012: CEO; 2007–2011: Regional Baar; 2005–2006: Head of Business Lines Building Manager Asia/Pacific; 2004–2006: Head of Industry Systems & Performance Flooring, BASF AG, Zurich; Division, Sika AG, Baar; 1998–2004: Head Automotive 2002–2005: Head of Business Line Performance Europe, Sika AG, Baar; General Manager Sika Tivoli Flooring, Degussa AG, Schaffhausen; 1993–2001: GmbH, Hamburg, Germany; Managing Director General Manager MBT Middle East LLC, UAE and Sika Automotive Belgium SA; Director Hayashi Sika Director of MBT India (pvt) Ltd., MBT Oman LLC., Automotive Ltd., Japan; 1996–1997: Market Develop- MBT Egypt S.A.E.; Regional Operations Manager, ment Manager, Industry Division, Sika AG, Baar. MBT Middle East LLC, UAE; MBT Group, Switzerland/ � Germany; 1984–1993: Technical Supervisor; Pro- Silvio Ponti, Dipl. Bau-Ing. ETH, MBA duction Manager; Operations Manager, FEB Ltd., Deputy CEO Manchester, UK; 1978–1984: Laboratory Technician, Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1953, Member since Greater Manchester Council, Manchester, UK. � 2002; since 2005: Deputy CEO; since 2002: Regional Manager Europe North; 1989–2002: Head of Bruno Fritsche, BBA Marketing; General Manager Sika Schweiz AG; Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1952, Member since Area Manager Central Europe; 1989: Member of 2007; since 2007: Head of Corporate Business Unit In- Executive Management of Sika Schweiz AG and dustry; since 2004: General Manager Sika Engineering Sika GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany, Sika Schweiz AG, Silicones S.r.l., Milan, Italy; 2001–2006: Head Business Zurich; 1987–1988: Head of Marketing for the Joint Unit Sealing and Bonding Construction; 2001: Member Venture Hilti-Ciba-Geigy, Hilti AG, Schaan; 1984–1987: of Extended Group Management of Sika AG, Sika General Manager, Sika BV, Maarssen, Netherlands; Services AG, Zurich; 1996–2001: General Manager; 1982–1983: Assistant to the Head of Export, Sika Sch- Area Manager Asia North, Sika Japan Ltd., Tokyo; weiz AG, Zurich; 1978–1980: Project Leader, Ing. Büro 1991–1996: Area Manager Pacific, Sika Australia Pty., Dr. Staudacher & Siegenthaler AG, Bern. Sydney; General Manager, Sika New Zealand Ltd., Auckland, Sika Indonesia P.T., Jakarta; 1988–1991: Alexander Bleibler, Dipl. Bau-Ing. HTL General Manager, Sika Hong Kong Ltd. and Sika Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1953, Member since Pacific Ltd., China; 1973–1988: Head Laboratory 1996; since 2007: Head of Corporate Business Unit and Development, Sales and Marketing Manager, Contractors; 1996–2006: Head of Division Construc- Merz + Benteli AG, Niederwangen; 1971–1973: Labo- tion Chemicals, Sika AG, Baar; 1983–1996: Head of ratory Technician, Wander AG, Bern; Member of the Marketing & Technique Export Department; Product Board: Swiss-Asian Chamber of Commerce, Zurich. Marketing Manager; Head of Marketing Department, Product Marketing Manager Industrial Floorings; Head of Business Unit Marketing & Technique Con- struction Chemicals; Head of Business Unit Construc- tion Chemicals, Head of Corporate Marketing; 1990: Member of Executive Management of Sika Schweiz AG; 1994: Member of Extended Group Management of Sika AG, Sika Schweiz AG, Zurich; 1980–1983: Sales Engineer, Sika Schweiz AG, Saudi Arabia; 1977–1979: Branch Manager, Chemaco Ltd., Saudi Arabia. Sika Annual Report 2011 47 → Leadership

Christoph Ganz, lic. oec. HSG Peter Krebser, Dr. sc. techn., Dipl. Chem. Ing. ETH Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1969, Member since Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1951, Member since 2007; since 2007: Head of Corporate Business Unit 2004; since 2004: Head of Operations, Sika AG, Baar; Distribution; 2009: General Manager Sika France SA, 2002–2004: Global Operations Director, Member of Paris; Area Manager France, North Africa, Mauritius, Divisional Executive Management, Vantico AG, Basel; Sika AG, Baar; 2003–2006: Head of Business Unit 2000–2002: Associate Partner, CGS-Management AG, Distribution, Sika Services AG, Zurich; 1999–2003: Pfäffikon; 1997–1999: Head of worldwide Pharmaceu- Corporate Market Field Manager Distribution, Sika tical Production; Head of worldwide Technical AG, Baar; 1996–1999: Project Manager Distribution, Operations, Member of Executive Management, Sika Schweiz AG, Zurich; Member of the Board: Ganz Novartis Pharma AG, Basel; 1983–1996: Different & Co. AG, St. Gallen; Ganz AG, Schaan, Principality functions within the Supply Chain Management of Liechtenstein; Vice Chairman of the Board: Max Department of Novartis; 1982–1983: Head of Process Pfister Baubüro AG, St. Gallen. Development Laboratory, Fine Chemicals, Lonza AG, Basel; President: Economic Promotion Basel Area. Heinz Gisel, MBA Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1965, Member since Urs Mäder, Dr. rer. nat., Dipl. Chem. Ing. HTL 2012; since 2012: Regional Manager Asia/Pacific; Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1955, Member since 2009–2011: General Manager; Area Manager Greater 2005; since 2005: Head of Research & Development; China, Sika China Ltd., Suzhou; 2007–2009: General 1989–2005: Project Leader Admixture Development, Manager; Head of Business Unit Industry Region Research and Development; Department Head of Asia/Pacific; Area Manager South East Asia, Sika Construction Chemicals, Research & Development; Singapore Ltd.; 2004–2006: Head Appliances & Product Technology Director of Construction Components; Head Transportation, Corporate Chemicals and Mortars, Research & Development, Business Unit Industry, Sika Services AG, Zurich; Sika AG, Zurich; 1987–1989: Postdoctorate research, 1999–2004: Industry Manager Switzerland/Austria; Research School Chemistry, Canberra, Australia; Member of Executive Management of Sika Schweiz President: European Federation of Concrete AG, Sika Schweiz AG, Zurich, Sika Österreich GmbH, Admixture Producers (EFCA). Bludenz-Bings; 1996–1998: Industry Sales Manager China and Hong Kong, Sika Hong Kong Ltd.; 1995–1996: Hubert Perrin de Brichambaut, MBA Area Sales Manager Industry, Sika Corporation, Nationality: French, Year of birth: 1957, Member since Lyndhurst, USA; 1991–1994: Area Sales Manager, Sika 2009; since 2009: Regional Manager Europe South; Schweiz AG, Zurich. 2005–2008: General Manager, Sika France SA, Paris; 2003–2004: Senior Vice President Operations for Eastern Europe, Africa and Middle East, Suez Envi- ronment, France; 2001–2003: Regional Manager Latin America, Sita, France; 1997–2001: President of Rhodia PPMC Europe (Paper & Coatings); President of Rhodia Food, Rhodia, France; 1981–1996: Internal Auditor of the Group; Treasurer of Brazilian subsidiaries; Presi- dent of Rhône-Poulenc Argentina; Finance Executive Officer of Rhône-Poulenc Chimie; President of TERIS, Rhône-Poulenc Group, France; Vice President: European Federation of Construction Chemicals (EFCC) and Syndicat Français des Joints et Façades (SFJF). 48 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Leadership

Paul Schuler, MBA Ronald Trächsel, lic. rer. pol. Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1955, Member since Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1959, Member since 2007; since 2007: Regional Manager North America; 2008; since 2008: CFO, Sika AG, Baar; 1999–2007: 2003–2006: General Manager Sika Deutschland, CFO, CEO and Head of Group Management; Execu- Stuttgart, Germany; General Manager Sika Korro- tive Director, Vitra Group, Birsfelden; 1992–1999: sionsschutz, Gelsenkirchen; General Manager Sika Head Internal Audit; CFO Ringier Europe, Ringier Trocal, Troisdorf; General Manager Sika Addiment, Group, Zurich; 1987–1992: Internal Audit, Ciba-Geigy Leimen, Sika Holding, Stuttgart; 1988–2002: Product Group, Basel; 1982–1987: Accounting and tax coun- Manager, Head of Sales Industry; Marketing Manager seling for small and medium-sized enterprises, Visura Industry; Business Unit Leader Industry; 1993: Treuhandgesellschaft, Solothurn. Member of Executive Management of Sika Schweiz AG; 1996: Member of Extended Group Management José Luis Vázquez, Dr. Ing., MBA of Sika AG, Sika Schweiz AG, Zurich; 1982–1988: Nationality: Spanish, Year of birth: 1947, Member International Key Account; Sales Manager Switzer- since 2002; since 2009: Regional Manager Latin land, EMS Chemie AG, Domat/Ems; 1980–1982: America; 2002–2008: Regional Manager Europe Project Manager Air Condition Plants, Luwa AG, South, Sika AG, Baar; 1984–2002: Head of Marketing; Hong Kong, China; 1976–1980: Production Manager, General Manager; 1999: Area Manager South Europe, Hemair AG, Schindellegi. Sika SA, Madrid, Spain; 1983–1984: Manager National Sport Insurance Company, Sport Ministry, Cabinet Ernesto Schümperli, Dipl. Bau-Ing. ETH, MBA of Ministers, Spain; 1977–1983: Vice President, Oil Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1955, Member since Business Division, Explosivos Rio Tinto, Madrid, 2007; since 2007: Head of Corporate Business Unit Spain; 1972–1976: Director of numerous global Concrete; 1991–2006: General Manager Sika Schweiz projects in the area of road construction, harbor, AG; Area Manager Central Europe; Head of Sika factories; Helma (Cádiz), Boskalis (Cádiz), Laing Tunneling & Mining; Head of Sales Switzerland; Head (Valencia/Bilbao), Caminos y Puertos (Barcelona); of Marketing Construction; Market Development 1970–1972: Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Manager Concrete; 1997: Member of Executive Chaussées, Paris, France; Instituto Eduardo Torroja, Management of Sika Schweiz AG; 2002: Member of Madrid, Spain. Extended Group Management of Sika AG, Sika Schweiz AG, Zurich; 1987–1990: Head of Market- ing & Technique; Key Account Manager Latin America; Member of Executive Management, Sika Andina SA, Bogotá, Colombia; 1986–1987: Project Manager Structural Engineering, Ing. Büro Wenaweser & Wolfensberger AG, Zurich; 1976–1985: University and Postgraduate Studies, Research Engineer for structural design and hydraulic structures at ETH, Zurich, and UAS, Basel; 1971–1975: Project Manager Infrastructure, Ing. Büro Frey + Gnehm AG, Olten; President: ivz Industrie-Verband Zurich; Member of the Board: VSH (Versuchs-Stollen Hagerbach AG), Sargans. Sika Annual Report 2011 49 → Leadership

Personnel changes: With Paul Hälg the succession of the current Chairman Walter Grüebler was prepared. Paul Hälg will assume office following the Annual General Meeting on April 17, 2012. Furthermore Monika Ribar, CEO Panalpina AG in Basel, was elected to the Board of Directors.

Board of Directors � Paul Hälg, Dr. sc. techn., ETH Zurich Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1954, Member since: 2009, elected till: 2012, Committees: Nomination and Walter Grüebler, Dr. oec. HSG, Chairman Compensation Committee; since 2004: CEO, Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1942, Member 1998– Dätwyler Group, Altdorf; 2001–2004: Executive Vice 2000, and since: 2004, elected till: 2013; 2000–2004: President, Forbo International SA, Eglisau; 1987–2001: CEO, Sika AG, Baar; 1990–1999: Member of Group Product Manager, Commercial Director, CEO, Gurit Management, Alusuisse, Zurich; 1974–1990: CEO and Essex AG, Freienbach; 1981–1986: Project and Group Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Airex AG, Leader, Schweizerische Aluminium AG (Alusuisse), Sins; 1968–1974: Project Leader and Member of Zurich; Chairman of the Board: Gurit Holding AG, Executive Board, Hayek Engineering AG, Zurich; Wattwil; Member of the Board: Swissmem, trade Chairman of the Board: Adval Tech AG, Niederwangen; association of the Swiss Mechanical and Electrical Member of the Board: Nationale Suisse, Basel; Engineering Industries. Petroplus Holdings AG, Zug; Greater Zurich Area AG, Zurich; Member of the Foundation Council: Willi K. Leimer, Dr. oec. HSG ETH Foundation. Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1958, Member since: 2010, elected till: 2013; since 2002: Partner, WMPartners Thomas W. Bechtler, Dr. iur., LL. M., Vice Chairman Wealth Management Ltd., Zurich; 1990–2002: Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1949, Member since: Managing Director, Private Wealth Management, 1989, elected till: 2013, Committees: Chairman Bank Morgan Stanley AG, Zurich; 1988–1990: Nomination and Compensation Committee; since Goldman, Sachs & Co., New York and Zurich; 1982: CEO, Hesta AG, Zug; 1977–1982: Divisional Chairman of the Board: ISPartners Investments Manager, Luwa AG; 1975–1977: Managing Assistant, Solutions AG, Zurich; Schenker-Winkler Holding AG, Luwa AG; Member of the Board: Bucher Industries, Baar; Vice Chairman of the Board: WMPartners Niederweningen; Conzzeta AG, Zurich; Chairman of Wealth Management Ltd., Zurich. the Board: Human Rights Watch, Committee Zurich.

Urs F. Burkard, Carpenter/Interior Designer Monika Ribar, lic. oec. HSG Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1957, Member since: Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1959, Member since: 1990, elected till: 2014, Committees: Nomination 2011, elected till: 2014; since 2006: CEO, Panalpina AG, and Compensation Committee; since 1989: Principal, Basel; 2005–2006: CFO, Panalpina AG, Basel; 2000– Burkard Office Design GmbH, Rotkreuz; 1987–1989: 2005: Chief Information Officer (CIO), Panalpina AG, Head of planning, Denz Office Furniture, Zurich; Basel; 1991–2000: Various functions within Controlling, Chairman of the Board: Unitrend Burkard AG, Rotkreuz, IT and Global Project Management, Panalpina AG, Vice Chairman of the Board: Schenker-Winkler Basel; Member of the Board: Logitech International SA, Holding AG, Baar. Romanel-sur-Morges. 50 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Leadership

Daniel J. Sauter, Financial Expert Ulrich W. Suter, Dr. sc. techn., Professor Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1957, Member since: Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1944, Member since: 2000, elected till: 2012, Committees: Audit Committee; 2003, elected till: 2012; 2001–2005: Vice President 1994–2001: CEO and Delegate of Board of Directors, Research, ETH Zurich; 1988–2008: Professor, ETH Xstrata AG, Zug; 1983–1998: Senior partner and CFO, Zurich, Department of Material Science; 1982–1989: Glencore International AG, Baar; 1976–1983: Various Professor, MIT, Department of Chemical Engineering, banks, incl. Bank Leu, Zurich; Chairman of the Board: Cambridge, USA; Chairman of the Board: WICOR Alpine Select AG, Zug; Member of the Board: Sulzer Holding AG, Rapperswil SG; Member of the Board: AG, Winterthur; Julius Bär Gruppe AG, Zurich; Model Global Surface AG, Nussbaumen TG; Rainbow Photo- Holding AG, Weinfelden. nics AG, Zurich; President of the Foundation Council: Werner Oechslin Library Foundation; Member of the Fritz Studer, Banking Expert Board of Trustees: Pension Fund of the Weidmann Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1943, Member since: Group of Companies; Swisscontact. 2006, elected till: 2012, Committees: Chairman Audit Committee; 2004–2006: Chairman of the Board, Christoph Tobler, dipl. El. Ing. EPFL Sarna Polymer Holding Inc.; 1983–2003: Member of Nationality: Swiss, Year of birth: 1957, Member since: Executive Board, of which nine years as CEO, Luzerner 2005, elected till: 2013, Committees: Audit Committee; Kantonalbank; Member of the Board, Swiss Bankers since 2004: CEO, Sefar Holding AG, Thal SG; 1998–2004: Association and Association of Swiss Cantonal Banks; Head of Industry Division and Member of Group Member of the Board and periodically Chairman or Management, Sika AG, Baar; 1994–1998: Adtranz Vice Chairman, Central Mortgage Bond Institution, Schweiz; 1988–1994: McKinsey & Company, Zurich; Swiss Cantonal Banks, AGI Holding AG, Swisscom Member of the Board: Sefar Holding AG, Thal SG; IT Services AG, Adler & Co. Privatbank AG; 1979–1982: Schenker-Winkler Holding AG, Baar; AG Cilander, Head of Directorate-General, Schweizerische Herisau; Member of Board Committee: economie- Volksbank; Chairman of the Board: Luzerner Kantonal - suisse, Zurich. bank; Member of the Bank Council: Swiss National Bank; Member of the Board: Lucerne Symphony Orchestra. Sika Annual Report 2011 51 → Leadership

Workforce with expertise and commitment. With a cooperative management style, as well as targeted development and continued education programs tailored to employees’ individual capabilities, Sika promotes skills and initiative, and encourages the entrepreneurial engagement of employees, while at the same time accommodating the company’s dynamic development.

Employees � The Global Talent Management process involves the systematic, worldwide application of uniform talent assessment principles. In promoting talent, Sika Management principles relies not only on regular development courses, but Sika nurtures continuity and upholds ethical values. above all also on practical project work. This allows It attaches absolute priority to mutual respect as employees to demonstrate their skills and poten- well as trust in management and colleagues. Sika’s tial through the performance of concrete tasks. The dynamic development makes the integration of results of these projects are often utilized in the widely differing individuals and the global exchange company’s routine business operations. Line man- of knowledge and experience absolutely essential. agers and top management are actively involved in Discrimination is not tolerated in any form. development activities via project remits and presen- tations. Global and regional courses and workshops The activities of all employees are fully oriented designed to develop top talent were also organized towards strategic, operative and company policy in 2011, Sika’s aim being to promote talents early for targets. Chains of command are clearly ordered, and more demanding management tasks. the principle of maximum delegation of responsi- bility prevails. Employees are led by means of target Alongside basic and advanced training, experience agreements (MbO: Management by Objectives). This in supervising the widest possible range of functions management style ensures that employees partici- and of working in other countries – especially in other pate in processes and decision-making. Managers cultures – is key to the systematic development of are expected to set an example for their employees, management potential. Group-internal guidelines and advance their initiative and creativity. Informa- create security and transparency for employees who tion flows through all hierarchical levels are kept as leave their home country to work for Sika, and ensure systematic, up-to-date and transparent as possible. fair contracts tailored to the specific circ*mstances of Employees are supported and suitable provision the host country. made for continuing professional development.

Development of managers To be as attractive an employer as possible, Sika relies on global human resources management. A pivotal role in identifying and developing skills and performance is played by the state-of-the-art Performance and Talent Management system. This facilitates systematic employee succession planning while promoting company growth by pin- pointing new talent and providing targeted support. Various talent pools for different management functions have been created in this way. 52 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Leadership

Employment Salary development expenses

in CHF mn

20 000 800

Numbers of employees by Region 16 000 640

Europe North 4 997 12 000 480 Europe South 2 318

8 000 320 North America 1 491

Latin America 2 101 4 000 160 IMEA 1 224

Asia/Pacific 3 123 0 0

07 08 09 10 11 07 08 09 10 11 0 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 15 254 Total

Sika Business School Personnel development Changes in organization and working processes Besides a small number of local adjustments necessi- necessitate steady, systematic information flows tated by the economic difficulties, no restructuring and continuous knowledge transfer in the areas was carried out during the year under review. The of management and talent development, sales and headcount was increased in response to the signifi- technical training as well as Train the Trainer. Sika cant growth, above all in the emerging markets. Business School was instituted to realize the idea of Moreover, a further 1 117 employees joined the com- a learning organization and is to be systematically pany due to the eight acquisitions. Worldwide, the developed. Group employed 15 254 employees (2010: 13 482) at the end of the year under review. Employees were The business units and Corporate Operations have distributed among the Regions as follows: Europe launched targeted training and development pro- North 4 997 (2010: 4 455), Europe South 2 318 (2010: grams for technical and application-related knowl- 2 103), North America 1 491 (2010: 1 360), Latin America edge transfer, thereby supporting Sika’s Train the 2 101 (2010: 1 703), IMEA 1 224 (2010: 1 082), Asia/ � Trainer concept. The training sessions focus on Pacific 3 123 (2010: 2 779). breaking down complex information into hands-on know-how and skills that participants can later Together, all Sika employees in 2011 generated a net communicate to customers. These sessions have a added value of CHF 1 315 million (2010: CHF 1 393 million). direct impact on business success since the proper Net added value per employee decreased from application of many company products depends CHF 108 000 to CHF 92 000. For further information, upon users having the necessary knowledge. please refer to page 138 of this Report. �

In the reporting year, Sika spent a total of around CHF 8.5 million (2010: CHF 7.7 million) on employee development. This figure includes special, decentral- ized courses in the Regions and countries together with global management development and sales training programs.

Compensation policy Sika’s compensation policy is implemented locally following a globally uniform system. For detailed notes see page 56 ff of the Compensation Report. Sika Annual Report 2011 53 → Leadership

Commitment to openness and transparency. Creating transparency is the highest objective of good corporate governance. This provides information on structures and processes, areas of responsibility and decision procedures as well as rights and obligations of various stake- holders. Reporting at Sika follows the SIX Swiss Exchange guidelines.

Corporate Governance � The heads of the central services finance, operations as well as research and development are likewise members of Group Management, which consists of Group structure and shareholders 14 members. All Group business is consolidated in Sika AG, headquartered in Baar, canton Zug, is the Sika AG, the holding company, itself in turn under the only listed Sika company. The Sika AG bearer shares supervision of the Board of Directors. The organiza- are listed on SIX Swiss Exchange under security no. tional structures are presented on pages 43 to 49 of 58797. Information on Sika AG’s stock market capitali- this Report. zation can be found on page 8 of this Report. In the year under review the Sika Group encompassed As of the balance sheet date of December 31, 2011, unlisted subsidiaries in 76 countries. In the scope of Sika had one significant shareholder with a share consolidation 130 companies are included. Companies of voting rights of over 3%, the Burkard-Schenker of which Sika holds less than 50% of shareholder family, which according to information provided by votes are not consolidated. These are namely Sika the family as at December 31, 2011, holds 53.0% of all Saudi Arabia LLC, the part GmbH joint venture in share votes, in part through the Schenker-Winkler Germany as well as Addiment Italia S.r.l. Detailed Holding AG, Baar. A list of changes in significant information on Group companies can be found on shareholdings reported to the Disclosure Office of SIX page 128 ff. Swiss Exchange Ltd during the year under review can be found at http://www.six-exchange-regulation. Sika conducts its worldwide activities according to com/obligations/disclosure/major_shareholders_ countries that have been classed into Regions with en.html. area-wide managerial functions. The heads of the Regions are members of Group Management. The There are no crossover holdings exceeding 3%, either regional and national management teams bear full in terms of capital or votes. profit and loss responsibility, and – based on the Group strategy – set country-specific growth and Capital structure sustainability targets, and allocate resources. At December 31, 2011, capital stock totaled CHF 1 524 106.80. This was divided into 2 151 199 Furthermore, Sika has geared its internal organiza- bearer shares, each with a nominal value of tion toward four customer groups from the con- CHF 0.60, and 2 333 874 registered shares, each struction industry or from industrial manufacturing. having a nominal value of CHF 0.10. All shares earn These four customer groups are represented in Group the same dividend, with payout adjusted according Management as well as in the regional management to nominal value. One share represents one vote. teams and those of the individual countries. The In addition, there is CHF 155 893.20 in contingent relevant managers are responsible for the definition capital, unrestricted in time, comprising 259 822 and launch of new products, the implementation of bearer shares with a per-share nominal value of demonstrated best practices, and the product-line CHF 0.60. and pricing policies for Group products, i.e. those of- fered worldwide rather than only within a particular country. 54 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Leadership

These shares are reserved for the exercise of option The members of the Board of Directors are elected or conversion rights. Shareholders are excluded by the Annual General Meeting for a term of office of from subscription rights. There are currently no con- three years. Members’ tenures are staggered. They version or option rights outstanding. Sika granted no can be reelected at any time. Upon reaching the age participation certificates, dividend right certificates of seventy, directors resign their mandate. Detailed or stock options. Option plans do not exist for mem- information on individual members of the Board of bers of the Board of Directors, Group Management Directors and on their backgrounds is listed on pages or employees. Changes in capital stock, reserves as 49 and 50 of this Report. No directorships are main- well as retained earnings during the last five years are tained with other listed companies on a reciprocal posted on pages 133 ff of this Report. basis. The Board of Directors constitutes itself, elect- ing the Chairman and Vice Chairman from its ranks. The purchase of Sika bearer and registered shares is open to all legal persons and individuals. The Board Presently the Board of Directors of Sika AG consists of Directors can deny purchase of registered shares if of ten members. None of the members of the Board the purchaser’s registered share holdings exceed 5% of Directors was a member of Group Management of the total number of registered shares entered in or the executive management of a Group company the commercial register. In the year under review no during the three preceding business years. The Board new shareholder exceeded this 5% threshold. Nomi- convenes at the Chairman’s request as business nees, i.e. shareholders who acquire shares in their demands. In business year 2011 the Board met eight own name but on the account of third parties, are times. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) participates registered as shareholders without voting rights. in the Board meetings in an advisory capacity. The other members of Group Management take part as Board of Directors necessary, but at least three times per year, also in an The Board of Directors is Sika’s highest governing advisory capacity. body and is mainly responsible for the: – � Definition of the corporate mission statement and Company officers report regularly and comprehen- corporate policies sively to the Chairman concerning implementation of – � Decisions on corporate strategy and organizational Board decisions. The CEO as well as the CFO report to structure the Board in writing on the development of business – � Appointment and dismissal of members of Group at least once per month. Extraordinary occurrences Management are reported immediately to the Chairman or the – Structuring of finances and accounting Audit Committee, insofar as such events relate to the – � Establishment of the medium-term plan as well latter’s area of responsibility. The Internal Audit staff as the annual and investment budgets report to the Chairman as well as the Audit Commit- tee within the scope of the review schedule. Sika Annual Report 2011 55 → Leadership

Board committees Shareholder participation rights Sika has two committees of the Board of Directors: Sika upholds no restrictions to voting rights either The Audit Committee as well as the Nomination and on the basis of by-laws nor by other means, and thus Compensation Committee. The chairpersons of these also no rules for granting exceptions. Accordingly no committees are elected by the Board. Otherwise, the exceptions were made in the year under review with committees organize themselves. Detailed informa- respect to voting rights restrictions. Every share- tion on the members of the Committees and on their holder can exercise share votes through represen- backgrounds can be found on pages 49 and 50 of this tation by another shareholder with voting rights, a Report. registered representative of securities accounts or an independent proxy. Information on what constitutes – � The Audit Committee mainly reviews the results of a quorum under the by-laws can be found in Art. 704 internal and external audits as well as risk manage- of the Swiss Code of Obligations (OR), as well as ment. The committee assembles on request of its § 15 paragraph 3 of Sika’s articles of association. The chairperson as required. Customarily the Chairman orders of business for which a majority is required are of the Board and the CFO, as well as the CEO if defined therein. Sika’s articles of association can be necessary, take part in these meetings in an advisory found at capacity. In the year under review the Audit Com- corporategovernance/articlesofassociation.html. mittee met six times. The invitation modalities and deadlines for the Annual – �The Nomination and Compensation Committee General Meeting conform with legal requirements. prepares personnel planning at Board and Group Management level and handles matters relating In addition, shareholders representing a nominal to their compensation. One of the central tasks of share value of CHF 10 000 can request in writing to the Nomination and Compensation Committee is have an item placed on the agenda during a published succession planning for the Board of Directors and period. The publication is made in the Swiss Official Group Management. The committee convenes at Gazette of Commerce. New registered shares will the request of its chairperson as required. Usually not be registered by the company in the two working the Chairman of the Board and the CEO participate days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Therefore in these meetings in an advisory capacity. In the registered shares sold between the deadline and the year under review the Nomination and Compen- Annual General Meeting are not entitled to vote. sation Committee met eight times. Delineation of powers of authorization Group Management The powers of authorization, duties and responsi- Within the framework of Board resolutions, Sika’s bilities of the Board of Directors and Group Manage- operative leadership is incumbent on Group Manage- ment are laid down in the organizational regulations ment. The members of Group Management and their of Sika AG and Sika Group. functions are listed on page 44 of this Report. De- ( tailed information on their backgrounds and activities rateGovernance/organizational_rules.html) can be found on pages 45 to 48 of this Report. Sika had no management contracts with third parties in the year under review. 56 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Leadership

Change in corporate control and defense measures Information policy In accordance with § 6 of the Sika articles of associa- Sika informs extensively on the development of tion, purchasers of shares are not obligated to make business in annual and quarterly reports, at the a public offering as generally prescribed by articles 32 annual media and financial analyst conference as and 52 of the Swiss Federal Act on Stock Exchanges well as at the Annual General Meeting. The conti- and Securities Trading. There are no clauses govern- nually updated website at as well as ing changes in corporate control. press releases regarding important developments are also integral components in communications. Auditor As a company listed on SIX Swiss Exchange, Sika The auditor of Sika AG is elected by the Annual is also obligated to comply in particular with re- General Meeting for a respective term of one year. quirements of ad hoc disclosure, i.e. the release of In the year under review Ernst & Young AG, listed as news which may affect its stock price. In addition, an auditor in the commercial register since February 7, Sika maintains dialog with investors and the media 1995, served in this capacity. In accordance with legal through special events and road shows. Information requirements, the auditor in charge is replaced after on important dates in 2012 can be found in this a maximum period of seven years. The auditor in Report on page 160. charge has been responsible for the audit mandate since 2010. The auditor participates regularly in the Compensation report meetings of the Audit Committee, providing oral and This part of the Annual Report covers the remunera- written reports of the results of its reviews. The Audit tion policy for the Board of Directors and the members Committee checks and evaluates the auditor and of Group Management, as well as the process of de- makes recommendations to the Board of Directors. termination of compensation. Key to the content and The evaluation of performance and the negotiation of scope of this disclosure are Articles 663b bis of the fees are conducted according to internally specified Swiss Code of Obligations and the SIX Swiss Exchange criteria. In 2011 the present auditor took part in two Corporate Governance guidelines. meetings of the Audit Committee. The compensation of members of the Board of Direc- Ernst & Young AG billed CHF 3.6 million for its services tors and of Group Management is presented in detail during the year under review. This figure includes the from page 150 onwards in Notes 25 to 27 in the Notes audits of individual closings within Sika AG, practically to the Financial Statements of Sika AG and is there- all subsidiaries and the review of the consolidated fore not repeated here. financial statements.

Ernst & Young AG received additional fees totaling CHF 1.0 million for tax consultancy and CHF 0.5 million for audit-related consulting services. Sika Annual Report 2011 57 → Leadership

Architecture of pay-setting process: According to The Chair of the Nomination and Compensation Com- its Duties, Accountabilities and Responsibilities, the mittee reports to the Board of Directors after each Nomination and Compensation Committee is respon- meeting on the activities of the Committee. The min- sible to review and propose to the Board of Directors utes of the Committee meetings are available to the the appointment of members of Group Manage- members of the Board of Directors. As a general rule, ment, and to prepare the succession planning of the the CEO attends the meetings in an advisory capacity, CEO and other members of Group Management. On insofar as he is not himself affected by the items on a yearly basis, the Committee provides the Board of the agenda. In the year under review, the Nomination Directors with a performance assessment of the CEO and Compensation Committee met eight times. and other members of Group Management. The Nomination and Compensation Committee Furthermore, the Nomination and Compensation may decide to consult an external advisor from time Committee reviews the remuneration policy and pro- to time for specific compensation matters. In 2011, poses to the Board of Directors the compensation Hay Group was mandated to provide benchmarking level for the members of the Board of Directors and compensation data. This advisor has no additional Group Management. The Committee also proposes mandate at Sika. the short-term and long-term incentives to be awarded to the CEO and other members of Group Compensation of Board Members: The compensation Management. The determination of compensation of the members of the Board of Directors consists takes place once a year, following the performance of a fixed base remuneration and meeting fees for management cycle. membership in various committees. Meeting fees are paid in March for the preceding year. No long-term The Nomination and Compensation Committee holds equity incentives are granted. its ordinary meetings at least three times a year in April, in August and in December. In the August Compensation for the Chairman of the Board of meeting, the overall remuneration strategy is re- Directors comprises a fixed base remuneration and viewed. In the December meeting, the objectives for a short-term bonus based entirely on the financial the CEO and other members of Group Management performance of the company. The financial targets are defined for the following year and their total tar- of the short-term bonus are the same as those ap- get compensation is reviewed. The Committee also plying to the members of Group Management (as reviews the compensation of the Board of Directors. described in the section Compensation of members In the April meeting, the Committee determines of Group Management). No long-term equity incen- the achievement levels of the previous year and pro- tives are granted. poses the related incentive payouts for the CEO and other members of Group Management. 58 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Leadership

The members of the Board of Directors receive no – Compensation is fair, equitable and transparent additional reimbursem*nts of business entertain- – �Compensation levels are competitive and in line ment expenses beyond actual expenditures for with market practice business travel. The members of the Board do not – �Compensation is strongly linked to individual participate in Sika’s employee benefit plan, with contribution and to the overall success of Sika the exception of the Chairman. – �Compensation is linked to the short-term and long-term company performance The process to set up compensation levels for mem- bers of the Board of Directors is based on a periodic Competitive positioning: In order to set compensa- benchmarking analysis on the basis of the annual tion in line with the market, Sika compares, on a compensation reports of relevant companies. Relevant yearly basis, the overall compensation of its senior companies are defined as multinational companies executives to that of high-ranking executives in rel- of similar size, in terms of revenue and employees, in evant companies. Relevant companies are defined as the industrial and construction chemical sector, which multinational companies of similar size, in terms of are traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange. revenue and employees, in the industrial and con- struction chemical sector and multinational compa- In 2011, the members of the Board of Directors re- nies of similar size which are traded on the SIX Swiss ceived a total remuneration of CHF 2.3 million (2010: Exchange. CHF 2.2 million) in the form of fixed fees of CHF 1.6 million (2010: CHF 1.5 million), meeting fees and other As in previous years, Hay Group provided the relevant expenses of CHF 0.2 million (2010: CHF 0.2 million) and market data used by Sika as the basis for the bench- contributions to social security and retirement plans marking analysis of the compensation levels for the of CHF 0.2 million (2010: CHF 0.2 million). The Chair- CEO and the other members of Group Management. man of the Board of Directors received a short-term Based on the external benchmarks and on internal bonus of CHF 0.2 million (2010: CHF 0.4 million). comparisons, the Nomination and Compensation Committee establishes a frame of reference for the The details on compensation of the Board of Directors overall compensation of members of Group Manage- are shown in Note 25 in the Notes to the Financial ment. The actual amount of compensation paid to Statements of Sika AG on page 150. the individual members of Group Management and of Senior Management in a given year depends on the Compensation of Members of Group Management individual and company performance. Remuneration policy principles: In order to ensure the company’s success in a highly competitive global Remuneration system and compensation components: business environment, it is critical to attract, develop The compensation for members of Group Management and retain qualified, talented and committed employ- includes fixed base salary and variable compensa- ees. Sika’s remuneration policy for members of Group tion which consists of a short-term cash bonus and a Management is designed to support this fundamen- long-term incentive. Both the short-term bonus and tal objective and is based on the following principles: long-term incentives take into account performance against financial and strategic targets which are set by the Board of Directors. Sika Annual Report 2011 59 → Leadership

In addition to base salary and performance-related the area of responsibility (Region or Market Seg- incentive pay, members of Group Management are ment) and is determined by the Nomination and eligible for a range of benefits and perquisites which Compensation Committee. are in line with market practice. For the CEO and members of Group Management Below, is described how each element of pay is deter- with global responsibility, financial performance is mined and how performance is embedded into the exclusively related to the overall company financial variable portion of compensation. performance. For members of Group Management with a Regional or Market Segment responsibility, Fixed base salary: Fixed base salaries are established the financial performance is defined as a combination by evaluating the scope of the function within the of group-wide financial performance and financial context of the market, the responsibilities of the role performance related to their area of responsibility. and the skills required to perform the role success- fully. Base salaries of the members of Group Manage- For each financial metrics, a desired target level of ment are reviewed at the end of the year. Potential Financial Objectives Individual increases are based on the benchmarking analysis Objectives and on individual performance. The Nomination and Group Region � Market Compensation Committee proposes the base salary Segment level for the CEO and the other members of Group % of Total Target Bonus Management to the Board of Directors for approval. CEO, Group Mana- 70% 30% gement Global Short-term bonus: The short-term cash bonus is Group Management 40% 30% 30% designed to reward the financial performance of the Regional company and the individual performance in a specific Group Management 40% 30% 30% business year. Market Segment The financial performance of the company represents 70% while the individual performance represents 30% performance is defined by the Nomination and Com- of the target bonus. pensation Committee and approved by the Board of Directors at the beginning of the performance year. For 2011, financial performance was determined Moreover, minimum and maximum achievement lev- based on the following metrics: els are set specifically for each financial metrics, for – EBIT: Earnings Before Interest and Tax which the respective minimum and maximum payout – ROCE: Return On Capital Employed factors apply, always between 0% and 150% of target – NWC: Net Working Capital payout. Payout factors in between are interpolated linearly depending on achievement level and payout The weighting of each financial metrics depends on coefficients. There is a payout formula specific to each financial metrics. Short ← Financial ← EBIT term objectives ROCE bonus (70%) NWC Group EBIT performance is measured based on an in- dependent outside evaluation method, the Obermatt benchmark. This benchmark compares and ranks ← Individual ← Individual business and Sika amongst the performance of a selected peer personnal development objectives group of 28 companies, all industrial firms with a com- (30%) objectives parable global structure and exposed to similar market 60 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Leadership

cycles. The intention is to reward relative perform- In discussing performance, the Nomination and Com- ance rather than absolute performance, because pensation Committee deliberates the achievement absolute performance may be strongly impacted by of the financial and individual objectives of each of market factors that are outside the control of senior the members of Group Management. The Committee management. also considers other aspects, including the extent to which the individuals have carried out their duties in Operating EBIT at Regional level is measured against line with the company values and expected leader- the previous year’s achievement, in order to drive ship behaviors. EBIT growth. Both absolute EBIT growth and relative EBIT growth (in % of net sales) are being measured. The short-term bonus target for the CEO and the other members of Group Management amounts to Individual performance assessment: The individual between 45% and 90% of fixed base salary. There objectives may be of financial nature, of other quanti- are two payout options: tative nature or qualitative. There is a maximum of three individual objectives, so that each of them Option 1: 80% paid in cash, 20% invested in the share weights at least 10% of all objectives (financial and in- savings plan. dividual). The individual objectives of the members of Option 2: 60% paid in cash, 40% invested in the share Group Management are defined and agreed with the savings plan. CEO, before being submitted to the Nomination and Compensation Committee. The individual objectives Under the share savings plan, executives receive part of the CEO are defined and agreed with the Commit- of their short-term bonus in Sika shares in lieu of tee before being submitted, together with the objec- cash. The objective of this program is to strengthen tives of the other members of Group Management, the link between remuneration and company per- to the Board of Directors for approval. formance, and to encourage members of Group Management to directly participate in the long-term Individual performance is assessed during the year- success of the company. end review. For the members of Group Management, the CEO assesses their performance after year-end. The shares have a blocking period of four years, The CEO provides his overall performance assessment during which they are excluded from trading. In the of each member of Group Management to the Nomi- event of involuntary termination of employment, nation and Compensation Committee and formulates such as retirement, death, disability or redundancy, a recommendation for the bonus payout. the blocking period of the shares is shortened to twelve months (retirement) or is cancelled (all other The Committee assesses the performance of the CEO involuntary terminations). In the event of voluntary after year end, and formulates a recommendation termination, the blocking period remains unchanged. to the Board of Directors for the bonus payout. The In order to encourage participation in the share Committee also reviews the performance assessment savings plan, there is a 20% uplift on the portion and the proposed payout for each of the members of of the short-term bonus taken in shares. This means Group Management before submitting them to the that the portion of the short-term bonus taken in Board of Directors for approval. shares is increased by 20%.

The shares are allocated to a fair market value (average closing price of February on the SIX Swiss Exchange). Sika Annual Report 2011 61 → Leadership

Long-term incentives: Sika’s remuneration policy – �The target incentive amount is adjusted propor- is to also link a significant portion of compensation tionally to achievement level. This is the actual to long-term company financial and strategic goals. incentive amount, which can range anywhere Members of Group Management are eligible for a between 0% and 150% of target. long-term incentive. The long-term incentive target is – �A 20% uplift applies on the actual incentive amount. equivalent to between 22% and 45% of the fixed base This is because the entirety of the long-term incen- salary. tive is delivered in shares with a four-year blocking period. The long-term incentive is a Performance Share – �The actual incentive amount, including the 20% Plan. The Nomination and Compensation Committee uplift, is converted into Sika shares at fair market determines a performance target to be met over a value. period of three years. The performance target is – �Fair market value is defined as weighted average of always strategic in nature and clearly quantifiable. the share trading price of the month of February at Sika cannot disclose further details regarding the the SIX Swiss Exchange, minus a 4% discount. nature of those targets for competitive reasons. The same method of determination applies to an If the performance target is achieved after two years, early-achievement payout (if any). there is an early-achievement payout proportional to achievement level, but capped at maximum 150% of In some countries, the award may also be delivered target payout. This payout is additional to the regular in “phantom shares” (award settled in cash after the payout after the three-year performance period. performance period) if so required by local legislation.

Plan performance period: In 2011, the members of Group Management received a total remuneration of CHF 20.2 million Plan Performance Period (2010: CHF 17.7 million). This amount comprises fixed base salaries of CHF 6.8 million (2010: CHF 6.5 million), Plan Year 2009 Plan Year 2010 Plan Year 2011 short-term bonus of CHF 3.7 million (2010: CHF 4.3 million), long-term incentives of CHF 5.6 million (2010: CHF 2.9 million), other expenses of CHF 0.4 million Grant date Early achievement Award date (2010: CHF 0.4 million), contributions to social security Target setting (CHF) Payout (shares) Payout (shares) Maximum 150% 0 to 150% and retirement plans of CHF 3.1 million (2010: CHF 3.1 million) and other benefits of CHF 0.5 million (2010: CHF 0.5 million). The rise in long-term incentives is driven The final share allocation is determined by the by the payout of the 2009 LTI plan and the simulta- Nomination and Compensation Committee after the neous early payout of the 2010 LTI plan (2010: no tar- three-year performance period, and submitted to get achievement of the three-year plan 2008–2010). the Board of Directors. The method of determination is as follows: The details on compensation of members of Group Management are shown in Note 26 in the Notes to the Financial Statements of Sika AG on page 151. 62 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Leadership

Pensions: As the Group Management is international – � Fixed pension payments until the age of legal in its nature, the members participate in the pension retirement. The amount of pension depends on plans available in their country of contract. the last fixed salary and the actual age of early retirement. The members of Group Management with a Swiss – � Partial financing of the reduction in the regular employment contract participate in Sika’s pension pension due to early retirement. The amount which plans. These consist of the pension fund of Sika may be received as life-long pension payment or Schweiz AG, in which base salaries up to an amount as a capital contribution depends on the actual age of CHF 132 240 per annum are insured, as well as a of early retirement and benefits already accrued in supplementary plan in which base salaries in excess existing pension plans. This portion of the plan is of this limit are insured. Sika’s pension funds in only applicable to beneficiaries being insured under Switzerland exceed the legal requirements of the a Swiss pension plan. Swiss Federal Law on Occupational Retirement, Survivors and Disability Pension Plans (BVG). In the year under review, no payments were made from pension plans to members of Group Management. Members of Group Management under foreign em- ployment contracts are insured commensurately with Other remuneration elements: Members of Group market conditions and with their position. Each plan Management are also provided with certain exclusive varies in line with the local competitive and legal perquisites such as a company car and other benefits environment and is, as a minimum, in accordance in kind, according to competitive market practice with the legal requirements of the respective country. in their country of contract. The monetary value of these other elements of remuneration is evaluated at Moreover, an early-retirement plan has been estab- fair value and is disclosed in Note 26 in the Notes to lished for members of the top management of Sika. the Financial Statement of Sika AG on page 151. The plan, entirely financed by the employer, is ad- ministered by a Swiss foundation. Beneficiaries may opt for early retirement from the age of 60, provided they have been in a top management position for at least five years. Benefits under the plan are twofold: Sika Annual Report 2011 63 → Leadership

Employment contracts: The members of Group Man- agement are employed under employment contracts of unlimited duration and are all subject to a notice period of one year. Members of Group Management are not contractually entitled to termination pay- ments. In the year under review, no termination pay- ments were made to members of Group Management.

Compensation of the CEO: All the rules mentioned regarding the compensation of members of Group Management hold for the CEO as well. The details of compensation paid to the CEO are shown in Note 26 in the Notes to the Financial Statements of Sika AG on page 151.

Shareholdings and shares: At the end of 2011, mem- bers of the Board of Directors held a total of 5 489 shares of Sika AG. At the end of 2011, members of Group Management held a total of 5 226 shares of Sika AG. This figure includes both privately acquired shares and those allocated under the Group’s com- pensation schemes. At the end of 2011, members of the Board of Directors and members of Group Man- agement did not hold any options.

The details of compensation paid to the members of the Board of Directors and Group Management are shown in Note 27 in the Notes to the Financial State- ments of Sika AG on page 152. 64 Sika Annual Report 2011 Customer Focus Innovation through partnership �

● The future in harmony with the past Jean Nouvel has framed a spectacular view of St. Paul ’s Cathedral from the “One New Change” complex.

Customer Focus Sika Annual Report 2011 65 Freedom of Design Glass monument, roof geo- metry and converted brewery

Copy RoDeRICk HöNIg Photo MaRC eggIMaNN

Innovative construction materials and products give architects the scope to implement unconventional solutions in the design and detailing of buildings and other structures. The design freedom afforded by Sika products has been happily exploited by star archi- tects such as Jean Nouvel and Daniel Libeskind.

66 Sika Annual Report 2011 Customer Focus ← Glass skin doubling up as climate façade Indoor environmental performance is vastly enhanced by the use of Sikasil® to bond and weatherproof the gas-filled insulating glass units of the façade.

design. The result is a monumental work soft, matt reddish-brown – “to echo the of glass architecture, completed in 2010 brick and stone fronts of the neighboring and nicknamed the “Stealth Building”, buildings”, as the architect explains. By which bobs and weaves below the pro- contrast, the glass façades flanking the tected axes with consummate lightness internal streets shimmer and sparkle as and elegance. Its 32 000 m² façade and they waver between transparency and publicly accessible roof are clad with 6 500 glass panels. Though something short of a cloak of invisibility, the cladding sys- a monumental tem does ensure that the new addition work of glass remains clearly “overshadowed” by the » architecture, the cathedral architecture. The young David’s failure to steal the show from the old “Stealth Building” Goliath is due in no small part to the ethe- bobs and weaves real, filigree character of the glass façade. with lightness and With the individual panels held in place by unobtrusive (Sikasil®) silicone joint elegance. sealants, the “frameless” façade reads as a single, uniform entity. The use of Sikasil® to bond and weatherproof the reflection. The light directed into the gas-filled insulating glass units also interior projects multiple images of the enables the glass skin to double up as cathedral onto the glass: old architecture a “climate façade” that allows efficient joining forces with new to create a fasci- regulation of the indoor environment. nating house of mirrors. Jean Nouvel capitalized on this versatile technology to dazzling effect: through Both the internal and external “seams” a cruciform arrangement of internal pub- that hold the cloak together play a key lic thoroughfares, the French architect role in fashioning the façade as a unified divided up the nine-floor structure into entity. These were required to meet the four blocks, with the crossing located such very highest standards in terms of color, as to command a spectacular view of the performance and durability. The most stone cathedral. conspicuous joints in the One New Change project are the seals between Getting the color right the screen-printed glass panes. The dull uilding in the heart of London is no The façade colors selected by Nouvel are brown hue precisely specified by Jean easy matter. One-third of the city’s inspired by the surrounding urban envi- Nouvel for these seals had to be specially Burban fabric is listed due to its special ronment. Featured most prominently is a mixed and manufactured. → historical interest, while countless build- ings, as architectural monuments, are sacrosanct. The world-famous St. Paul’s Cathedral alone boasts 16 protected and unobstructable sightlines stretching for kilometers across the city. Here, any archi- tects seeking to build for the future will first have to reconcile their concepts with the past. The One New Change office and shopping mall project by distinguished French architect Jean Nouvel is a prime example of how to square urban develop- ment with the demands of conservation. The new complex is sited in the immediate environs of St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Broadening the scope for innovative design Jean Nouvel decided to elevate the statu- ↑ The art of jointing tory requirement for unobstructed views The brown hue of the joints was precisely specified by Jean Nouvel to echo the colors of the cathedral to the leitmotif of his of the urban setting.

Customer Focus Sika Annual Report 2011 67 ← Elaborate composition at ABC Foundation museum in Madrid Although paving and façade are covered with the same aluminum tiles, two com- pletely different Sika systems were used for their installation.

present. Started in 1891 by Spanish daily newspaper Diario ABC, the collection was relocated to a former brewery building in 2010. Spanish architects Aranguren & Gallegos repaired and renovated the clay-brick structure, built in 1900, adding an underground exhibition room. The focal point of the revamped facility is the new courtyard, which serves as a pub- lic entrance zone accessible from two streets. The most intriguing feature here, visible even from the street, is the paving solution – a spellbinding geometric tour de force with triangular, matt-polished aluminum tiles laid in a vibrant pattern. Some of the sharp-pointed triangles are made of matt glass.

Admitting daylight to the underground level, these “windows” already hint at the location of the main exhibition area. Colorfast performance posed a further Invisible fixing The smart paving is echoed by the new challenge given the combined use of The ABC Foundation museum in Madrid courtyard façade that clads the former different Sika product groups, based on was yet another project set in a sensitive industrial facility. This features the same raw materials with sometimes widely historic context. The museum houses a aluminum tiles used for the paving. The varying chemical compositions, whose unique collection of nearly 200 000 draw- cladding system incorporates glazed compatibility nonetheless had to be ings by some 1 500 artists. The pictures “holes” which open onto the indoor office guaranteed. A German company, curtain and events areas. The ensemble of wall specialist Josef Gartner from Gundel- paving and façade frames a captivating fingen in Bavaria, was appointed to as- Visible even from new urban space that revels in the reinter- semble the special glass façade. the street, the pretation of horizontal elements in the » paving solution is vertical. However similar the two compo- “Bonding together different materials sitions may appear, the demands placed was a challenge in itself,” recalls Roland a spellbinding on their design differed enormously. While Reuther, chief installation supervisor geometric tour de the paving had to accommodate pedes- at Gartner. “That made me particularly force. trian and vehicular traffic, the key require- grateful for the expert and dependable ment of the façade was to weatherproof support of Sika’s specialists in the selec- the historic structure. The 235 m² façade tion of adhesives and sealants, and for tiles were elastically fixed to the existing their help in providing me with a better structural fabric using the SikaTack® panel understanding of the products.” are of significant heritage value in that system. The concealed bonding ensures they tell the cultural history of Spain from that there is nothing to distract attention the turn of the twentieth century to the from the bravura performance of the →

68 Sika Annual Report 2011 Customer Focus InMACulAdA CorCho rolAnd rEuThEr Director, Museo ABC, Madrid , Spain Chief Installation Supervisor Josef Gartner, Gundelfingen, Germany Project “Museo ABC,” Madrid Project “one new Change,” london

“The patio’s geometrical construction grants the museum the necessary “It is important for us to have a full understanding of the products we use. modern expression to reflect our contemporary scope, while still respecting That's why the training provided by Sika is so crucial. Everyone working here the historical importance of the building and the collection of drawings has been properly instructed. And, if any questions arise, I know exactly dating back more than a century. As the Sika products that bond the trian- what to do: I just get on the phone to Sika's technicians. They are always glad gular panels are almost invisible, the geometrical pattern appears light and to help and give you a speedy response. They are also very good at commu- graceful in combination with the old building.” nicating their knowledge and their proposals help both us and the architects.”

YAMA KArIM KEn SAGE Architect, principal of the project at Studio Daniel Libeskind, Vice President Business Development, New York (NY), USA Midland Engineering Company, South Bend (IN), USA Project “The Ascent at roebling’s Bridge,” Cincinnati Project “The Ascent at roebling’s Bridge,” Cincinnati

“We pay great attention to the integration of the roof, as part of the building “Sika Sarnafil was fantastic to work with on this very challenging project. design. Our goal in selecting a roofing system was to preserve the integrity This building has numerous angle changes that presented some difficult of the design and have the stripes continue up over the façade and back details. The Sika Sarnafil representatives attended many meetings with us down. Sika Sarnafil did an excellent job. Thanks to their roofing membranes to consult on detail design. The Sika technicians were on site many times the stripes continue effortlessly across the roof without looking like the to inspect the work to ensure that everything was right the first time.” details are being forced.”

Customer Focus Sika Annual Report 2011 69 geometric tableau. The paving tiles with flush glass units were bonded and water- proofed with SikaBond®-T8. Here again, by remaining invisible, the fixing system in no way detracts from the appeal of the new civic space.

A roof by the Ohio River The luxury condominium building in Covington (Kentucky) designed in 2008 by New York star architect Daniel Libeskind embodies a similarly careful response to an existing urban monument. The cres-

The crescent- shaped, blue and » white eye-catcher creates a new, colorful and geometrically bold focus by the ohio River. Photo: © BitterBredt e Fotografi cent-shaped, blue and white eye-catcher with its zestfully curved, sharply tapering ↑ Powerful crescendo roof creates a new, colorful and geometri- The seamless transitions of the façade bands across the steeply tapering roof posed a tough cally bold focus on the banks of the Ohio test for materials and installers alike. River. The dynamic shape is a bow to the curved suspension cables of the neigh- both form and color. Yet the steep, curv- carried seamlessly across the roof,” explains boring John A. Roebling Bridge over the ing roof, which tapers to a point, is more Yama Karim, Project Architect at Studio Ohio River. At its inauguration in 1866, this than just a geometric conceit. It affords Daniel Libeskind. The architects opted was the world’s longest suspension bridge, the 70 apartment dwellers a sweeping for the roofing membranes from the Sika spanning 322 meters. It held onto this view of the Cincinnati skyline. Given that Sarnafil range on account of their ability distinction until 1883, when engineer and the idiosyncratic building showcases the to meet the manifold demands, such as bridge-builder John August Roebling roof as a stunning fifth façade, its detail- water impermeability, color accuracy, long completed his opus magnum, the Brooklyn ing and construction played a pivotal service life, and geometrical flexibility. In- Bridge in New York City. role in the project. “Our goal in selecting stallation of the approx. 1 400 m² roof was a roofing system was to preserve the a complex operation that posed severe Libeskind’s building takes its cue from the integrity of the design, i.e. to ensure that challenges in terms of occupational safety. neighboring engineering monument in the blue and white façade stripes are The work was performed on a 37° slope →

70 Sika Annual Report 2011 Customer Focus Photo: © Michele Nastasi

at heights ranging between 90 and 180 and sealants as well as roofing systems ↑ historic reference meters. “Our installers not only performed play a pivotal role in the detailing of The suspension cables of John A. Roebling Bridge supplied the inspiration for the dramatic admirably, they also had to become rock such buildings: not only do they open roof construction. climbers for the duration of this job,” says the door for innovative solutions and Ken Sage, Vice President Business Devel- design ideas, they also make possible opment at Midland Engineering Company, quasi-invisible connections. They unlock based in South Bend, Indiana. new potential for building designs in which the architect can focus on the Focusing on the essentials essentials – space, materiality and aes- The demands placed by designers, devel - thetic quality. ● opers and the authorities on flagship con- struction projects are high. Adhesives

progress in vehiCle ConstruCtion Structural Bonding Permits Free Choice of Design and Materials

In the automotive industry new cold-curing two-component polyurethane structural adhesives enable free adhesives from the SikaForce® product choice of design and materials as a portfolio to achieve a crash-resistant road kart study which generated bonding performance only previously at- enormous interest shows. tainable by heat curing structural adhe- sives. Just as important was the fact that The new generation of structural the adhesive permitted a free choice of adhesive, SikaPower®, in use by our design and material mix, for example OEM customers for crash-relevant enabling the use of light-weight materials. components has become a market The light-weight construction in turn trendsetter. But small-series produc- enabled fuel efficiency. tion also profits from Sika’s high- strength technology: Car body manu- The road kart, whose development facturer SKT, University of Osnabrück, served as the subject matter of a doc- Germany, and Sika Automotive toral thesis, is set to be authorized for developed a road kart vehicle in the road use and a limited run will soon be course of a joint research project. produced. In response to the enormous Automotive Technology Day in Ham- interest generated by the vehicle, it was burg, and will also be presented at the The project proved the feasibility in even put on show at the 2011 IAA exhibi- Hannover Messe 2012. small-series production of using tion in Frankfurt, as well as during Sika Photo: © Justin Hession/Sika

Customer Focus Sika Annual Report 2011 71 i-Cure technology A New Generation of Sealants and Adhesives Is Born Architekturfotografi e Jochen Helle/Sika

Sika’s newly launched i-Cure platform marks a solution for customers with the most stringent of requirements in terms of performance, workability, resistance, adhesion and safety. The sealants and adhesives produced with the new technology are extremely low in emission and environmentally friendly. Sika’s long-term commitment to developing methods which reduce the emissions for eco and application-friendly construction chemical products is paying off.

72 Sika Annual Report 2011 Customer Focus Architekturfotografie Jochen Helle/Sika t such as bubble-free curing and odorless application. application. odorless and curing bubble-free as such features new with technology adhesive and sealant urethane joint sealants, was one of the first Sika customers to apply the the apply to customers Sika first the of one was sealants, joint using waterproofing of types all in specialized Germany in pany com jointing arenowned Bauabdichtungen, GmbH Schmid H. encouraging. very been has customers from feedback Initial … company waterproofing German From distributors. and wholesalers for also but of Sika customers direct the for only not flexibility more provide products i-Cure the of properties life shelf excellent The year. this to follow are sectors rail and truck bus, or façade the as such markets other on Launches market. distribution the for adhesives and sealants multipurpose for as well as market, marine the markets, bonding floor wood and joint floor the in example, 2011. in For world the throughout markets industry and construction first the into introduced was technology i-Cure benefits Customer substrates. nonporous and to porous adhesion unsurpassed exhibit also They weatherability. proved im show products new the generations, adhesive and sealant polyurethane-based to previous Compared standards. emission stringent increasingly and highest the meet they Furthermore solvent-free. and odorless are products i-Cure applications. indoor for especially products, solvent-free low-emitting towards trend clear to the answer is the technology new The eco-friendly and Safe environment. clean a guarantees sealant joint floor developed newly the systems, coating floor and wall the with conjunction In ← Cleanroom-compatible � Importance in Cleanroomgaining Suitable are Materials progress in Cleanroom teChnology teChnology Cleanroom in progress a low level of pollutants such as dust, dust, as such pollutants of level a low has environment this as cleanrooms use manufacturers items, sensitive - contamination of production the For markets. biopharmaceutical and device medical the in technologies new for especially industries, science life the for important more becoming is cleanliness production Furthermore, industry. panel flat or solar the as such fields new penetrated has industry, nics This trend, initially driven by the electro- today. industries many in witnessed be can processes manufacturing of ness cleanli the improving toward trend The nology. It combines the best properties of classic poly classic of properties best the combines It nology. tech polyurethane hardener latent of type novel protected apatent curing,” “intelligent for stands i-Cure term he


cleanrooms. In addition, it displays very very displays it In addition, cleanrooms. in use for values test excellent achieved PRO-3 Sikaflex® markets. science life and cleanroom the for standard GMP and 14644 to ISO qualification product ardized stand world’s first is the This Materials. Suitable CSMCleanroom – qualification product the to meet was technology on i-Cure based joints floor for sealant developed newly The PRO-3. Sikaflex® for set goals development the among was ments on cleanliness, cleanroom suitability require strict To increasingly the meet vapors. chemical and particles aerosol microbes, airborne

- -

- - -

improved as well.” as improved ● has products the of workability safer. it makes the and And ment - environ working the solvent-free. are improves and This sion emis have low odorless, are products new the that advantage is agreat it hall, manufacturing our in as such applications indoor “For products: new i-Cure the with satisfied is highly Lin, Shan company, the of Mr. owner The Hong area. marine the in cations appli bonding and sealing general for as well as caulking deck for range Sikaflex® the using Co. Da have been Ltd. They Hong distributor is Taiwanese marine products i-Cure developed newly the with experiences initial to have made company Another distributor … to Taiwanese marine money.”saving and schedules time tight keeping for precondition is the plication ap speedy and “Easy adds: Schmid Heinrich Director Managing be achieved as the product is not resilient during application.” application.” during resilient is not product the as achieved be can waves no with even surface An characteristics. hardening better offers and cut-offstring any hardly has extruded, easily is more material new “The out: company, the of points ployee em experienced ahighly Czudzowitz, Rudolf products. new » us to save time and money. quick and to apply, easy allowing The new i-Cure products are Schmid GmbH Bauabdichtungen, Germany Germany Bauabdichtungen, GmbH Schmid H. ScHmid HeinricH - -

Customer Focus Focus Customer rejected goods will be reduced. reduced. be will goods rejected of number the and pollution by air ted affec be not will processes production customers’ Hence environment. a clean guarantees PRO-3 Sikaflex® of use the Sika coating systems for walls and floors, approved cleanroom Together the with growth. bacteria and mould against resistance good – Managing Director Director –Managing

Sika Annual Report 2011 2011 Report Annual Sika

- - - -

- 73 73 ↑ up on high Switzerland's tallest building, the Prime Tower in Zurich, was put up in record time.

74 Sika Annual Report 2011 Customer Focus acceleration High in the sky and deep underground � Copy ReTo WeSTeRMaNN Photo MaRC eggIMaNN

Both high-rise and tunnel projects test engineers and materials to their limits. The Prime Tower in Zurich and the Metro project in Nanjing – both incorporating Sika products – are no exception.

Customer Focus Sika Annual Report 2011 75 ↑ Precast concrete elements for 600 km of subway Up to 2030, some 150 000 precast concrete elements will be produced annually for the Metro subway in China’s multi-million- population city of Nanjing.

he area to the west of the Hardbrücke bridge in Zurich was The consortium proposed the use of climbing formwork to build formerly a bastion of mechanical engineering. It was home the high-rise core. A preliminary analysis indicated that a rate tto shipbuilder and turbine manufacturer Sulzer-Escher-Wyss, of one story per week was feasible. The first step was to concrete whose immediate neighbor Maag produced cogwheels. Economic the core zone. shifts have since brought about a transformation: actors now tread the boards in Sulzer-Escher-Wyss’s shipbuilding hall while, For the engineers, this core section posed a particular challenge. on the Maag site, blue-collar workers have been ousted by lawyers Not only did it need to house stairways, elevators, and mechanical and managers. Visible from afar, the 126 meter high Prime Tower and electrical installations, it also constituted the building’s stands as a beacon of change. Incorporating some 34 000 cubic structural backbone. In other words, the bulk of the loads acting meters of concrete and 6 000 tons of steel reinforcement, Switzer- on the high-rise had to be accommodated by this core. Accord- land’s tallest building was erected in only 40 months. The first ten- ants took up residence in August 2011 and, since mid-December, visitors to the “Clouds” restaurant on the 36th story can enjoy a Consistent concrete properties spectacular view of the city during dinner. were vital for the Prime Tower One story per week » project. The use of sophisticated technology and logistics to meet the tight construction schedule had been one of the key require- ments in the bidding procedure. The contract was awarded to ingly high demands were placed on the quality of the concrete. the ARGE Prime Tower consortium made up of design-build con- The required properties were precisely specified by the engi- tractors Losinger-Marazzi and Steiner AG. “We were able neering team and the best concrete mix design was identified by to capitalize on the experience of our parent company, Bouygues, means of laboratory tests. For example, the core concrete was which has notched up a number of high-rise projects,” points required to exhibit a maximum shrinkage of 0.35 per mil after 90 out Alain Capt, Prime Tower’s Senior Project Manager. days. “Otherwise the building’s structural deformation behavior

76 Sika Annual Report 2011 Customer Focus hErMAnn WAlPEn Yu Chun du lIYuE Head Building Construction, Member of President Nanjing Dadi Construction New Vice President Nanjing Dadi Construction New Management Board Marti AG, Bauunter- Building Materials Co. Ltd., Nanjing, China Building Materials Co. Ltd., Nanjing, China nehmung, Zurich, Switzerland Project “nanjing Metro,” nanjing Project “nanjing Metro,” nanjing Project “Prime Tower,” Zurich

“For the Prime Tower in Zurich – Switzerland’s “By 2030, the Nanjing Metro network will be “After a brief test phase, we started using Sika® tallest building – we had to put up 36 stories with- extended from its present 85 km to a total length ViscoCrete®-20 HE as high early-strength and in a 17-month construction window. Both the time of 600 km. This will involve the production and high-performance water reducer in May 2011. It constraints and the architecture without right incorporation in the tunnels of 150 000 concrete offers wide-ranging advantages over standard angles placed exceedingly stringent demands segments each year. With Sika as our contract water reducers. The concrete produced since then on the concrete: high compressive strength, low partner, we know we can rely on consistent exhibits higher and more consistent quality. The shrinkage and low creep, coupled with excellent product quality, continuously high performance, casting and curing time for the concrete elements workability and a top-quality surface finish. The on-time delivery and a supreme service. Sika’s has been cut by two hours. The improved late expert technical and methodological support of tailored counseling and constant support help us strength of the concrete has also allowed us to the Sika team, which counseled us before and solve any production problems that arise. That’s save on materials. And what is plain for all to see during the construction period, enabled us to a truly exceptional service. For a tightly scheduled is the vastly superior aesthetic appearance due surpass the quality requirements and deadlines project of this magnitude, close and reliable colla- to reduced surface defects. All in all, the use of set by the owner. Through its flexible, highly boration is of paramount importance. Sika is our Sika products has allowed us to boost production quality-conscious approach, Sika delivered ab- undisputed partner of choice.” efficiency at no additional labor cost.” solutely convincing results.”

would have been impaired,” explains Lukas Reichmuth, Project in the forms. For a long time, naphthalene was added to the con- Engineer at Zurich-based engineering practice Walt+Galmarini AG. crete as an accelerator and hardener, albeit with unsatisfactory results. The four precast manufacturers have now switched to Admixtures guarantee consistent quality Sika® ViscoCrete®-20 HE superplasticizer and set accelerator. While the required performance was easy to achieve under labora- Thanks to the high-performance properties of the new admix- tory conditions, the on-site realities posed far stiffer tests. One ture, the production rate has since shot up by one-third. The con- of these was the extreme range of temperatures – from -10°C to + 30°C – during the construction period. Further difficulties arose from the need to pump the concrete to a height of over 100 meters on the Nanjing Metro extension in some cases. The long distances both lengthened pumping project, Sika’s top-class support times and raised the temperature of the concrete due to friction » �service helps us to solve any with the pipes. To guarantee the consistent quality of the con- crete placed throughout the contract period, the management problems that arise. team specified Sika superplasticizers and shrinkage-reducing admixtures. These allowed fine-tuning of the concrete formula- tion in line with temperature and season. This investment paid crete segments can now be manufactured in three daily shifts, dividends: concreting proceeded without any notable delays and, instead of previously two. Gains have also been achieved in the bang on time after 60 weeks, the core reached to its definitive quality of the lining units – particularly in terms of strength and height of 126 meters. impermeability, which are of course crucial properties for tunnel applications. ● 30 kilometers per year Fast-track construction and punctuality are every bit as important for Nanjing’s Metro project. Located some 300 km northwest of Shanghai, Nanjing with its population of five million is one of China’s ten biggest cities. It is a key center of industry, boasting four major industrial parks plus a university. Under construction since 2000, the city’s extensive subway system is scheduled to comprise 17 lines by 2030. Around 30 kilometers of tunnel are completed each year, based on drives of up to 100 meters per day. As for the Prime Tower, elaborate logistical support is indis- pensable in ensuring rapid progress of the works. This includes the daily production in four factories of some 500 precast con- crete elements which are used to line the tunnels. To meet this production rate, the concrete segments need to set rapidly

Customer Focus Sika Annual Report 2011 77 78 Sika Annual Report 2011 Customer Focus Sika Annual Report 2011 79 → Content Financial Report

Content Financial Report

Consolidated Financial Statements 80 Consolidated Balance Sheet 81 Consolidated Income Statement 84 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

Appendix to the Consolidated Financial Statements 85 Principles of Consolidation and Valuation 99 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 128 List of Group Companies 132 Report of the Statutory Auditors

Five-Year Reviews 133 Consolidated Balance Sheet 134 Consolidated Income Statement 136 Segment Information 138 Employees 139 Value-Added Statement

Sika AG Financial Statements 140 Balance Sheet 142 Income Statement 143 Notes to the Financial Statements 153 Proposal by the Board of Directors 155 Report of the Statutory Auditors

Financial Calendar Imprint 80 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Consolidated Financial Statements

Consolidated Financial Statements �

Consolidated Balance Sheet as of December 31 �

in CHF mn Notes 2009 2010 2011 Restated1 Restated1

Cash and cash equivalents 1 801.6 938.4 536.0 Accounts receivable 2 739.4 780.6 875.7 Inventories 3 451.4 499.7 530.6 Prepaid expenses and accrued income 60.9 82.6 75.8 Other current assets 4 39.8 49.7 34.3 Total current assets 2 093.1 2 351.0 2 052.4 Property, plant, and equipment 5 861.7 816.5 860.6 Intangible assets 6 562.0 630.9 770.4 Investments in associated companies 7 24.0 23.4 21.1 Deferred tax assets 8 69.2 88.0 82.4 Other non-current assets 4 28.8 31.0 43.5 Total non-current assets 1 545.7 1 589.8 1 778.0

Total assets 3 638.8 3 940.8 3 830.4

Accounts payable 9 355.2 478.2 501.0 Accrued expenses and deferred income 10 211.8 192.3 191.4 Bond 12 0.0 274.6 0.0 Income tax liabilities 38.2 57.2 58.0 Current provisions 13 43.5 16.8 11.3 Other current liabilities 11 17.6 37.6 59.1 Total current liabilities 666.3 1 056.7 820.8 Bonds 12 1 066.9 794.4 796.0 Non-current provisions 13 103.1 92.0 90.6 Deferred tax liabilities 8 64.3 80.9 101.0 Employee benefit obligation 14 130.3 131.7 142.9 Other non-current liabilities 11 7.2 25.5 40.0 Total non-current liabilities 1 371.8 1 124.5 1 170.5

Total liabilities 2 038.1 2 181.2 1 991.3

Share capital 22.9 22.9 1.5 Treasury shares -106.3 -69.9 -55.7 Reserves 1 679.4 1 802.9 1 880.3 Equity attributable to Sika shareholders 1 596.0 1 755.9 1 826.1 Non-controlling interests 4.7 3.7 13.0 Total shareholders’ equity 15 1 600.7 1 759.6 1 839.1

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 3 638.8 3 940.8 3 830.4

1 Restated due to application of IFRIC 14 amended (see principles of consolidation).

398.indd 80 24.02.2012 15:33:48 Sika Annual Report 2011 81 → Consolidated Financial Statements

Consolidated Financial Statements

Consolidated Balance Sheet as of December 31 Consolidated Income Statement from January 1 to December 31 �

in CHF mn Notes % 2010 � % 2011 Change in % Restated1

Net sales 16 � 100.0 4 416.0 100.0 4 556.4 3.2 Other operating income 0.1 5.8 0.2 7.3 Operating revenue 17 � 100.1 4 421.8 100.2 4 563.7 3.2 Material expenses 18 � -46.1 -2 036.9 -49.6 -2 259.1 Gross result 54.0 2 384.9 50.6 2 304.6 -3.4 Personnel expenses 19 � -21.6 -953.7 -21.1 -959.9 Other operating expenses 19 � -19.3 -854.5 -19.0 -867.3 Operating profit before depreciation 19 � 13.1 576.7 10.5 477.4 -17.2 Depreciation 20 � -2.4 -102.7 -2.2 -98.6 Amortization 20 � -0.8 -33.0 -0.7 -30.3 Impairment 20 � 0.0 -1.8 -0.0 -1.4 Operating profit 9.9 439.2 7.6 347.1 -21.0 Interest income 22 � 0.1 4.0 0.1 5.0 Interest expenses 21 � -0.8 -34.0 -0.7 -33.4 Other financial income 22 � 0.1 5.4 0.1 5.2 Other financial expenses 21 � -0.3 -14.2 -0.4 -18.0 Income from associated companies 22 � 0.1 3.0 0.2 9.6 Profit before taxes 9.1 403.4 6.9 315.5 -21.8 Income taxes 23 � -2.1 -92.8 -2.2 -100.7 Net profit 7.0 310.6 4.7 214.8 -30.8 Profit attributable to Sika shareholders 7.0 310.5 4.7 213.3 Profit attributable to non-controlling interests 24 � 0.0 0.1 0.0 1.5

Undiluted earings per bearer share (in CHF) 25 � 124.48 85.06 -31.7 Undiluted earings per registered share (in CHF) 25 � 20.75 14.18 -31.7

1 Restated due to application of IFRIC 14 amended (see principles of consolidation).

398.indd 81 24.02.2012 15:33:48 82 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Consolidated Financial Statements

Statement of comprehensive income in CHF mn % 2010 % 2011 Change in % Restated1

Net profit 7.0 310.6 4.7 214.8 -30.8 Currency translation differences Exchange differences taken to equity -2.0 -86.7 -0.6 -27.7 Available-for-sale financial assets Valuation gains (+)/losses (-) taken to equity 0.0 0.6 0.0 -0.2 Transferred to income statement on sale or impairment 0.0 -0.3 0.0 0.0 Other comprehensive income -2.0 -86.4 -0.6 -26.8 Comprehensive income 5.1 224.2 4.1 188.0 -16.1 Attributable to Sika shareholders 5.1 224.1 4.1 185.4 Attributable to non-controlling interests 0.0 0.1 0.1 2.6

1 Restated due to application of IFRIC 14 amended (see principles of consolidation).

398.indd 82 24.02.2012 15:33:48 Sika Annual Report 2011 83 → Consolidated Financial Statements

Statement of changes in equity in CHF mn Capital Capital Treasury Currency Fluctua- Re- Total Non- Total stock surplus shares transla- tions in tained Sika control- equity tion value of earnings share- ling differ- financial holders’ interests ences instru- ments

January 1, 2010 (audited) 22.9 256.0 -106.3 -224.2 -0.1 1 640.0 1 588.3 4.7 1 593.0 Restatement1 7.7 7.7 7.7 January 1, 2010 (restated) 22.9 256.0 -106.3 -224.2 -0.1 1 647.7 1 596.0 4.7 1 600.7 Profit of the year1 310.5 310.5 0.1 310.6 Other comprehensive income -86.7 0.3 -86.4 -86.4 Comprehensive income – – – -86.7 0.3 310.5 224.1 0.1 224.2 Transactions with treasury shares2 36.4 0.6 37.0 37.0 Share based payments 6.3 6.3 6.3 Dividends3 -112.0 -112.0 -1.0 -113.0 Change in scope of consolidation -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 Inflation adjusted4 4.6 4.6 0.0 4.6 January 1, 2011 (restated) 22.9 256.0 -69.9 -310.9 0.2 1 857.6 1 755.9 3.7 1 759.6 Profit of the year 213.3 213.3 1.5 214.8 Other comprehensive income -27.7 -0.2 -27.9 1.1 -26.8 Comprehensive income – – – -27.7 -0.2 213.3 185.4 2.6 188.0 Transactions with treasury shares2 14.2 -3.5 10.7 10.7 Share based payments 8.7 8.7 8.7 Dividends 3 -112.8 -112.8 -1.7 -114.5 Repayment of nominal value -21.4 -21.4 -21.4 Non-controlling interests from acquisitions – 6.3 6.3 Purchase of non-controlling interests -1.8 -1.8 -4.9 -6.7 Capital increase – 7.0 7.0 Inflation adjusted4 1.4 1.4 0.0 1.4 December 31, 2011 1.5 256.0 -55.7 -338.6 0.0 1 962.9 1 826.1 13.0 1 839.1

1 Restated due to application of IFRIC 14 amended (see principles of consolidation). � 2 Including capital gains tax of CHF 0.9 million (CHF 1.8 million) in retained earnings. � 3 Dividend per bearer share: CHF 45.00, dividend per registered share: CHF 7.50. � 4 Hyperinflation accounting has been applied since January 1, 2010 and concerns the subsidiary in Venezuela. 84 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Consolidated Financial Statements

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

in CHF mn Notes 2010 2011

Operating activities Profit before taxes 403.4 315.5 Depreciation/amortization/impairment 137.5 130.3 Increase (+)/decrease (-) in provisions/ employee benefit plans -22.4 -7.9 Increase (-)/decrease (+) in net working capital 14.8 -62.5 Other adjustments 28 -2.8 -3.0 Income taxes paid -105.7 -73.1 Cash flow from operating activities 424.8 299.3

Investing activities Property, plant, and equipment: capital expenditures -91.3 -104.6 Property, plant, and equipment: disposals 6.7 8.6 Intangible assets: capital expenditures -8.6 -12.5 Intangible assets: disposals 0.6 0.1 Acquisitions less cash and cash equivalents -90.6 -143.8 Acquisitions (-)/disposals (+) of financial assets 2.3 -6.9 Capital increase at associated companies 0.0 -4.8 Cash flow from investing activities -180.9 -263.9

Financing activities Increase in financial liabilities 7.0 20.6 Repayment of financial liabilities -29.5 -58.6 Repayment of a bond 0.0 -275.0 Acquisitions (-)/disposals (+) in treasury shares 38.8 11.6 Dividend payment to shareholders of Sika AG -112.0 -112.8 Repayment of nominal value 0.0 -21.4 Dividends related to non-controlling interests -1.0 -1.7 Capital increase from non-controlling interests 0.0 7.0 Cash flow from financing activities -96.7 -430.3

Exchange differences on cash and cash equivalents -10.4 -7.5

Net change in cash and cash equivalents 136.8 -402.4 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 801.6 938.4 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 938.4 536.0

Cash flow from operating activities contains: Dividends from associated companies 3.8 4.9 Interest received 4.3 5.0 Interest paid -35.4 -34.4

398.indd 84 24.02.2012 15:33:49 Sika Annual Report 2011 85 → Appendix to the Consolidated Financial Statements

Appendix to the Consolidated Financial Statements

Principles of Consolidation and Valuation

Principles of Consolidation.

General principles. The financial statements of the Sika Group are prepared in conformity with the provisions of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). All standards (IAS/IFRS) and interpretations (IFRIC/SIC) applicable as of December 31, 2011, were taken into account. The financial statements are prepared according to the going-concern principle.

Changes in the accounting standards. The accounting standards applied conform to those standards that were valid in the previous year. Exceptions are the following revised and new standards, which Sika applies since January 1, 2011: – IAS 24 – Related Party Transactions (Amendment) – IAS 32 – Financial Instruments: Presentation (Amendment) – IFRIC 14 – Prepayments of a Minimum Funding Requirement (Amendment) – IFRIC 19 – Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with Equity Instruments – Improvements to IFRSs (2010)

The following effect results from the application of these revised standards and interpretations: – IFRIC 14 – Prepayments of a Minimum Funding Requirement (Amendment). The amendment removes an unintended consequence when an entity is subject to minimum funding requirements and makes an early payment of contributions to cover such requirements. The amendment permits a prepayment of future service cost by the entity to be recognized as a pension asset. The acceptance of this change resulted in a restatement as listed in the table below.

Impact of IFRIC 14 (revised) on previous year figures in CHF mn � 1/1/2010 12/31/2010

Balance sheet Other non-current assets (before IFRIC 14) � 19.4 21.9 Restated due to IFRIC 14 � 9.4 9.1 Other non-current assets (restated) � 28.8 31.0 Deferred tax liabilities (before IFRIC 14) � -62.6 -79.2 Restated due to IFRIC 14 � -1.7 -1.7 Deferred tax liabilities (restated) � -64.3 -80.9 Impact on retained earnings � 7.7 7.4

1/1 – 12/31/2010 Income statement Personnel expenses � -953.4 Restated due to IFRIC 14 � -0.3 Personnel expenses (restated) � -953.7 Impact on net profit � -0.3

Earnings per bearer share/CHF � 124.60 Restated due to IFRIC 14 � -0.12 Earnings per bearer share (restated)/CHF � 124.48

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As of 2012 and later Sika will adopt the following new and revised standards: – IAS 19 – Employee Benefits (amended, applicable effective January 1, 2013) is facing two key changes. First, the expected return on plan assets and interest costs on the defined benefit obligations are to be replaced by a single net interest component which is calculated by applying the discount rate to the reported net defined benefit assets or liabilities. Second, past-service costs are to be recognised in the period of a plan amendment, and unvested benefits will no longer be spread over a future period until the benefits become vested. These changes will impact both on the result for the period and on earnings per share since employee pension expenses will increase. They will also affect the amounts presented in other comprehensive income, and net employee benefit liabilities/(assets) in the balance sheet. Sika is currently investigating the repercussions that this amended standard will have on the consolidated financial statements. – IFRS 9 – Financial instruments (applicable as of January 1, 2015), make it easier for investors and other readers to understand how financial instruments are booked and reduce complexity.

New standards, amendments and interpretations not yet effective and not yet adopted, without practical relevance to the Group: – IFRS 7 – Financial Instruments: Disclosures (Amendment applicable as of July 1, 2011) – IAS 12 – Income Taxes (Amendment applicable as of January 1, 2012) – IFRS 10 – Consolidated Financial Statements (applicable as of January 1, 2013) – IAS 27 – Separate Financial Statements (applicable as of January 1, 2013) – IFRS 11 – Joint Arrangements (applicable as of January 1, 2013) – IAS 28 – Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures (applicable as of January 1, 2013) – IFRS 12 – Disclosure of interests in Other Entities (applicable as of January 1, 2013) – IFRS 13 – Fair Value Measurement (applicable as of January 1, 2013) – IAS 1 – Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive Income (Amendment applicable as of July 1, 2012) – Improvements to IFRSs (2011)

Consolidation method. Basis. The consolidated financial statements are based on the balance sheets and income statements of Sika AG, Baar, Switzerland, and its subsidiaries as of December 31, 2011, prepared in accordance with uniform standards.

Subsidiaries. Companies which are controlled by Sika are fully consolidated. The consolidation includes 100% of their assets and liabilities as well as expenses and income; non-controlling interests in shareholders’ equity and net income for the year are excluded and shown separately as part of minority interests.

Associated companies. The equity method is applied to account for investments ranging from 20% to 50%, pro- vided that Sika exercises significant influence. The investments are included in the balance sheet under “Invest- ments in associated companies” in terms of the Group’s percentage share in net assets; in the income statement the Group’s share in the net income for the year is reflected in “Income from associated companies.”

Other minority interests. Other minority interests are carried at fair value.

Intragroup transactions. Transactions within the Group are eliminated as follows: – Intragroup receivables and liabilities are eliminated in full. – Intragroup income and expenses and the unrealized profit margin from intragroup transactions are elimi- nated in full.

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The list reflects the exchange rates of foreign currencies in Sika’s major markets on various continents.

Country Currency 2010 2010 2011 2011 Balance Income Balance Income sheet1 statement2 sheet1 statement2 CHF CHF CHF CHF

Egypt EGP 100 16.11 18.50 15.57 15.05 Australia AUD 1 0.95 0.96 0.95 0.92 Brazil BRL 100 56.38 59.32 50.32 53.40 China CNY 100 14.17 15.36 14.90 13.81 Denmark DKK 100 16.78 18.57 16.35 16.61 Euro zone EUR 1 1.25 1.38 1.22 1.24 Great Britain GBP 1 1.45 1.61 1.46 1.43 India INR 100 2.09 2.28 1.77 1.92 Japan JPY 100 1.15 1.18 1.21 1.12 Canada CAD 1 0.94 1.02 0.92 0.90 Colombia COP 10 000 4.87 5.51 4.84 4.84 Mexico MXN 100 7.56 8.27 6.73 7.21 Poland PLZ 100 31.46 34.81 27.27 30.10 Sweden SEK 100 13.95 14.48 13.64 13.66 Turkey TRY 100 60.42 69.29 49.75 53.59 USA USD 1 0.94 1.04 0.94 0.89

1 Year-end rates. 2 Annual average rates.

Business combinations and goodwill. Business combinations are accounted for using the acquisition method. The cost of an acquisition is measured as the aggregate of the consideration transferred, measured at acquisition date fair value and the amount of any non-controlling interests in the acquired company. For each business combination, the acquirer measures the non-controlling interests in the acquired company either at fair value or at the proportionate share of the acquired company’s identifiable net assets. Acquisition related costs incurred are expensed and included in administrative expenses.

Any contingent consideration to be transferred by the acquirer will be recognized at fair value at the acquisition date. Subsequent changes to the fair value of the contingent consideration which is deemed to be an asset or liability will be recognized in the income statement. If the contingent consideration is classified as equity, it should not be remeasured until it is finally settled within equity.

If the cost of an acquisition exceeds the fair value of the acquired identifiable assets including goodwill, liabilities, contingent liabilities and non-controlling interests, the balance is reported as goodwill. Every negative balance is directly recognized in the income statement.

Goodwill is subject to an annual impairment test. Impairments are recognized in the income statement. The original value is not reversed at a later date.

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When subsidiaries are sold, the difference between the selling price and the net assets plus cumulative trans- lation differences is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as an operating result.

The results of subsidiaries acquired or disposed of during the year are included in the consolidated income state- ment from the effective date of acquisition of control or up to the effective date of loss of control.

Significant accounting estimates. Uncertainties in estimates. The key assumptions concerning the future as well as details of other key sources of estimation uncertainty on the balance sheet date that entail a risk of requiring a material adjustment to reported amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are discussed below. �

Impairment of Goodwill. � The Group determines at least once annually or upon corresponding indication whether an impairment of good- will has occurred. This requires an estimation of the value in use of the cash-generating units to which the good- will is allocated. Estimating the value in use requires the Group to make an estimate of the expected future cash flows from the cash generating unit and also to choose a suitable discount rate in order to calculate the present value of those cash flows. The book value of goodwill as of December 31, 2011, was CHF 415.8 million (previous year CHF 310.6 million). Further details are presented in note 6. �

Fair value of acquisitions. In connection with acquisitions, all assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities are valued at fair value. Newly iden- tified assets and liabilities are also included in the balance sheet. Fair value is determined in part based on assumptions regarding factors that are subject to a degree of uncertainty, such as interest rates and sales. �

Trademarks. � Trademarks with an indefinite lifetime undergo an annual impairment test in which the discounted future cash flows are calculated and compared with the book value. Future cash inflows must be estimated. Actual cash inflows can thereby deviate significantly from estimations. Discounting is in addition based on assumptions and estimations concerning business-specific capital costs, which are themselves dependent on national risks, credit risks, and additional risks resulting from the volatility of the respective business. �

Customer relations. Customer relations are depreciated over their estimated useful life. The estimated useful life is based on esti- mates of the time period during which this intangible asset generates cash flows, as well as historic empirical data concerning customer loyalty. Calculation of the present value of estimated future cash flows includes essential assumptions, especially of future sales. Discounting is in addition also based on assumptions and estimations concerning business-specific capital costs, which are themselves dependent on national risks, credit risks, and additional risks resulting from the volatility of the respective business. �

Deferred tax assets. � Deferred tax assets resulting from unrealized tax loss carryforwards or timing differences are recorded to the extent that a realization of the corresponding tax advantage is probable. The assessment of the probability of the realization of a tax advantage requires assumptions based on the history of the respective company and on data budgeted for the future. �

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Employee benefits obligations. � The Group maintains various employee benefit plans. Diverse statistical and other variables are used in the calcu- lation of expenses and liabilities to estimate future developments. These variables include estimations and assumptions concerning the discounting interest rate, expected income from plan assets as well as future wage and salary increases established by the management within certain guidelines. In addition for actuarial calculation of benefit liabilities actuaries employ statistical information such as withdrawal or death probabilities, which can deviate significantly from actual results due to changes in market conditions, the economic situation as well as fluctuating rates of withdrawal and shorter or longer lifespan of benefit plan participants. �

Provisions. � The calculation of provisions requires assumptions about the probability, size and timely occurrence of an outflow of resources that represent economic value. As far as an outflow of resources is probable and a reliable estimation is possible, a provision is recorded. �

Valuation priciples.

Conversion of foreign currencies. The financial statements of subsidiaries outside Switzerland are converted into Swiss francs as follows: – Balance sheet at year-end rates – Income statements at annual average rates

Resulting translation differences are recorded separately in the statement of comprehensive income.

Foreign currency transactions are first translated into the functional currency at the exchange rates prevailing at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities in a foreign currency are translated into the func- tional currency on every balance sheet date by applying exchange rates valid on the balance sheet date. All exchange rate differences are recorded in the income statement. The rates listed on page 87 were applied for translation of local currencies to Swiss francs.

Segment reporting. Sika carries out its worldwide activities according to Regions, to which a certain number of countries belong. Region heads are members of Group Management. Group Management is the highest opera- tive executive body measuring the profit and loss of segments and allocating resources. The composition of the Regions does not follow the generally observed geographic grouping of countries to continents, manifesting rather diverse organizational, commercial, and cultural circ*mstances. So for example in Region IMEA (India, Middle East, Africa) among others the countries of the Middle East and India are grouped together, since these countries are strongly interwoven regarding their building and construction industry. The precise composition of the Regions is shown on page 16.

Products and services from all product groups are sold in all Regions. Customers derive from the building and construction industry or from the area of industrial manufacturing. Sales are assigned according to company locations. “Other segments and activities” comprises the global automotives business, expenditures for Group headquarters and its proceeds from services and delivery of goods to Group companies. In addition Central Services includes also expenditures and revenues that are not assigned to any Region. Such expenditures mainly relate to research and development.

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Financial assets and liabilities. Distinctions are made between the following categories of financial assets and financial liabilities: – Financial assets and financial liabilities for trading purposes as well as derivatives, “at fair value through profit and loss”: these are set in the balance sheet at fair value and adjusted to its development. All fluctuations in value are represented in the financial result. – “Held-to-maturity investments”: these include fixed-term investments that the Group is willing and able to hold until maturity. They are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. At present Sika does not hold assets in this category. – “Loans and receivables” granted by the company: this category includes loans granted and credit balances. The valuation occurs at nominal value insofar as repayment within one year is foreseen. Otherwise they are classified as assets held to maturity. – All other financial assets are classified as available-for-sale. The valuation occurs at fair value, with fluctua- tions in value recorded in comprehensive income. Upon sale, permanent depreciation in value or other dives- titure, the cumulative profits or losses recorded in shareholders’ equity are shown in the financial result of the current period. – Non-current financial liabilities are valued at amortized cost. Once they have been settled, financial liabilities are derecognized.

All purchases and sales of financial assets and liabilities are recorded on the settlement date. Financial assets are derecognized when Sika loses the right in which the financial asset value consists. Normally this occurs through the sale of assets or the repayment of granted loans or accounts receivable. The financial liabilities include financing debts that are carried at amortized cost using the effective interest method.

On each balance sheet date the Group determines whether a financial asset is impaired. If objective evidence exists that an impairment of financial assets carried at amortized cost has occurred, then the amount of the impair- ment results from the difference between the book value of the asset and the present value of anticipated future cash flows, discounted using the effective interest rate. If in the case of accounts receivable there is objective evidence that not all due amounts will be rendered according to originally agreed invoicing conditions (as for example in high probability of insolvency or significant financial difficulties of a debtor), then an impairment is carried out through use of a value adjustment account. The recognition of receivables occurs when they are assessed as uncollectible. If an available-for-sale asset is impaired in its value, an amount equal to the difference between its purchase cost and current fair value is transferred from shareholders’ equity to the income statement.

Balance sheet. Cash and cash equivalents. The position includes cash and cash equivalents.

Securities. Carried in this category are marketable securities. Sika has classified all securities as available-for-sale.

Receivables. Accounts receivable are recorded following deduction of an allowance for doubtful debts neces- sary for management reason. A specific value adjustment is carried out on accounts receivable for which payment is considered at risk.

Inventories. Raw materials and merchandise are carried at acquisition cost (weighted average); finished and semifinished products are carried at manufacturing cost, however at the highest at their realizable sales value.

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Other current assets. This item includes accrued income unrelated to accounts receivable.

Depreciation in value of non-current assets (impairment). The impairment of property, plant, and equipment as well as intangible assets is reviewed if events or changed circ*mstances indicate that an over-valuation of book values appears possible. If the book value exceeds the recoverable value, a special depreciation allowance is recorded on the higher of fair value less cost to sell and the value in use of an asset which corresponds to the dis- counted, anticipated future cash flows. For the purpose of impairment tests, property, plant, and equipment are grouped together into cash-generating units.

Property, plant, and equipment. Property, plant, and equipment are carried at acquisition cost, less accumulated depreciation required for business purposes. The capitalization is made based on components. Leased property, plant, and equipment are capitalized if qualified as finance lease. Value-enhancing expenses are capitalized and depreciated over their useful life. Repair, maintenance, and replacement costs are charged directly to the income statement. Depreciation under the straight-line method is based on the anticipated useful life of the asset, including its operational usefulness and age-related technical viability. The acquisition costs include borrowing costs for long-term construction projects if the recognition criteria are met.

Depreciation schedule

Buildings 25 years Infrastructure 15 years Plants and machinery 5 – 15 years Furnishings 6 years Vehicles 4 years Laboratory equipment and tools 4 years IT Hardware 4 years

Leasing. Fixed assets acquired under finance leasing contracts and therefore owned by the Group in respect to risks and rewards of ownership, are classified under finance leasing. Such assets are carried at current market value or the lower present value of future, irrevocable lease payments and are reported as non-current assets and financial indebtedness. Assets classified as finance leasing are depreciated over their estimated useful life or amortized over a shorter leasing contract. Unrealized earnings from sale and leaseback transac- tions that fall under the definition of finance leasing are shown as a liability and realized over the term of the leasing contract. Payments on operating leases are recorded as operating expense and accordingly charged to the income statement.

Deferred taxes (assets/liabilities). Deferred taxes are considered under the liability method. According to this method the effects on income taxes resulting from temporary differences between Group-internal and taxable balance sheet values are recorded as non-current liabilities or respectively as non-current assets. The actual or anticipated tax rates are decisive if the tax liability is fulfilled or the tax claim realized. Changes in deferred taxes are reflected in the tax income expense or the statement of comprehensive income. Accrued taxes including those that can be applied to tax loss carryforwards are considered to the extent that their realization is probable. Deferred taxes are recognized for all taxable temporary differences insofar as the accounting regulations foresee no exceptions.

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Intangible assets. In-house developed patents, trademarks, and other rights are not capitalized. Research and development expenditures for new products are included in the income statement, since these do not fulfill the criteria of capitalization. Acquired intangible assets are as a rule capitalized and amortized using the straight- line method.

Development costs for software are capitalized as intangible assets, provided that the software will generate a future economic benefit through sale or through use within the Group and that its cost can be reliably estimated. Conditions for capitalization are the technical feasibility of the asset and the intention and ability to complete its development, as well as the availability of adequate resources. Sika has created a new SAP platform with standard processes that an initial number of companies have been using since 2010. The rollout will take several years. The capitalized costs are transferred to the companies in the year of first use.

Amortization schedule

Software 2 – 10 years1 Patents 5 years Customer relations 2 – 20 years Trademarks 3 – 10 years

1 With the exception of the SAP platform, which has a useful life of 10 years, software is usually written off over 2 to 5 years.

Acquired trademarks are amortized insofar as a useful life can be determined. Otherwise trademarks are not amortized but undergo an annual impairment test.

Assets held for sale. This item consists of long-term assets designated to be disposed of through sale or other means. Long-term assets held for sale are shown at book value or at market value less disposal costs if lower. Book value is not derived from continued use, but rather from a sales transaction with high probability. Assets held for sale are shown on the balance sheet separately. In the year under review there were no such assets at hand.

Liabilities. Current liabilities consist of liabilities with maturities of less than twelve months. Tax liabilities include taxes due and accrued. Non-current liabilities include loans and provisions with a term of more than one year.

Provisions. Provisions required for liabilities from guarantees, warranties, and environmental risks as well as restructuring are carried as liabilities. Provisions are only carried if Sika has a third-party liability that is based on a past event and can be reliably assessed. Potential losses due to future incidents are not carried in the balance sheet.

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Employee benefit plans. The Group maintains benefit plans that differ in accordance with local practices. Group contributions to defined contribution plans are recognized in the income statement. Defined benefit plans are administered either through self-governed pension funds or recorded in the balance sheet. The amount of the liabilities resulting from defined benefit is regularly determined by independent experts under application of the projected unit credit method. Actuarial gains and losses are recorded in the income statement when the net cumulative unrecognized actuarial gains and losses for each individual plan at the end of the previous reporting period exceeded 10% of the higher of the defined benefit obligation or of the fair value of plan assets at that date. These gains or losses are recognized over the expected average remaining working lives of the employees par- ticipating in the plans. Asset surpluses of employee pension funds are considered under application of IFRIC 14 only to the extent of possible future reimbursem*nt or reduction of contributions.

Capital stock. The capital stock is equal to the par value of all issued bearer and registered shares.

Capital surplus. This entry consists of the value of paid-in capital in excess of par value (less transaction costs).

Treasury shares. Treasury shares are valued at acquisition cost and as a negative entry in shareholders’ equity. Differences between purchase price and sales proceeds of treasury shares are shown as a change in retained earnings.

Currency translation differences. This item consists of the differential amount that arises from the translation into Swiss francs of assets, liabilities, income, and expenses of Group companies that do not use the Swiss franc as functional currency.

Hyperinflation. In countries experiencing hyperinflation, prior to conversion into the reporting currency the annual financial statements are adjusted for local inflation in order to eliminate changes in purchasing power. Adjustment for inflation is based on the relevant price indices at the end of the period under review.

Retained earnings. Retained earnings comprise accumulated retained earnings of the Group companies that are not distributed to shareholders as well as profit/loss of treasury shares. Profit distribution is subject to local legal restrictions.

Income statement. Net sales. Proceeds from the sale of goods and services are only reported in the income statement if risks and rewards of ownership have been substantially transferred to the purchaser, the proceeds can be determined reliably and payment is assumed likely. Sales represent the invoiced sales and service transactions with customers, at sales prices less discounts granted.

Personnel expenses. Personnel expenses include all payments to persons standing in an employment relation- ship with Sika. This item also encompasses such expenditures as pension fund contributions, health insurance contributions, and taxes and levies directly associated with personnel compensation.

Employee participation plan – share based payments. The Group has various share based employee participa- tion plans. The fair value of the services rendered for the shares allocated is charged to personnel expenses. In order to calculate the total amount to be booked, the fair value of the granted equity instrument at the time of granting is taken. The costs of these remuneration systems are recognized in the income statement during the period in which the employees’ services are rendered.

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Research and development. Research and development expenses are recorded in the income statement. Development expenses are not capitalized if the conditions for capitalization have not been met.

Construction contracts. Sales and costs from construction contracts are recorded in accordance with progress of construction. An expected loss is recorded immediately.

Depreciation. Property, plant, and equipment are depreciated using the straight-line method based on the expected useful life of the asset.

Interest expense/other financial expenses. In general, all interest and other expenses paid for the procurement of loans are charged to the income statement. Any interest accruing in the course of development projects, e.g. the construction of new production facilities or software development, are capitalized together with the assets created.

Interest income/other financial income. Interest income is recorded and timely apportioned using the effective interest method. Dividend income is recorded at the time at which the right to receive payment arises.

Income taxes. The reported income tax expenses include income taxes based on current taxable income and deferred taxes.

Scope of consolidation and acquisitions. The consolidated financial statements of the Sika Group encompass the financial statements of Sika AG, Zugerstrasse 50, 6340 Baar, Switzerland, as well as its subsidiaries and asso- ciated companies (see list on page 128 ff.) and associated companies (see note 7). In the year under review the scope of consolidation was expanded to include the following companies: – BIRO Edwin Bischof AG, Romanshorn, Switzerland – Technokolla S.p.A., Sassuolo (Modena), Italy – Comercial de Preresa, S.A.U, Cobena, Spain – Duochem Inc., Quebec, Canada – Colauto Adesivos e Massas Ltda., São Paulo, Brazil – Sika Gulf B.S.C., Adliya, Bahrain – Sika Arabia Holding Company WLL, Adliya, Bahrain – The Swiss Company for Construction Chemicals Ltd., Aqaba, Jordan – Sika East Africa Ltd., Nairobi, Kenya – Hebei Jiuqiang Building Material Co. Ltd., Zhengding County, China – Axim companies in Italy, France, Spain, the USA, Canada, and Morocco

The scope of consolidation was reduced to exclude the following companies: – BV DIAC, Deventer, Netherlands was merged with BV Descol Kunststoff Chemie, Deventer, Netherlands. – May National Associates Inc., Lakewood/NJ, USA was integrated into Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst/NJ, USA. – Incorez Corporation, Middleton/CT, USA was integrated into Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst/NJ, USA. – Iotech Properties Inc., Middleton/CT, USA was integrated into Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst/NJ, USA. – Dyflex Construction Material Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Shanghai, China, was sold. – Kyoshin Kenko Co. Ltd., f*ckuoka, Japan, was sold.

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Acquisitions 2010. In 2010 Sika acquired various companies or parts of companies, including Dyflex and Green- streak. The acquisition of Dyflex closed on May 31, that of Greenstreak on July 1, 2010. The purchase prices and their allocation (PPA) did not change and are now definitive.

Acquired net assets at fair value in CHF mn Combined acquisitions1 Dyflex Greenstreak

Cash and cash equivalents 0.0 6.2 0.0 Accounts receivable and other receivables 2.3 65.1 3.1 Inventories 2.9 7.9 2.9 Property, plant, and equipment 11.7 13.8 6.0 Intangible assets 10.0 50.0 15.6 Other assets 0.0 4.1 0.1 Total assets 26.9 147.1 27.7 Short-term loans and bank overdrafts 0.0 32.0 0.0 Accounts payable 5.2 53.6 2.0 Other current liabilities 0.0 6.6 0.0 Long-term loans and financial liabilities 0.0 25.6 0.9 Provisions 0.0 6.4 0.0 Employee benefit liabilities 0.7 11.3 1.4 Deferred tax liabilities 1.1 3.8 0.0 Total liabilities 7.0 139.3 4.3 Acquired net assets 19.9 7.8 23.4 Goodwill 5.8 38.0 15.1 Total purchase consideration 25.7 45.8 38.5 Cash in acquired assets (per December 31, 2010) 0.0 -6.2 0.0 Payments still due (per December 31, 2010) -0.8 -12.4 0.0 Net cash outflow 24.9 27.2 38.5

1 May National, Panbex, construction sealant business of Henkel Japan, automotive glass replacement business of ADCO.

The directly attributable transaction costs of all acquisitions amounted to CHF 2.4 million and were charged to other operating expenses.

If the acquisition of Dyflex had taken place on the first day of the business year, its additional contribution to con- solidated net sales would have been CHF 69.0 million. Consolidated net profit would have been CHF 1.2 million higher. If the acquisition of Greenstreak had taken place on the first day of the business year, its additional con- tribution to consolidated net sales would have been CHF 15.2 million. Consolidated net profit would have been CHF 0.2 million higher. If the acquisition of May National had taken place on the first day of the business year, its additional contribution to consolidated net sales would have been CHF 15.4 million. Consolidated net profit would have been CHF 2.3 million lower.

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For the three asset deals no information is available regarding sales and profit that accrued during the current reporting year before the respective dates on which the transactions were closed.

In total, the six acquired businesses contributed sales and consolidated net profit of CHF 138.6 million and CHF -0.8 million, respectively, since the purchase.

Acquisitions 2011. In 2011 Sika acquired various companies or parts of companies, including Axim and Technokolla. The purchase prices and their allocation (PPA) are not yet final.

Company Type of transaction Stake in % Closing date

Hebei Jiuqiang Construction Material Co. Ltd., China Share deal 67.0 03/18/2011 Sika Gulf B.S.C., Bahrain Share deal 51.0 06/30/2011 BIRO Edwin Bischof AG, Switzerland Share deal 100.0 07/07/2011 Technokolla S.p.A., Italy Share deal 100.0 07/18/2011 Colauto Adesivos e Massas Ltda., Brazil/Argentina Share deal/Asset deal 100.0 08/30/2011 Comercial de Preresa S.A.U. (Copsa), Spain Share deal 100.0 10/05/2011 Duochem Inc., Canada Share deal 100.0 11/30/2011 Axim companies, Italy/Spain/ France/Canada/USA/Morocco Share deal 100.0 12/19/2011

In March of the year under review, Sika acquired through its Chinese subsidiary Sika (China) Ltd. a controlling interest in Hebei Jiuqiang Construction Material Co. Ltd., a leading supplier of concrete admixtures in northern China. The purchase price of Hebei Jiuqiang Construction Material Co. Ltd. includes a component contingent on the course of business, for which a market value of CHF 2.3 million has been estimated. The minority interests were stated at the prorated value of the acquired net assets. Regarding the outstanding 33% interest in the company, a put and call agreement has been arranged with the seller. The owners of the minority interests can exercise their sales option as from the beginning of 2021. Sika can exercise its purchase option as of the begin- ning of 2016. The option price is contingent on the course of Hebei’s business (EBITDA multiple), and the owners of the outstanding shares in the company retain their shareholder rights, as well as future shares in profits, which is the reason why these shares are considered as not yet purchased. The liability arising from this commitment was valued at CHF 6.3 million (present value) at the time of the acquisition and an amount of CHF 3.6 million was debited to minority interests and CHF 2.7 million to retained earnings. Accordingly, no minority interests are reported. Future market value adjustments will be booked to retained earnings. If the commitment is exercised or expires, it will be taken out of retained earnings.

As part of its ongoing reorganization in the Middle East, Sika and its local partner founded a regional holding company (Sika Arabia Holding Company WLL, Bahrain), in which Sika holds a 51% stake. The previous associated company Sika Gulf B.S.C was taken over by the holding company and consolidated for the first time as of June 30, 2011. On a net basis Sika increased its stake by 6% to 51%. The revaluation of the previous investment to fair value of CHF 3.0 million resulted in a gain of CHF 1.3 million, which has been recognized in the income statement under the item “Income from associated companies.” The minority interests were stated at the proportionate share of the acquired net assets.

At the beginning of July Sika AG acquired BIRO Edwin Bischof AG, a Romanshorn-based plastic products manu- facturer with strong skills in multi-component injection molding. BIRO Edwin Bischof AG produces components for the European automotive industry on behalf of Sika, including sound absorbing parts and reinforcers for bodywork structures.

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In the same month Sika AG acquired Technokolla S.p.A., a company based in northern Italy. The company has a modern production site in Sassuolo, a strong position in the Italian market for tile adhesive systems, and a presence in neighboring countries.

At the end of August Sika AG acquired Colauto Adesivos e Massas Ltda., a Brazilian manufacturer of adhesives and sealants as well as acoustic damping and structural reinforcement elements for Latin America’s fast-growing automobile and transport industry. Colauto is one of the leading suppliers of chemical process materials for the automotive industry in Latin America.

At the beginning of October Sika AG acquired the outstanding shares through its Spanish subsidiary Sika S.A.U. the Comercial de Preresa, S.A.U. (Copsa), a company operating in Spain and Portugal in the fields of flooring, refurbishment and strengthening. The cooperation between the companies goes back many years to when Sika AG acquired a 34.5% stake in Copsa. The revaluation of the previous investement to fair value of CHF 3.0 million resulted in a gain of CHF 1.3 million, which has been recognized in the income statement under the item “Income from associated companies.” The minority interests were stated at the proportionate share of the acquired net assets.

At the beginning of December Sika acquired through its Canadian subsidiary the company Duochem Inc., which develops, manufactures, and sells polymer flooring products and waterproofing coatings and membranes for the construction industry.

Shortly before the end of the year Sika acquired the global concrete admixture and cement grinding aid business of the Italcementi Group, which trades under the brand Axim. Axim includes several production and sales orga- nizations in Italy, France, the USA, Canada, Morocco, and Spain and offers a broad range of innovative products. Apart from concrete admixtures and cement grinding aids, products include special chemicals to enhance the performance of cement and concrete and improve efficiency in cement production. The purchase price of Axim includes a component contingent on the course of business, based on the quantities delivered to the former owner, for which a market value of CHF 12.9 million has been estimated.

Since the purchase price allocations for all acquisitions still entail some uncertainty, all positions with the excep- tion of cash and cash equivalents are provisional. Production synergies and combined distribution channels and product portfolios justify the goodwill posted. The goodwill is not tax deductible. Axim’s accounts receivable have a gross value of CHF 24.0 million and were adjusted since CHF 1.0 million were classified as non-recoverable. In the case of Technokolla the gross value is CHF 13.2 million and the adjustment CHF 2.1 million. The gross value for the combined acquisitions is CHF 43.0 million and the adjustment CHF 2.9 million. The directly attributable costs of all acquisitions amounted to CHF 2.9 million and were charged to other operating expenses.

If the acquisition of Technokolla had taken place on the first day of the business year, its additional contribution to consolidated net sales would have been CHF 15.9 million. Consolidated net profit would have been CHF 0.6 million higher. If the acquisition of Axim had taken place on the first day of the business year, its addi- tional contribution to consolidated net sales would have been CHF 75.5 million. Consolidated net profit would have been CHF 3.9 million higher. If the combined acquisitions had taken place on the first day of the business year, their additional contribution to consolidated net sales would have been CHF 72.1 million. Consolidated net profit would have been CHF 3.1 million higher.

Since the respective purchases, Technokolla and the combined acquisitions have contributed sales of CHF 16.0 million and CHF 54.1 million, respectively, and net profit of CHF 0.2 million and CHF -5.1 million, respectively. Because Axim was acquired only at the end of the year, it has not contributed any sales or net profit.

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Acquired net assets at fair value in CHF mn Combined acquisitions1 Axim Technokolla

Cash and cash equivalents 4.7 7.6 0.5 Accounts receivable 40.1 23.0 11.1 Inventories 19.6 7.4 4.4 Property, plant, and equipment 36.3 17.4 3.2 Intangible assets 22.4 17.5 8.9 Other non-current assets 4.9 1.9 2.2 Total assets 128.0 74.8 30.3 Short-term loans and bank overdrafts 38.4 26.1 0.0 Accounts payable 21.9 11.4 11.3 Other current liabilities 9.3 2.0 0.9 Long-term loans and financial liabilities 2.4 1.8 0.7 Provisions 0.0 0.0 2.0 Deferred tax liabilities 7.2 8.3 1.6 Total liabilities 79.2 49.6 16.5 Net assets 48.8 25.2 13.8 Non-controlling interest -6.3 0.0 0.0 Acquired net assets 42.5 25.2 13.8 Goodwill 36.3 50.8 16.4 Fair value of initial investment -6.0 0.0 0.0 Total purchase consideration 72.8 76.0 30.2 Cash in acquired assets (per December 31, 2011) -4.7 -7.6 -0.5 Payments still due (per December 31, 2011) -8.4 -14.0 0.0 Net cash outflow 59.7 54.4 29.7

1 Hebei Jiuqiang, Sika Gulf, BIRO, Colauto, Copsa, Duochem.

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Appendix to the Consolidated Financial Statements

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

1 Cash and cash equivalents. CHF 536.0 mn (CHF 938.4 mn) The cash management of the Group includes cash pooling, in which cash and cash equivalents available within the Group are concentrated. The item “cash and cash equivalents” includes cash and equivalents with a maturity of less than three months, bearing interest at a respectively valid rate. Cash and cash equivalents declined due to the repayment of a bond in the amount of CHF 275 million, lower operating free cash flow, and increased acquisition activity.

2 Accounts receivable. CHF 875.7 mn (CHF 780.6 mn) The following table shows accounts receivable, the development of the allowance for doubtful accounts as well as the portion of not overdue and overdue receivables including their age distribution. Accounts receivable are non-interest-bearing and are generally due within 30 to 90 days.

Accounts receivable in CHF mn 2010 2011

Receivables 838.6 940.2 Allowance for doubtful accounts -58.0 -64.5 Net accounts receivable 780.6 875.7

Movements on the allowance for doubtful accounts in CHF mn 2010 2011

January 1 72.1 58.0 Allowance for acquired/sold businesses 2.3 5.8 Income statement related allowances 41.6 47.0 Reversal or utilization of allowances -50.2 -44.6 Exchange differences -7.8 -1.7 December 31 58.0 64.5

Age distribution of accounts receivable in CHF mn 2010 2011

Net accounts receivable 780.6 875.7 Of which Not overdue 608.6 676.9 Past due < 31 days 117.3 131.5 Past due 31 – 60 days 38.3 38.4 Past due 61 – 180 days 28.9 37.4 Past due > 181 days 45.5 56.0 Allowance for doubtful accounts -58.0 -64.5

The building up and reversal of allowances for doubtful accounts are recorded in other operating expenses. Amounts entered as allowances are usually derecognized when payment is no longer expected.

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3 Inventories. CHF 530.6 mn (CHF 499.7 mn) � Inventory write-offs amount to CHF 12.1 million (CHF 23.5 million) and are charged to material expenses. �

in CHF mn 2010 2011

Raw materials and supplies 143.0 157.3 Semi-finished goods 42.8 43.7 Finished goods 263.1 282.3 Merchandise 50.8 47.3 Total 499.7 530.6

4 Other assets. CHF 77.8 mn (CHF 80.7 mn) The assets contained under this item and any changes in them can be seen in the following table.

Other current assets in CHF mn 2010 2011

Derivates (at fair value through P&L) 24.3 4.0 Loans (loans and receivables) 11.3 14.4 Securities (available-for-sale) 1.7 2.1 Other financial assets 37.3 20.5 Other non-financial assets 12.4 13.8 Other current assets 49.7 34.3

Other non-current assets in CHF mn 2010 2011

Securities (available-for-sale) 12.4 13.4 Other financial assets 12.4 13.4 Employee benefit assets 17.0 24.5 Other 1.6 5.6 Other non-financial assets 18.6 30.1 Other non-current assets 31.0 43.5

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5 Property, plant, and equipment. CHF 860.6 mn (CHF 816.5 mn)

in CHF mn Property Plant Plants Equipment Total under con- struction

As of January 1, 2010 Acquisition cost 106.7 602.5 61.5 1 238.1 2 008.8 Cumulative depreciation and impairment -0.7 -331.8 -1.3 -813.3 -1 147.1 Net values as of January 1, 2010 106.0 270.7 60.2 424.8 861.7 Additions 0.0 5.0 47.3 39.0 91.3 Acquired on acquisition1 5.1 11.1 0.0 15.3 31.5 Exchange differences -5.7 -18.5 -4.2 -31.3 -59.7 Disposals -0.1 -0.3 0.0 -2.6 -3.0 Reclassifications3 0.1 0.9 -40.1 38.3 -0.8 Depreciation charge for the year 0.0 -20.9 0.0 -81.8 -102.7 Impairments 0.0 -1.5 -0.3 0.0 -1.8 As of December 31, 2010 105.4 246.5 62.9 401.7 816.5 As of January 1, 2011 Acquisition cost 106.1 576.9 63.4 1 197.2 1 943.6 Cumulative depreciation and impairment -0.7 -330.4 -0.5 -795.5 -1 127.1 Net values as of January 1, 2011 105.4 246.5 62.9 401.7 816.5 Additions 1.5 0.5 50.3 52.3 104.6 Acquired on acquisition2 3.7 22.5 0.5 30.2 56.9 Exchange differences -2.5 -5.2 -0.9 -4.6 -13.2 Disposals -0.6 -0.7 0.0 -2.7 -4.0 Reclassifications3 0.0 18.0 -50.7 32.5 -0.2 Depreciation charge for the year 0.0 -20.4 0.0 -78.2 -98.6 Impairments -0.1 0.0 0.0 -1.3 -1.4 As of December 31, 2011 107.4 261.2 62.1 429.9 860.6 Acquisition cost 108.1 608.0 62.6 1 263.1 2 041.8 Cumulative depreciation and impairment -0.7 -346.8 -0.5 -833.2 -1 181.2 Net values as of December 31, 2011 107.4 261.2 62.1 429.9 860.6

1 Dyflex, Greenstreak, May National, Panbex, sealants operation of Henkel Japan, ADCO auto glass repair. � 2 Hebei Jiuqiang, Sika Gulf, BIRO, Technokolla, Colauto, Copsa, Duochem, Axim. � 3 Plants and buildings under construction are reclassified after completion. �

Impairments in 2011 relate mainly to the discontinuation of a project in Switzerland which had no longer any value in use.

Impairments in 2010 relate mainly to a property in Switzerland which had to be adjusted to the market value.

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Included in the items “Property” and “Plant” are investment properties with a book value of CHF 0.8 million (CHF 0.8 million).

In principle all plants are owned by subsidiaries. Smaller plants as well as the new adhesive plant, the R&D center and the logistics center of Sika Schweiz AG are financed by means of operating lease. Operating leases relate also to data processing equipment and copiers as well as vehicles used by the sales force. Leasehold contracts are insignificant. Plant and equipment includes machinery, vehicles, equipment, furnishings and hardware.

in CHF mn Operating leases Finance leases 2010 2011 2010 2011 Minimum Minimum Minimum Interest Present Minimum Interest Present payments payments payments value of payments value of payments payments

Within 1 year 42.0 42.6 0.2 0.1 0.1 2.2 0.2 2.0 2 – 5 years 93.8 90.5 4.3 0.6 3.7 4.0 0.4 3.6 Over 5 years 85.5 74.6 0.6 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.0 0.4 Total 221.3 207.7 5.1 0.8 4.3 6.6 0.6 6.0

Insurance values in CHF mn 2010 2011

Buildings 1 005 991 Equipment 1 463 1 327

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6 Intangible assets. CHF 770.4 mn (CHF 630.9 mn)

in CHF mn Goodwill Software Trademarks Customer Other Total relations intangible assets

As of January 1, 2010 Acquisition costs 291.7 138.0 80.6 148.1 79.3 737.7 Cumulative amortization and impairment -12.4 -77.0 -3.9 -32.7 -49.7 -175.7 Net values as of January 1, 2010 279.3 61.0 76.7 115.4 29.6 562.0 Additions 0.0 7.7 0.0 0.0 0.9 8.6 Acquired on acquisition1 58.9 2.1 8.4 52.7 12.5 134.6 Exchange differences -27.5 -1.9 -1.1 -8.4 -2.6 -41.5 Disposals -0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.5 -0.6 Reclassifications (net) 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.8 Amortization for the year 0.0 -9.1 -1.4 -12.4 -10.1 -33.0 As of December 31, 2010 310.6 60.5 82.6 147.3 29.9 630.9 As of January 1, 2011 Acquisition costs 321.3 137.8 87.8 190.0 86.6 823.5 Cumulative amortization and impairment -10.7 -77.3 -5.2 -42.7 -56.7 -192.6 Net values as of January 1, 2011 310.6 60.5 82.6 147.3 29.9 630.9 Additions 0.0 12.2 0.0 0.0 0.3 12.5 Acquired on acquisition2 103.5 0.0 8.9 30.8 9.0 152.2 Exchange differences 1.7 -0.1 0.0 2.7 0.9 5.2 Disposals 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.3 -0.3 Reclassifications (net) 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 Amortization for the year 0.0 -8.5 -2.0 -13.5 -6.3 -30.3 As of December 31, 2011 415.8 64.3 89.5 167.3 33.5 770.4 Acquisition costs 425.3 146.9 96.7 222.6 96.3 987.8 Cumulative amortization and impairment -9.5 -82.6 -7.2 -55.3 -62.8 -217.4 Net values as of December 31, 2011 415.8 64.3 89.5 167.3 33.5 770.4

1 Dyflex, Greenstreak, May National, Panbex, sealants operation of Henkel Japan, ADCO auto glass repair. 2 Hebei Jiuqiang, Sika Gulf, BIRO, Technokolla, Colauto, Copsa, Duochem, Axim.

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The intangible assets (except goodwill and trademarks) have a finite useful life over which the assets are amor- tized. The newly developed SAP platform used since 2010 will be amortized on the basis of its effective use within the Group. Amortization charges will increase over the next few years as SAP is introduced in stages at the individual subsidiaries. The carrying amount was CHF 49.6 million (CHF 49.3 million) as of December 31, 2011. The remaining useful life is estimated to be nine years.

Trademarks usually have an indefinite useful life because they are influenced by internal and external factors such as strategic decisions, competitive and customer behavior, technical development and altered market requirements. The carrying value of trademarks with an indefinite useful life amounts to CHF 72.4 million. The impairment test is based on estimated sales attributable to the trademark. The basis for the calculation of the asset’s value in use are the Board of Director’s target figures and cash flow forecasts. The forecasting horizon is five years. Assumed thereby is a growth rate of 4.6% for the planning period. Afterwards a growth rate of 2.1% is assumed. The discount rate amounts to 11.3%. The sensitivity analysis carried out shows that a realistic change in the key assumptions (5% of the royalty rate) would not result in the realizable amount falling below the carrying amount.

Goodwill items tested for impairment. For all goodwill items an impairment test was carried out on the basis of the discounted cash flow method. The basis for the calculation of the value in use is constituted by the target figures and cash flow forecasts approved by the Board of Directors. The horizon of forecast encompasses five years. The rates of sales growth upon which the forecast is set correspond to the market expectations of the cash-generating units and range between 5.3% and 15.2% per year. The sensitivity analysis carried out shows that a realistic change in the key assumptions (10% of the EBIT margin) would not result in the realizable amount falling below the book value. The cash flow forecast outside of the planning period is extrapolated with a growth rate of 2.0 to 3.0%, which in no case exceeds the long-term average growth rate in the corresponding market in which the cash-generating unit operates. The discount rates are determined on the basis of the weighted average cost of capital of the Group, with country- and currency-specific risks within the context of cash flows taken into consideration. The business segments within the Regions constitute the cash-generating units.

Goodwill assigned to cash-generating units 2010 2011 in CHF mn Growth Discount Goodwill Growth Discount Goodwill rates (%) rates (%)1 rates (%) rates (%)1

Construction business Europe North 2.0 10.6 81.1 2.0 9.4 80.4 Construction business Europe South 2.0 11.1 60.6 2.0 9.9 117.9 Construction business North America 2.0 13.0 67.1 2.0 11.7 87.0 Construction business Asia/Pacific 3.0 11.7 52.7 3.0 10.5 61.2 Automotive 2.0 10.0 44.2 2.0 10.0 59.9 Various 3.0 16.9 4.9 2.0 – 3.0 9.4 – 17.8 9.4 Total 310.6 415.8

1 Pre-tax discount rates (%).

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7 Investments in associated companies. CHF 21.1 mn (CHF 23.4 mn) Associated companies are recognized using the equity method. The investments are included in the balance sheet under “Investments in associated companies” in terms of the Group’s percentage share in net assets.

Associated companies (Participations between 20% and 50%) in CHF mn 2010 2011

Sika Gulf B.S.C., Bahrain1 Capital stock 2.5 0.0 Held by Sika AG, Baar, 45% 1.1 0.0 Sales 28.7 8.2 Profit 2.3 -0.6 Assets 21.7 0.0 Liabilities 18.2 0.0

Addiment Italia S.r.l.2 Capital stock 0.0 0.0 Held by Sika AG, Baar, 50% 0.0 0.0 Sales 31.8 27.1 Profit 3.0 2.4 Assets 28.1 21.3 Liabilities 8.3 5.5

All others3, 4 Capital stock 5.3 11.4 Held by Sika AG, Baar 2.5 5.3 Sales 64.6 69.7 Profit 3.2 1.8 Assets 43.3 37.2 Liabilities 20.7 13.7

1 � Sika Gulf B.S.C., Bahrain, Sika increased its stake in Sika Gulf B.S.C. as of midyear to 51% and consolidated it for the first time in the present half-year report. 2 Manufactures concrete admixtures. It’s share capital amounts to CHF 12 000, the share of Sika thereof to CHF 6 000. 3 part GmbH, Germany; Condensil SARL, France; Hayashi-Sika, Japan; Chemical Sangyo, Japan; Seven tech Co. Ltd., Japan; Sarna Granol AG, Switzerland; Copsa, Spain, Sika Saudi Arabia Co. Ltd., Saudi Arabia. 4 Copsa, Spain, was fully consolidated as of October 5, 2011, when Sika acquired the outstanding shares of the company.

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8 Deferred taxes.

Tax loss carryforwards, for which no deferred tax assets have been recognized in CHF mn 2010 2011

1 year or less 4.3 3.9 2 – 5 years 10.7 15.5 Over 5 years or non-expiring 19.5 27.6 Total 34.5 47.0

Deferred tax in CHF mn 2010 2011 Assets Liabilities Net Assets Liabilities Net January 11 69.2 -64.3 4.9 88.0 -80.9 7.1 Credited (+)/debited (-) to income statement 9.8 0.6 10.4 -5.6 -2.5 -8.1 Exchange differences -8.1 4.8 -3.3 -1.1 -0.5 -1.6 Acquisitions/divestments 17.1 -22.0 -4.9 1.1 -17.1 -16.0 December 31 88.0 -80.9 7.1 82.4 -101.0 -18.6

Allocation of assets and liabilities in CHF mn 2010 2011 Assets Liabilities Net Assets Liabilities Net Category Tax losses brought forward 22.6 – 22.6 12.0 12.0 Current assets 18.2 -6.9 11.3 20.6 -4.8 15.8 Property, plant, and equipment 8.0 -27.3 -19.3 10.2 -32.2 -22.0 Other non-current assets1 1.2 -43.7 -42.5 0.4 -58.5 -58.1 Liabilities 38.0 -3.0 35.0 39.2 -5.5 33.7 Total 88.0 -80.9 7.1 82.4 -101.0 -18.6

1 Restated due to application of IFRIC 14 amended (see principles of consolidation).

Tax loss carryforwards are only considered to the extent that realization of the associated tax credit is probable.

In the year under review deferred tax assets from tax loss carryforwards of CHF 11.5 million (CHF 12.9 million) were offset and deferred tax loss carryforwards of CHF 3.4 million (CHF 26.8 million) were generated. The figure for the previous year was impacted primarily by a change in Germany’s tax laws.

9 Accounts payable. CHF 501.0 mn (CHF 478.2 mn) Accounts payable do not bear interest and will usually become due within 30 to 60 days.

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10 Accrued expenses. CHF 191.4 mn (CHF 192.3 mn) Deferred income and accrued expenses relate to outstanding invoices and liabilities of the current year, including performance-based compensation payable to employees in the following year and social security expenses.

11 Other liabilities. CHF 99.1 mn (CHF 63.1 mn)

Other current liabilities in CHF mn 2010 2011

Derivatives (at fair value through P&L) 14.1 4.5 Bank loans 10.1 27.0 Other 1.0 14.5 Other financial liabilities 25.2 46.0 Other non-financial liabilities 12.4 13.1 Other current liabilities 37.6 59.1

A number of Group companies have their own credit lines. Although the total amount is insignificant in scale, the credit lines are used in individual cases when intra-group financing is not permitted or there are benefits to local financing.

Other non-current liabilities in CHF mn 2010 2011

Bank loans 10.8 7.6 Other 14.4 31.7 Other financial liabilities 25.2 39.3 Other non-financial liabilities 0.3 0.7 Other non-current liabilities 25.5 40.0

12 Bonds. CHF 0.0 mn short-term/CHF 796.0 mn long-term (CHF 274.6 mn/794.4 mn) Sika AG has the following bonds outstanding::

2010 2011 in CHF mn Amortized Nominal Amortized Nominal costs costs

2.750% 2006 – 2011 274.6 275.0 0.0 0.0 2.375% 2006 – 2013 248.6 250.0 249.2 250.0 3.500% 2009 – 2014 298.0 300.0 298.6 300.0 2.875% 2006 – 2016 247.8 250.0 248.2 250.0 Total 1 069.0 1 075.0 796.0 800.0

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13 Provisions. CHF 101.9 mn (CHF 108.8 mn) Provisions for guarantees reflect all known claims anticipated in the near future. The provision amounts are determined on the basis of experience and are therefore subject to a degree of uncertainty. The outflow of funds depends on the timing of the filing and conclusion of warranty claims. Provisions for sundry risks include loan guarantees as well as open and anticipated legal cases with a probability of above 50%.

From the sum of provisions, CHF 90.6 million (CHF 92.0 million) are shown under non-current liabilities, since an outflow of funds is not expected within the next twelve months.

For provisions of CHF 11.3 million (CHF 16.8 million), an outflow of funds is expected during the next twelve months. These amounts are shown as current provisions.

Short-term provisions Long-term provisions in CHF mn Warranties Restructurings Sundry risks Total

As of January 1, 2010 43.5 71.9 2.1 29.1 103.1 Exchange differences -2.8 -6.1 -0.2 -1.2 -7.5 Assumed on acquisition 0.1 3.3 0.0 3.1 6.4 Additions 9.1 18.6 0.0 6.6 25.2 Utilization -32.4 -12.3 -0.2 -3.6 -16.1 Reversal -8.6 -6.5 -1.2 -3.5 -11.2 Transfers 7.9 -0.1 -0.1 -7.7 -7.9 As of December 31, 2010 16.8 68.8 0.4 22.8 92.0 Exchange differences -0.3 -0.3 0.0 -0.2 -0.5 Assumed on acquisition 0.0 1.3 0.0 2.1 3.4 Additions 4.0 14.4 0.8 2.3 17.5 Utilization -7.8 -8.7 0.0 -4.3 -13.0 Reversal -1.5 -6.3 0.0 -2.4 -8.7 Transfers 0.1 -0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.1 As of December 31, 2011 11.3 69.1 1.2 20.3 90.6

The current provisions as of December 31, 2011, encompass CHF 3.8 million (CHF 6.1 million) for warranties, CHF 2.6 million (CHF 7.7 million) for restructuring and CHF 4.9 million (CHF 3.0 million) for sundry risks.

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14 Employee benefit plans. Complementary to the benefits of state-regulated retirement schemes, Sika maintains additional employee pension plans for a number of subsidiaries. These can be differentiated as follows:

Defined contribution pension funds. The majority of Sika subsidiaries operate defined contribution pension funds. Employees and employers thereby regularly contribute to funds administered by a third party. The con- solidated balance sheet contains neither assets nor liabilities related to these funds.

Defined benefit pension funds. 36 Group companies maintain defined benefit employee pension funds. Included are the German pension plans, that include their pension in the companies’ balance sheet. The Sika companies in Switzerland have legally independent foundations for this purpose, thereby segregating their pension obliga- tion liabilities. In accordance with local legal regulations Sika bears no obligations toward these pension funds beyond the regulated contribution payments and possibly recapitalization contributions. According to IAS 19 the Swiss pension funds qualify as defined-benefit funds, therefore the actuarially calculated underfunding is recorded in the consolidated balance sheet.

For defined benefit plans the present value of ensured retirement provisions (Defined Benefit Obligation, DBO) is calculated periodically by independent actuaries applying the “projected-unit credit method” based on years of service, anticipated salary and pension development and the anticipated return on investment of assets. Actuarial gains and losses resulting from alterations in actuarial assumptions are recognized as income or expense over the expected average remaining working lives of the employees participating in the plans, to the extent that these cumulative, unrealized gains and losses exceed 10% of the higher of the defined benefit obli- gations or of the fair value of plan assets.

in CHF mn 2010 2011 Assets1 Liabilities Net Assets Liabilities Net

Employee benefit plans with defined benefits 17.0 99.8 82.8 24.5 104.6 80.1 Other employee commitments 0.0 31.9 31.9 0.0 38.3 38.3 Total 17.0 131.7 114.7 24.5 142.9 118.4

1 Restated due to application of IFRIC 14 amended (see principles of consolidation).

Sika companies in Switzerland also maintain a plan that allows for early retirement. In the year under review 24 employees took advantage of this possibility. Pension liabilities and terminal payments are determined based on actuarial appraisals.

In the year under review a defined benefit plan was drawn up which makes it possible for the beneficiaries to take early retirement. The plan is managed by a foundation. Beneficiaries of the plan must be at least 60 years of age and have been a member of the Group Management for at least five years.

Two Swiss pension plans were merged in the reporting year, which resulted in an expense reduction of CHF 5.0 million.

Other employee commitments derive from service jubilee premiums and similar benefits that Sika grants to its employees.

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Actuarial present value of defined benefit obligation (DBO) in CHF mn 2010 2011

Opening balance 586.1 637.1 Current service cost 24.4 27.3 Interest cost 21.0 20.2 Contributions by plan participants 8.4 11.0 Actuarial gains (-)/losses (+) 32.0 31.2 Exchange differences -17.7 -2.3 Benefits paid -29.9 -32.9 Past service costs 0.5 10.2 Business combinations and others 13.0 15.5 Curtailments -0.1 0.0 Settlements -0.6 -1.4 Closing balance 637.1 715.9

Fair value of plan assets in CHF mn 2010 2011 Restated1

Opening balance 475.6 495.7 Expected return on plan assets 21.0 22.4 Actuarial gains (+)/losses (-) -3.9 -29.3 Exchange differences -1.9 -0.3 Contributions by employer 17.7 19.5 Contributions by plan participants 8.4 11.0 Benefits paid -23.1 -27.8 Business combinations and others 1.9 11.6 Closing balance 495.7 502.8

Status in CHF mn 2009 2010 2011 Restated1 Restated1

Actuarial present value of defined benefit obligations (DBO) 586.1 637.1 715.9 Fair value of plan assets 475.6 495.7 502.8 Deficit (+)/surplus (-) 110.5 141.4 213.1 Unrecognized actuarial loss (-)/gain (+) -45.0 -74.9 -135.5 Unrecognized past service costs -1.2 -1.0 -0.5 Unrecognized assets 18.7 17.3 3.0 Net liability recognized in balance sheet 83.0 82.8 80.1

1 Restated due to application of IFRIC 14 amended (see principles of consolidation).

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Income statement in CHF mn 2010 2011 Restated1

Current service costs 24.4 27.3 Interest cost 21.0 20.2 Expected return on plan assets -21.0 -22.4 Actuarial gains (-)/losses (+) 5.5 4.8 Past service costs 0.6 10.7 The effect of any curtailments and settlements -0.7 -6.4 The effect of the limit in Par. 58b1 -1.4 -14.3 Net periodic benefit costs 28.4 19.9 Actual gain(+)/loss(-) on plan assets 17.1 -6.9

1 Restated due to application of IFRIC 14 amended (see principles of consolidation).

Expected contributions to defined-benefit plans for 2012 amount to CHF 18.2 million.

The Group’s entire pension expenses are recorded in the consolidated income statement under “Personnel expenses.” CHF 3.1 million (CHF 3.1 million) were taken to the income statement for pension contributions for Group Management.

Major categories of total plan assets in % of fair value 2010 2011

Shares 31.5 30.5 Bonds 37.8 34.3 Real estate 16.2 18.7 Other assets 14.5 16.5 Total 100.0 100.0

Amounts included in plan assets in CHF mn 2010 2011

Shares of Sika AG 10.5 9.0 Bonds of Sika AG 0.0 0.0 Own property occupied by Sika 14.5 14.5 Total 25.0 23.5

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Annual comparison in absolute terms in CHF mn 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Actuarial present value of defined benefit obligations (DBO) 546.3 577.9 586.1 637.1 715.9 Fair value of plan assets1 462.3 413.3 475.6 495.7 502.8 Deficit (+)/surplus (-) 84.0 164.6 110.5 141.4 213.1 Experience adjustments on plan liabilities 16.5 -11.7 -3.9 -2.2 11.5 Experience adjustments on plan assets 2.5 -100.1 35.7 -3.9 -28.1

1 Restated due to application of IFRIC 14 amended (see principles of consolidation).

The stated deficit results in part from the DBO of the unfunded benefit plans of CHF 87.8 million (CHF 86.2 million). Primarily plans in Germany do not have segregated assets.

Analysis of the defined benefit obligation from funded and unfunded plans in CHF mn 2010 2011

Funded plans 550.9 628.1 Unfunded plans 86.2 87.8 Total 637.1 715.9

Actuarial assumptions 2010 2011

Discount rate in the year under review (%) 3.2 2.9 Expected return1 on plan assets in the year under review (%) 4.5 4.5 Pension trend (%) 0.6 0.6 Salary trend (%) 2.0 2.0 Number of insured employees 5 012 5 637 Number of insured retired persons 1 449 1 512 Total number of defined benefit plans 32 36 thereof number of defined benefit plans funded 11 13 thereof number of defined benefit plans unfunded 21 23

1 The return on investment was established for the individual investment categories based on investment strategies and expected returns.

Health care cost increases neighter have an influence on future service cost nor the present value of defined benefit obligations.

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15 Shareholders’ equity. CHF 1 839.1 mn (CHF 1 759.6 mn) Equity accounts for 48.0% (44.7%) of the balance sheet total. In July 2011 the nominal value of Sika shares was reduced in the amount of CHF 21.4 million.

Capital stock in CHF mn Number 2010 2011

Registered shares, nominal value CHF 0.10 (CHF 1.50) 2 333 874 3.5 1.3 Bearer shares, nominal value CHF 0.60 (CHF 9.00) 2 151 199 19.4 0.2 Capital stock 22.9 1.5

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting payment of a dividend of CHF 7.50 per regis- tered share and of CHF 45.00 per bearer share, in the total amount of CHF 113.0 million, to the shareholders of Sika AG.

The capital stock breaks down as follows:

Bearer shares1 Registered shares Total1 nominal value CHF 0.60 nominal value CHF 0.10 (CHF 9.00) (CHF 1.50)

December 31, 2010 (units) 2 151 199 2 333 874 4 485 073 Nominal value (CHF) 19 360 791 3 500 811 22 861 602 December 31, 2011 (units) 2 151 199 2 333 874 4 485 073 Nominal value (CHF) 1 290 719 233 387 1 524 106

1 Includes non-voting and dividend recipient treasury stock 29 128 pieces (35 908 pieces).

16 Net sales. CHF 4 556.4 mn (CHF 4 416.0 mn) Sales of goods account for practically all net sales. In comparison with the previous year, net sales denominated in CHF increased by 3.2%. Taking currency effects amounting to -12.3% into consideration, sales increased in local currencies by 15.5%, included is a growth from acquisitions of 3.9%.

Sales from construction contracts in the year under review amounted to CHF 26.3 million (CHF 22.4 million). On the date of the balance sheet accrued construction costs and recognized profit (less recognized losses) were CHF 111.6 million (CHF 85.4 million). On the balance sheet date, as in the previous year, there were insignificant receivables and no liabilities from construction contracts. Order revenues and order costs are recorded on the balance sheet date as income and expenses in accordance with progress of construction.

17 Operating revenue. CHF 4 563.7 mn (CHF 4 421.8 mn) In contrast to net sales, operating revenue includes other operating income.

18 Material expenses. CHF 2 259.1 mn (CHF 2 036.9 mn) Material expenses rose as a percentage of net sales by 3.5 percentage points, resulting from the continued sharp increase in raw material prices during the year under review.

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19 Operating profit before depreciation and restructuring. CHF 477.4 mn (CHF 576.7 mn) In the year under review, material prices rose once again. As these can be passed on through sales prices only with a time lag, the gross margin remained under pressure, declining from 54.0% to 50.6%. The CHF 1.8 million (11.7 million) change in inventory is contained in material expenses.

Sika further improved efficiency at the operating costs level. There was only a slight increase in both personnel expenses and other operating expenses. As a result, the cost ratio improved to 40.1% (previous year: 40.9%).

Research and development expenses are included in other operating costs. Sika invested CHF 77.7 million (CHF 74.4 million) in the year under review, or 1.7% (1.7%) of net sales in research and development. Included therein are all operating expenditures of Sika Technology AG as well as of the technology centers in various countries. Expenditures of the local factory laboratories of subsidiaries are not included.

in CHF mn 2010 2011

Gross result 2 384.9 2 304.6 Personnel expenses1 -953.7 -959.9 Other operating expenses -854.5 -867.3 Operating profit before depreciation 576.7 477.4

Personnel expenses in CHF mn 2010 2011

Wages and salaries 774.7 788.9 Social charges1 179.0 171.0 Total personnel expenses 953.7 959.9

1 Restated of prior year figures due to application of IFRIC 14 (note 14).

Employee benefit costs in CHF mn 2010 2011

Employee benefit plans with defined benefits1 28.4 19.9 Other employee benefit plans 26.6 28.5 Total 55.0 48.4

1 Details to be found in note 14.

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Share based payments. Senior managers and Group Management receive shares of Sika AG as a component of their salary. The shares are granted at market prices in the first two months of the subsequent business year. The allocated shares are subject to a blocking period of four years. The following three different share plans are in place.

Senior managers may draw 20% of the performance-based short-term variable remunerations in the form of shares of Sika AG. As remuneration for the services rendered by them in 2010, in 2011 they drew 337 shares at a fair value of CHF 0.7 million (CHF 2044.40 per share).

The performance-based portion of the short-term variable remunerations for Group Management is paid out 20% in the form of shares of Sika AG. Moreover, members of Group Management have an option to draw a further 20% of the variable remunerations in the form of shares of Sika AG. As compensation for the services rendered by them in 2010, in 2011 they drew 613 shares at a fair value of CHF 1.3 million (CHF 2 044.40 per share).

The performance-based portion of the long-term variable remuneration for Group Management is paid out in full in shares of Sika AG. In 2011 1502 shares at a fair value of CHF 3.1 million were allocated to the members of Group Management as part of the long-term compensation program.

Share-based remunerations are made by means of the transfer of treasury shares of Sika AG. The personnel expenses recorded for services received in the 2011 business year totaled CHF 20.5 million (CHF 21.9 million) of which the amount of CHF 7.5 million (CHF 6.3 million) was taken to equity and the amount of CHF 13.0 million (CHF 15.6 million) was recorded under liabilities. Provided employees are entitled to the option of drawing shares of Sika AG, this portion will be recorded under liabilities as at the balance sheet date, and in the event that shares are drawn, this portion will be taken to equity in the subsequent year. In the year under review the fair value of the allocated shares taken to shareholders’ equity amounted to CHF 1.1 million (CHF 0.0 million).

No dilution effect results because no additional shares have been issued.

20 Depreciation/amortization/impairment. CHF 130.3 mn (CHF 137.5 mn) In the period under review impairments in the amount of CHF 1.4 million (CHF 1.8 million) were taken, mainly due to discountunation of a project in Switzerland which had no longer any value in use. The remaining amount includes the regular depreciations and amortizations of the year under review, which declined slightly as a result of exchange-rate movements.

21 Interest expenses/other financial expenses. CHF 51.4 mn (CHF 48.2 mn) This item consists mainly of interest expenses for bond issues outstanding as well as gains from foreign cur- rency transactions and the hedging of loans. The effective interest on bonds amounts to CHF 31.8 million (CHF 33.3 million). Interest in an amount of CHF 0.5 million (CHF 0.5 million) was capitalized during the year under review at a rate of 4.5%.

22 Interest income/other financial income/income from associated companies. CHF 19.8 mn (CHF 12.4 mn) Short-term surpluses in liquidity in various countries led to interest income of CHF 5.0 million (CHF 4.0 million). Income from associated companies rose to CHF 9.6 million (CHF 3.0 million). Other financial income was prac- tically unchanged at CHF 5.2 million (CHF 5.4 million).

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23 Income taxes. CHF 100.7 mn (CHF 92.8 mn) The tax rate rose to 31.9% (23.0%). This is due in the main to various special effects. Income taxes of CHF 100.7 million consist of:

Income taxes in CHF mn 2010 2011

Income tax during the year under review 104.5 92.4 Deferred income tax -10.4 8.1 Income tax from prior years -1.3 0.2 Total 92.8 100.7

Reconciliation between anticipated and effective tax expense % 2010 % 2011

Profit before taxes 403.4 315.5 Anticipated tax expense 27.4 110.4 28.8 91.0 Non-tax-deductible expense 1.1 4.6 1.8 5.7 Effect of non-recognition of tax losses 0.5 1.8 0.9 2.7 Change in anticipated tax rate 0.1 0.4 -0.1 -0.2 Adjusted tax expense from earlier periods -0.3 -1.3 0.1 0.3 Valuation adjustment on deferred tax assets1 -4.0 -16.2 -0.3 -0.9 Utilization of previously unrecognized tax losses1 -2.2 -8.8 0.0 0.0 Other 0.4 1.9 0.7 2.1 Tax expense as per consolidated income statement 23.0 92.8 31.9 100.7

1 Due to a change in Germany’s tax laws it was possible for the first time to recognize tax loss carry-forwards in the amount of CHF 23.1 million.

The anticipated average Group income tax rate of 28.8% (27.4%) corresponds with the average tax on profits of the individual Group companies in their respective fiscal jurisdictions. The change in the anticipated tax rate is attributable to changed profits of the Group companies in the respective fiscal jurisdictions and to changes in their tax rates in some cases.

24 Non-controlling interests. CHF 1.5 mn (CHF 0.1 mn) Most important companies with non-controlling interests: – Consorzio IGS, Switzerland (35%) – Sika UAE LLC, Dubai (49%) – Sichuan Keshuai Additive Co. Ltd., China (20%) – Jiangsu TMS Admixture Co. Ltd., China (30%) – Hebei Jiuqiang Construction Material Co. Ltd., China (33%) – Sika Arabia Holding Co. WLL, Bahrain (49%)

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25 Earnings per share. CHF 85.06 (CHF 124.48)

2010 2011

Undiluted (“basic EPS”) Net profit/CHF mn4 310.5 213.3 Weighted average number of shares1 Bearer shares2/units 2 105 432 2 118 681 Registered shares3/units 2 333 874 2 333 874 Earnings per share Bearer share2/CHF 124.48 85.06 Registered share3/CHF 20.75 14.18

1 Excluding bearer treasury shares held in the Group at a nominal value of CHF 0.60 (CHF 9.00). � 2 Nominal value: CHF 0.60 (CHF 9.00). � 3 Nominal value: CHF 0.10 (CHF 1.50). � 4 Restated due to application of IFRIC 14 amended (see principles of consolidation). �

Earnings per share (EPS) amount to CHF 85.06 (CHF 124.48). The EPS is calculated on the basis of net profit after non-controlling interests and the number of shares entitled to dividend, weighted over the course of the year. No dilution effect results because no options or convertible bonds are outstanding. For the business year 2010 the dividend amounted to CHF 45.00 per bearer share and to CHF 7.50 per registered share. In addition, the nominal value of the bearer shares was reduced from CHF 9.00 to CHF 0.60 and that of the registered shares from CHF 1.50 to CHF 0.10.

26 Financial instruments and risk management. The financial instruments and the related risk management of the Sika Group are presented in this note.

Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities in CHF mn 2010 2011 Level Book Fair Book Fair value value value value

Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents 938.4 938.4 536.0 536.0 Available-for-sale financial assets 1 14.1 14.1 15.5 15.5 Loans and receivables 791.9 791.9 890.1 890.1 Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss 2 24.3 24.3 4.0 4.0 Total 1 768.7 1 768.7 1 445.6 1 445.6 Financial liabilities Bank overdrafts 20.9 20.9 34.6 34.6 Bonds 1 069.0 1 114.1 796.0 836.1 Accounts payable 478.2 478.2 501.0 501.0 Other financial liabilities 15.4 15.4 46.2 46.2 Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost 1 583.5 1 628.6 1 377.8 1 417.9 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss 2 14.1 14.1 4.5 4.5 Total 1 597.6 1 642.7 1 382.3 1 422.4

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The Group employs the following hierarchy in determining the evaluation procedure of financial instruments: – Level 1: quoted (unadjusted) prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. – Level 2: procedures in which all input parameters having an essential effect on the registered market value are either directly or indirectly observable. – Level 3: procedures applying input parameters having an essential effect on the registered market value but are not based on observable market data.

Sika does not own any financial instruments requiring evaluation according to level 3 procedures.

A valuation loss of CHF 0.2 million (profit of CHF 0.6 million) on securities available for sale was recognized in the statement of comprehensive income. Through sale or a depreciation in value a profit of CHF 0.0 million (profit of CHF 0.3 million) was transferred from shareholders’ equity to the income statement.

A net loss of CHF 42.8 million (net profit of CHF 36.9 million) on financial assets and liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss was recognized in the income statement under other financial expenses.

Management of financial risks. Basic principles. The Group’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risks (primarily foreign exchange risks, interest rate risks and price risks), credit risks and liquidity risks. The Group’s financial risk man- agement program focuses on hedging volatility risks.

The Corporate Finance Department identifies, evaluates, and hedges financial risks in close cooperation with the Group’s operating units.

To secure own obligations, pledged or ceded assets (encumbered assets) in CHF mn 2010 2011

Receivables 2.0 1.9 Property, plant, and equipment 0.8 1.3 Total book value of encumbered assets 2.8 3.2

Open derivatives Contractual value upon maturity in CHF mn Replacement value Contract Up to 3 to 12 value 3 months months (+) (-)

Open derivatives 2010 Forward contracts (foreign exchange) � 0.1 -0.1 3.1 -0.9 4.0 Swaps (foreign exchange) � 24.2 -14.0 656.2 488.4 167.8 Total derivatives 24.3 -14.1 659.3 487.5 171.8 Open derivatives 2011 Forward contracts (foreign exchange) 0.2 -0.6 41.6 41.6 0.0 Swaps (foreign exchange) 3.9 -4.0 813.2 393.6 419.6 Total derivatives 4.1 -4.6 854.8 435.2 419.6

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Foreign exchange risks. The Group operates internationally and is exposed to foreign exchange risk arising from various currency exposures, primarily with respect to the euro and the US dollar. Foreign exchange risk arises when commercial transactions, recognized assets or liabilities are denominated in a currency that is not the entity’s functional currency.

The Group makes every effort to offset the impact of exchange rate movements as far as possible by utilizing natural hedges. Foreign exchange forward contracts/swaps are used to hedge foreign exchange risks. Gains and losses on foreign exchange hedges and assets or liabilities carried at fair value are recognized through profit or loss. The Group does not apply hedge accounting.

Sika carries out a sensitivity analysis for the dominant foreign currencies euro and US dollar. The assumed possible currency fluctuations are based on historical observations and future prognoses. Incorporated into calculations are the financial instruments, Group-internal financing and foreign currency hedge transactions in the corresponding currencies. The following table demonstrates the sensitivity of consolidated net profit before tax to a reasonably possible shift in exchange rates related to financial instruments held in the balance sheet. All other variables are held constant. The impact on shareholders’ equity is insignificant.

Currency and assumed rate of change against CHF Effect on profit before tax in CHF mn 2010 2011

EUR: +10% (+10%) -1.8 -15.2 EUR: -10% (-10%) 1.8 15.2 USD: +10% (+10%) -6.3 -14.2 USD: -10% (-10%) 6.3 14.2

Price risks. The Group is exposed to purchasing price risks because cost of materials represents one of the Group’s largest cost factors. Purchasing prices are influenced far more by the interplay between supply and demand, the general economic environment, and intermittent disruptions of processing and logistics chains, ranging from crude oil to purchased merchandise, than by crude oil prices themselves. Short-term crude oil price increases only have limited impact on raw material prices. Sika limits market price risks for important products by means of maintaining corresponding inventories and Group contracts (lead buying). The most important raw materials are polymers such as polyurethane, epoxy resins, polyvinyl chloride and cementitious basic materials. Other measures such as hedging are not practical because there is no corresponding market for these semi- finished products.

Interest rate risk. Interest rate risks result from changes in interest rates, which could have a negative impact on the Group’s financial position, cash flow and earnings situation. Interest rate risk is limited through emission of fixed interest long-term bonds (nominal CHF 800 million). A change in the rate of interest would therefore alter neither annual financial expenses nor shareholders’ equity materially. Local bank loans and mortgages are insig- nificant. Interest rate development is closely monitored by management.

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Credit risk. Credit risks arise from the possibility that the counterparty to a transaction may not be able or willing to discharge its obligations, thereby causing the Group to suffer a financial loss. Counterparty risks are mini- mized by only concluding contracts with reputable business partners and banks. In addition, receivable balances are monitored on an ongoing basis via internal reporting procedures. Potential concentrations of risks are reduced by the large number of customers and their geographic dispersion. No customer represents more than 1.5% of the Group’s net sales. The Group held no securities for loans and accounts receivable at year-end 2010 nor at year-end 2011. The largest possible risk represented by these items are the book value of the accounts and any warranties granted.

Liquidity risk. Liquidity risk refers to the risk of Sika no longer being able to meet its financial obligations in full. Prudent liquidity management includes maintaining sufficient cash and cash equivalents and securing the avail- ability of liquidity reserves which can be called up at short notice. Group Management monitors the Group’s liquidity reserve on the basis of expected cash flow.

The table below summarizes the maturity profile of the Group’s financial liabilities at the balance sheet date based on contractual undiscounted payments.

Maturity profile of financial liabilities in CHF mn Less than Between 1 Over Total 1 year and 5 years 5 years

December 31, 2010 Bank loans 10.1 10.8 0.0 20.9 Bonds 306.2 622.1 257.2 1 185.5 Accounts payable 478.2 0.0 0.0 478.2 Other financial liabilities 1.0 6.2 8.2 15.4 Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost 795.5 639.1 265.4 1 700.0 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss 14.1 0.0 0.0 14.1 Total 809.6 639.1 265.4 1 714.1 December 31, 2011 Bank loans 27.0 7.6 0.0 34.6 Bonds 23.6 855.7 0.0 879.3 Accounts payable 501.0 0.0 0.0 501.0 Other financial liabilities 14.5 29.2 2.5 46.2 Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost 566.1 892.5 2.5 1 461.1 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss 4.5 4.5 Total 570.6 892.5 2.5 1 465.6

Capital management. The primary objective of the Group’s capital management is to ensure that it maintains a strong credit rating and healthy equity ratios in order to support its business. The Group manages its capital structure and makes adjustments to it in light of changes in economic conditions. No changes were made in the objectives, policies or processes during the years ended December 31, 2011, and December 31, 2010. The Group monitors the equity ratio, which is shareholders’ equity divided by total capital.

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27 Future obligations. Raw material supply contracts. Sika concludes collective lead-buying purchase contracts at Group level for important raw materials.

Delivery contracts for finished goods. Supply contracts are in effect with major customers. No other future obligations in excess of normal business activities existed as of the date of this Report.

in CHF mn 2010 2011

Raw material supply contracts1 152 175 Delivery contracts for finished goods1 363 422

1 Contract runs until 2018, maximum.

Contingent liabilities. Given the Group’s international operations, there are inherent tax risks (e.g. owing to transfer prices) which cannot be conclusively estimated. In ongoing business activity the Group may be involved in legal proceedings such as lawsuits, claims, investigations, and negotiations due to product liability, mercantile law, environmental protection, health, and safety etc. There are no current proceedings of this nature pending which could have significant influence on business operations, on the Group’s financial position or income. The Group is active in countries in which political, economic, social, and legal developments could impair business activity. The effect of such risks as can occur in the course of normal business operations is unforeseeable. In addition, their probability of occurrence lies below 50%.

in CHF mn 2010 2011

Guarantees and letters of comfort 27 23

If warranties were claimed at the earliest possible date, then all would be due within one year.

28 Cash flow analysis. Details to the cash flow analysis. Compared to the previous year, in the year under review cash flow recorded: – lower consolidated net profit before tax (CHF -87.9 million) – the change in net working capital (CHF -77.3 million) – lower income tax payments (CHF 32.6 million) – higher acquisition activity (CHF -53.2 million) – a bond repayment (CHF -275.0 million)

in CHF mn 2010 2011

Inflow (+)/outflow (-) from Operating activities 424.8 299.3 Investment activities -180.9 -263.9 Financing activities -96.7 -430.3 Exchange differences -10.4 -7.5 Net change in cash and cash equivalents 136.8 -402.4

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Free cash flow and operating free cash flow.

in CHF mn 2010 2011

Cash flow from operating activities 424.8 299.3 Net investment in Property, plant, and equipment -84.6 -96.0 Intangible assets -8.0 -12.4 Acquisitions less cash and cash equivalents -90.6 -143.8 Capital increase at associated companies 0.0 -4.8 Acquisitions (-)/disposals (+) of financial assets 2.3 -6.9 Free cash flow 243.9 35.4 Acquisitions/disposals less cash and cash equivalents 90.6 143.8 Acquisitions (+)/disposals (-) of financial assets -2.3 6.9 Operating free cash flow 332.2 186.1

Other adjustments. Included in other adjustments are:

in CHF mn 2010 2011

Non-liquidity-related interest expenses/income -1.1 -0.9 Non-liquidity-related financial expenses/income 2.6 -1.6 Profit/loss from disposals of PPE -4.3 -5.3 Personnel expenses settled through treasury shares 0.0 4.8 Total -2.8 -3.0

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29 Segment reporting. Sika conducts its worldwide activities according to Regions, to which a certain number of countries belong. Region heads are members of Group Management. Group Management is the highest operative executive body measur- ing the profit and loss of segments and allocating resources. The key figure of profit by which the segments are directed is that of operating profit, which stands in correlation with the Consolidated Financial Statement. The financing (including financial expenditures and revenues) as well as income taxes are managed uniformly across the Group and not assigned to the individual segments. The composition of the Regions does not follow the gener- ally observed geographic grouping of countries to continents, manifesting rather diverse organizational, commer- cial and cultural circ*mstances. So for example in Region IMEA (India, Middle East, Africa) among others the coun- tries of the Middle East and India are grouped together, since these countries are strongly interwoven regarding their building and construction industry. The precise composition of the Regions is shown on page 16.

Products and services from all product groups are sold in all Regions. Customers derive from the building and construction industry or from the area of industrial manufacturing. Sales are assigned according to company locations. Taxes and any effects of financing are allocated to Central Services. Transfer prices between seg- ments are calculated according to generally recognized principles.

The Automotive business segment is now managed centrally on a global basis. Internal reporting structures have been adjusted accordingly. The corresponding automotive units are no longer broken down by region but reported in “Other segments and activities.” Central Services are also reported in “Other segments and activities.” This field also includes Central Services. They include expenditures for Group headquarters and its proceeds from services and delivery of goods to Group companies. In addition they contain expenses and income that cannot be allocated to an individual Region. Mainly these are expenses for research and development.

The acquisition Hebei Jiuqiang Construction Material Co. Ltd. was assigned to Region Asia/Pacific. The acquisi- tions Technokolla and Comercial de Preresa, S.A.U. (Copsa) come under the Region Europe South. The acquisition Duochem Inc. is part of the Region North America. The companies of the Axim acquisition are divided between the Regions Europe South and North America. Sika Gulf B.S.C. was assigned to the Region IMEA. The acquisitions Colauto Adesivos e Massas Ltda. and BIRO Edwin Bischof AG were classified in “Other segments and activities.”

Net sales in CHF mn 20101 2011 With third With other Total With third With other Total parties segments parties segments

Europe North 1 312.6 77.2 1 389.8 1 336.2 78.1 1 414.3 Europe South 874.1 29.1 903.2 813.2 29.6 842.8 North America 586.3 24.6 610.9 614.4 22.5 636.9 Latin America 477.8 0.1 477.9 507.3 0.1 507.4 IMEA 285.3 0.5 285.8 263.9 0.7 264.6 Asia/Pacific 661.0 8.4 669.4 776.7 5.0 781.7 Other segments and activities 218.9 – 218.9 244.7 – 244.7 Eliminations – -139.9 -139.9 – -136.0 -136.0 Consolidated net sales 4 416.0 – 4 416.0 4 556.4 – 4 556.4 Products for construction industry 3 551.3 3 691.6 Products for industrial manufacturing 864.7 864.8

1 Restated due to amendments in segment structure.

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Changes in net sales/Translation impacts in CHF mn 20101 2011 Change compared to prior year (+/- in %) In Swiss In local Currency francs currencies impact

By Region Europe North 1 312.6 1 336.2 1.8 11.3 -9.5 Europe South 874.1 813.2 -7.0 4.2 -11.2 North America 586.3 614.4 4.8 21.5 -16.7 Latin America 477.8 507.3 6.2 21.0 -14.8 IMEA 285.3 263.9 -7.5 12.9 -20.4 Asia/Pacific 661.0 776.7 17.5 28.1 -10.6 Other segments and activities 218.9 244.7 11.8 23.4 -11.6 Consolidated net sales 4 416.0 4 556.4 3.2 15.5 -12.3 Products for construction industry 3 551.3 3 691.6 4.0 16.3 -12.3 Products for industrial manufacturing 864.7 864.8 0.0 12.1 -12.1

Operating profit in CHF mn 20101 2011 Change compared to prior year (+/-) (+/- in %)

By Region Europe North 143.0 123.5 -19.5 -13.6 Europe South 126.8 84.8 -42.0 -33.1 North America 55.6 50.9 -4.7 -8.5 Latin America 87.5 94.4 6.9 7.9 IMEA 45.5 25.1 -20.4 -44.8 Asia/Pacific 93.3 95.8 2.5 2.7 Operating profit 551.7 474.5 -77.2 -14.0 Other segments and activities -112.5 -127.4 -14.9 na Operating profit of the Group 439.2 347.1 -92.1 -21.0

1 Restated due to amendments in segment structure.

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Reconciliation of segment result and profit before taxes 2010 2011 in CHF mn Operating Financial Profit Operating Financial Profit profit1 result before profit result before taxes taxes

Europe North 143.0 123.5 Europe South 126.8 84.8 North America 55.6 50.9 Latin America 87.5 94.4 IMEA 45.5 25.1 Asia/Pacific 93.3 95.8 Segment results 551.7 0.0 551.7 474.5 0.0 474.5 Other segments and activities -112.5 -35.8 -148.3 -127.4 -31.6 -159.0 Total 439.2 -35.8 403.4 347.1 -31.6 315.5

20101 2011 in CHF mn Depre- Impairment Capital Depre- Impairment Capital ciation/ expen- ciation/ expen- amorti- ditures amorti- ditures zation zation

Europe North 25.0 0.0 26.1 24.0 0.1 19.2 Europe South 15.9 0.0 12.3 14.0 0.0 11.7 North America 25.1 0.0 8.5 21.7 0.0 13.4 Latin America 6.3 0.0 10.9 6.0 0.0 19.2 IMEA 3.4 0.3 4.2 3.1 0.0 6.4 Asia/Pacific 17.4 0.0 11.4 19.3 0.0 17.3 Other segments and activities 42.6 1.5 26.5 40.8 1.3 29.9 Total 135.7 1.8 99.9 128.9 1.4 117.1

1 Restated due to amendments in segment structure.

The following countries had a share of greater than 10% of at least one of corresponding Group key figures:

Net sales Non-current assets1 in CHF mn 2010 % 2011 % 2010 % 2011 %

Switzerland 314.3 7.1 329.8 7.2 501.6 34.1 526.5 31.8 USA 555.8 12.6 586.4 12.9 226.0 15.4 246.8 14.9 Germany 543.1 12.3 562.7 12.4 130.1 8.8 128.9 7.8 All other 3 002.8 68.0 3 077.5 67.5 614.3 41.7 752.7 45.5 Total 4 416.0 100.0 4 556.4 100.0 1 472.0 100.0 1 654.9 100.0

1 Non-current assets without financial instruments, deferred tax assets and post-employement benefit assets.

399.indd 125 24.02.2012 15:32:43 126 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Appendix to the Consolidated Financial Statements

30 Related persons. At the end of the year under review Sika had one significant shareholder with a share of voting rights of over 3.0%: this is the Burkard-Schenker familiy, which according to information provided by the family as of Decem- ber 31, 2011 holds 53.0% of all share votes, in part through the Schenker-Winkler Holding AG, Baar.

Associated companies. In the year under review goods totaling CHF 3.1 million (CHF 8.2 million) were sold by the Sika Group to Sika Gulf B.S.C. The company was consolidated as of July 1, 2011. Goods in the total amount of CHF 9.8 million (CHF 11.2 million) were delivered to Addiment Italia S.r.l. In addition Sika made further deliveries of goods and services to the other associated companies in a total amount of CHF 13.6 million (CHF 13.2 million). These transactions occurred on the usual conditions between wholesale partners.

Employee benefit plans. In Switzerland, employee benefit plans are handled through legally independent foun- dations, to which a total of CHF 21.3 million (CHF 18.5 million) was paid in the year under review. As of the balance sheet date no material receivables or payables were due from these foundations. Sika offices are located in a building leased from the pension fund foundation. Rent for 2011 amounted to CHF 0.5 million (CHF 0.5 million). No further major transactions were conducted with related parties.

Members of the Board of Directors. In the year under review property, plant, and equipment in the amount of CHF 1.3 million (CHF 0.8 million) and services in the amount of CHF 0.6 million (CHF 0.7 million) were acquired from companies of two members of the Board of Directors.

Members of Group Management. In the year under review property, plant, and equipment, and services in the amount of CHF 0.6 million were acquired from companies of a member of Group Management.

All transactions were conducted at market conditions.

31 Remuneration of the Board of Directors and Group Management. The Board of Directors and Group Management were remunerated as follows in the business year:

in CHF mn 2010 2011

Current benefits1 17.9 20.9 Non-current benefits2 1.8 2.3 Pension fund contribution 1.9 1.6 Total 21.6 24.8

1 Members of Group Management draw 20% or 40% of their salary in the form of shares. The allocation occurs at market values. 2 The long-term variable salary portion is based on a target to be met within a period of three years. This portion is paid out entirely in Sika shares. The allocation occurs at market values. The amounts disclosed are the annual accruals and refer to Group Management.

Detailed information regarding remuneration of the Board of Directors and Group Management as well as participations in Sika AG can be found in notes 25 to 27 of the Sika AG Financial Statements (as of page 140).

32 Release of financial statements for publication. The Board of Directors of Sika AG approved the Consolidated Financial Statements for publication on February 24, 2012. The financial statements will be submitted for approval to the Annual General Meeting on April 17, 2012.

399.indd 126 24.02.2012 15:32:43 Sika Annual Report 2011 127 → Appendix to the Consolidated Financial Statements

33 Events after the balance sheet date. The following event occurred between December 31, 2011 and the release of these consolidated financial state- ments:

Sika agreed to acquire YEAN-IL INDUSTRIAL Co. Ltd., a tunnel waterproofing business, through Sika Korea Ltd., its Korean subsidiary. The transactions will close only after publication of the consolidated financial statements and the precise details of the size and breakdown of the assets is still not known. For this reason, Sika has decided against a provisional purchase price allocation. YEAN-IL INDUSTRIAL Co. Ltd. has annual sales of about CHF 10 million.

34 Information on execution of risk assessment. Risk management is carried out by the Board of Directors of Sika AG and by Group Management. The Board of Directors is the highest authority for risk assessment. The Board assesses risks annually at the level of the Group and Sika AG. Group Management regularly reviews the processes which form the basis for risk management. The risk management process comprises four steps: risk identification, risk assessment, risk monitoring and risk controlling.

Details regarding the assessment of risk management can be found in note 26 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

399.indd 127 24.02.2012 15:32:43 128 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Appendix to the Consolidated Financial Statements

Appendix to the Consolidated Financial Statements

List of Group Companies

Country Company 1 Capital stock % holding ISO Cer- in thousands tification Europe North Austria m Sika Österreich GmbH, Bludenz-Bings EUR 2 500 100 ◆ ★ Belgium < Sika SA, Brussels EUR 2 500 100 ◆ ★ m Sika Automotive Belgium SA, Saintes EUR 1 649 100 ◆ ★ ✲ m Sika Viscocrete Belgium NV, Brussels EUR 7 000 100 ◆ ★ Croatia < Sika Croatia d.o.o., Zagreb HRK 4 000 100 ◆ ★ Czech Republic < Sika CZ, s.r.o., Brno CZK 30 983 100 ◆ ★ Denmark m Sika Danmark A/S, Fredensborg DKK 5 000 100 ◆ ★ ✲ Finland m Oy Sika Finland Ab, Espoo EUR 850 100 ◆ ★ Germany s Sika Holding GmbH, Stuttgart EUR 26 000 100 ◆ ★ m Sika Deutschland GmbH, Stuttgart EUR 75 100 ◆ ★ m Sika Automotive GmbH, Hamburg EUR 5 300 100 ◆ ★ m Sika Trocal GmbH, Troisdorf EUR 4 000 100 ◆ ★ z Tricosal Bauabdichtungs GmbH, Illertissen EUR 50 100 Hungary < Sika Hungária Kft., Budapest HUF 483 000 100 ◆ ★ Latvia < Sika Baltic SIA, Riga LVL 870 100 Netherlands < Sika Nederland BV, Utrecht EUR 1 589 100 ◆ m BV Descol Kunststoff Chemie, Deventer EUR 1 588 100 ◆ ★ Norway m Sika Norge A/S, Skytta NOK 42 900 100 ◆ ★ Poland m Sika Poland Sp.z.o.o., Warsaw PLZ 12 188 100 ◆ ★ ✲ Romania < Sika Romania s.r.l., Brasov RON 1 285 100 ◆ ★ ✲ Russia m o.o.o. Sika Russia, Moscow RUB 285 394 100 ◆ Slovakia < Sika Slovensko spol. s.r.o., Bratislava EUR 1 131 100 ◆ ★ Slovenia < Sika Slovenija d.o.o., Trzin EUR 1 029 100 ◆ ★ Sweden m Sika Sverige AB, Spånga SEK 10 000 100 ◆ ★ Switzerland m Sika Schweiz AG, Zurich CHF 52 000 100 ◆ ★ ✲ z Consorzio IGS, Zurich CHF 0 65 s Sika Services AG, Zurich CHF 300 100 ◆ ★ s Sika Technology AG, Baar CHF 300 100 ◆ ★ s Sika Informationssysteme AG, Widen CHF 400 100 z SikaBau AG, Zurich CHF 5 300 100 ◆ s Sarna Kunststoff Holding AG, Sarnen CHF 2 400 100 m Sika Manufacturing AG, Sarnen CHF 14 000 100 ◆ ★ s Sika Supply Center AG, Sarnen CHF 1 000 100 ◆ ★ m Sucoflex AG, Pfäffikon CHF 1 000 100 ◆ ★ < Sika Sarnafil AG, Sarnen CHF 1 650 100 m BIRO Edwin Bischof AG, Romanshorn CHF 3 000 100 ◆ ★ Ukraina < LLC «Sika Ukraina», Kiev UAH 2 933 100

399.indd 128 24.02.2012 15:32:43 Sika Annual Report 2011 129 → Appendix to the Consolidated Financial Statements

Country Company 1 Capital stock % holding ISO Cer- in thousands tification Europe South Algeria ❏ Sika El Djazaïr SpA, Eucalyptus Alger DZD 313 400 100 ◆ Bulgaria < Sika Bulgaria EOOD, Sofia BGL 340 100 ◆ ★ France m Sika France SA, Paris EUR 14 794 100 ◆ ★ m Axim SAS, Guerville EUR 496 100 ◆ ★ Greece m Sika Hellas ABEE, Athens EUR 3 000 100 ◆ ★ Ireland < Sika Ireland Ltd., Ballymun, Dublin EUR 635 100 ◆ Italy m Sika Italia S.p.A., Milan EUR 5 000 100 ◆ ★ m Sika Engineering Silicones S.r.l., Milan EUR 1 600 100 ◆ ★ m Sika Polyurethane Manufacturing S.r.l., EUR 1 600 100 ◆ ★ Cerano m Technokolla S.p.A., Sassuolo (Modena) EUR 5 000 100 ◆ m Axim Italia S.r.l, Milan EUR 2 000 100 ◆ Mauritius m Sika Mauritius Ltd., Plaine Lauzun MUR 2 600 100 Morocco m Sika Maroc SA, Casablanca MAD 5 000 100 ◆ ★ m Axim Maroc SA, Casablanca MAD 11 000 100 Portugal m Sika Portugal – Productos Construção EUR 1 500 100 ◆ ★ e Indústria SA, Vila de Gaia Serbia < Sika d.o.o. Beograd, Beograd-Batajnica EUR 373 100 Spain m Sika SA, Alcobendas EUR 19 867 100 ◆ ★ m Comercial de Preresa, S.A.U, Cobena EUR 421 100 ◆ ★ m Axim Building Technologies SA, Malaga EUR 61 100 Tunisia ❏ Sika Tunisienne Sàrl, Douar Hicher TND 150 86 ◆ ★ United Kingdom m Sika Ltd., Welwyn Garden City GBP 10 000 100 ◆ ★ < Sarnafil Ltd., Bowthrope GBP 200 100 s Iotech Limited, Lancashire GBP 1 100 m Liquid Plastics Limited, Lancashire GBP 1 100 ◆ ★ ✲ m Incorez Ltd., Lancashire GBP 1 100 ◆ ★ ✲

❏ Production, sales, construction contracting m Production and sales < Sales s Real estate and service companies z Construction contracting

◆ ISO 9001 (Quality Management) ★ ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) ✲ OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety)

1 For associated companies see note 7.

399.indd 129 24.02.2012 15:32:43 130 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Appendix to the Consolidated Financial Statements

Country Company 1 Capital stock % holding ISO Cer- in thousands tification IMEA (India, Middle East, Africa) Azerbaijan m Sika Limited Liability Comp., Baku CHF 250 100 Bahrain m Sika Gulf B.S.C., Adliya BHD 1 000 51 ◆ ★ ✲ s Sika Arabia Holding Company WLL, Adliya BHD 6 000 51 Egypt m Sika Egypt for Construction Chemicals S.A.E., EGP 10 000 100 ◆ ★ Cairo m Sika Manufacturing for Construction Products, EGP 2 000 100 ◆ ★ S.A.E., Cairo India m Sika India Private Ltd., Mumbai INR 45 000 100 ◆ Iran < Sika Parsian P.J.S. Co., Teheran IRR mn 3 000 100 Jordan < The Swiss Company for Construction Chemicals JOD 50 100 Ltd., Aqaba Kazakhstan m Sika Kazakhstan LLP, Almaty KZT 22 384 100 ◆ Kenya m Sika East Africa Ltd., Nairobi KES 50 000 100 Lebanon m Sika Near East SAL, Beirut LBP 400 100 Pakistan < Sika Pakistan Ltd., Lahore PKR 17563 100 South Africa m Sika South Africa (Pty) Ltd., Pinetown ZAR 25 000 100 ◆ ★ ✲ Turkey m Sika Yapi Kimyasallari A.S., Istanbul TRY 6 700 100 ◆ ★ ✲ UAE < Sika UAE LLC, Dubai AED 1 000 51 ◆ ★ ✲ < Sika FZCO, Dubai AED 500 100 North America Canada m Sika Canada Inc., Pointe Claire /QC CAD 5 600 100 ◆ ★ m Duochem Inc., Quebec/QC CAD 10 418 100 m Axim Concrete Technologies (Canada) Inc., CAD 0 100 Cambridge/ON USA m Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst/NJ USD 72 710 100 ◆ ★ m Greenstreak Group Inc., St. Louis/MO USD 0 100 m Axim Concrete Technologies Inc., USD 1 100 ◆ Middlebranch/OH Latin America Argentina m Sika Argentina SAIC, Buenos Aires ARS 7 600 100 ◆ ★ ✲ Bolivia < Sika Bolivia SA, La Paz BOB 1 800 100 ◆ Brazil m Sika SA, São Paulo BRL 40 000 100 ◆ ★ ✲ m Colauto Adesivos e Massas Ltda., São Paulo BRL 18 410 100 ★ Chile m Sika SA Chile, Santiago CLP mn 4 430 100 ◆ ★ Colombia m Sika Colombia SA, Tocancipá COP mn 14 500 100 ◆ ★ Costa Rica < Sika productos para la construcción SA, Heredia CRC 153 245 100 Dominican Republic < Sika Dominicana SA, Santo Domingo D.N. DOP 12 150 100 Ecuador m Sika Ecuatoriana SA, Guayaquil USD 1 982 100 ◆ ★ Guatemala < Sika Guatemala SA, Ciudad de Guatemala GTQ 2 440 100 Mexico m Sika Mexicana SA de CV, Querétaro MXN 40 035 100 ◆ ★ Panamá < Sika Panamá SA, Ciudad de Panamá USD 200 100 Peru m Sika Perú SA, Lima PEN 3 500 100 ◆ ★ Uruguay m Sika Uruguay SA, Montevideo UYP 22 800 100 ◆ ★ Venezuela m Sika Venezuela SA, Valencia VEF 3 398 100

399.indd 130 24.02.2012 15:32:43 Sika Annual Report 2011 131 → Appendix to the Consolidated Financial Statements

Country Company 1 Capital stock % holding ISO Cer- in thousands tification Asia/Pacific Australia m Sika Australia Pty. Ltd., Wetherill Park AUD 4 000 100 ◆ ★ ✲ Cambodia < Sika (Cambodia) Ltd., Phnom Penh KHR 422 000 100 China m Sika (China) Ltd., Suzhou USD 35 000 100 ◆ ★ ✲ m Sika Sarnafil Waterproofing Systems, USD 22 800 100 ◆ ★ (Shanghai) Ltd., Shanghai < z Jinan Sika Engineering Co. Ltd., Jinan CHF 5 380 100 m Sika Guangzhou Ltd., Guangzhou CNY 80 730 100 ◆ ★ m Sika Ltd., Dalian CNY 45 317 100 ◆ < Sika (Guangzhou) Trading Company Ltd., CNY 3 723 100 Guangzhou m Sichuan Keshuai Admixture Co. Ltd., Chengdu CNY 10 000 80 ◆ m Jiangsu TMS Concrete Admixture Co. Ltd., CNY 24 500 70 ◆ ★ ✲ Zhengjiang m Hebei Jiuqiang Building Material Co. Ltd., CNY 30 000 67 ◆ ★ ✲ Zhengding County Hong Kong m Sika Hong Kong Ltd., Shatin HKD 30 000 100 ◆ ★ Indonesia m P.T. Sika Indonesia, Bogor IDR mn 3 282 100 ◆ ★ Japan m Sika Ltd., Tokyo JPY 490 000 100 ◆ ★ s Dyflex HD Co. Ltd., Tokyo JPY 10 000 76 < Dick Proofing Co. Ltd., Tokyo JPY 90 000 100 m Dyflex Co. Ltd., Tokyo JPY 315 175 100 ◆ ★ s DCT Co. Ltd., Tokyo JPY 10 000 100 m Kowa Chemical Industries Co. Ltd., Tokyo JPY 10 000 100 ◆ z DCS Kyoshin Co. Ltd., Tokyo JPY 30 000 100 < U-Plex Co. Ltd., Tokyo JPY 100 000 100 Korea m Sika Korea Ltd., Ansong-city Kyunggi-Do KRW mn 5 596 100 ◆ ★ Malaysia m Sika Kimia Sdn. Bhd., Nilai MYR 5 000 100 ◆ ★ s Sika Harta Sdn. Bhd., Nilai MYR 10 000 100 New Zealand m Sika (NZ) Ltd., Auckland NZD 1 100 100 ◆ ★ ✲ Philippines m Sika Philippines Inc., Manila PHP 56 000 100 ◆ ★ Singapore < Sika Singapore Pte. Ltd., Singapore SGD 400 100 ◆ s Sika Asia Pacific Mgt. Pte. Ltd., Singapore SGD 100 100 Taiwan m Sika Taiwan Ltd., Taoyuan County TWD 40 000 100 ◆ ★ Thailand m Sika (Thailand) Ltd., Cholburi THB 200 000 100 ◆ ★ Vietnam m Sika Limited (Vietnam), Dong Nai Province VND mn 44 190 100 ◆ ★

❏ Production, sales, construction contracting m Production and sales < Sales s Real estate and service companies z Construction contracting

◆ ISO 9001 (Quality Management) ★ ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) ✲ OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety)

1 For associated companies see note 7.

399.indd 131 24.02.2012 15:32:43 132 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Appendix to the Consolidated Financial Statements

Appendix to the Consolidated Financial Statements

Report of the Statutory Auditors to the Annual General Meeting of Sika AG, Baar Report of the Statutory Auditor on the Consolidated Financial Statements.

As statutory auditor, we have audited the consolidated financial statements of Sika AG, which comprise the balance sheet, income statement, statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity, cash flow statement and notes (pages 80 to 131) for the year ended on December 31, 2011.

Board of Directors’ responsibility. The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the requirements of Swiss law. This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining an internal control system relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. The Board of Directors is further responsible for selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circ*mstances.

Auditor’s responsibility. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Swiss law, Swiss Auditing Standards and Interna- tional Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the con- solidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers the internal control system relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circ*mstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control system. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

Opinion. In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2011 give a true and fair view of the financial position, the results of operations and the cash flows in accordance with IFRS and comply with Swiss law.

Report on other legal requirements. We confirm that we meet the legal requirements on licensing according to the Auditor Oversight Act (AOA) and independence (article 728 CO and article 11 AOA) and that there are no circum- stances incompatible with our independence.

In accordance with article 728a paragraph 1 item 3 CO and Swiss Auditing Standard 890, we confirm that an internal control system exists, which has been designed for the preparation of consolidated financial statements according to the instructions of the Board of Directors.

We recommend that the consolidated financial statements submitted to you be approved.

Zug, February 24, 2012

Ernst & Young Ltd

Bernadette Koch Pascal Kocher Licensed audit expert Licensed audit expert (Auditor in charge)

399.indd 132 24.02.2012 15:32:44 Sika Annual Report 2011 133 → Five-Year Reviews

Five-Year Reviews

Consolidated Balance Sheet as of December 31

in CHF mn 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Cash, cash equivalents 439 318 802 938 536 Accounts receivable c 861 779 739 781 876 Inventories d 500 513 451 500 531 Other current assets 116 134 101 132 110 Total current assets b 1 916 1 744 2 093 2 351 2 053 Property, plant, and equipment 831 832 862 817 861 Intangible assets 463 525 562 631 770 Other non-current assets1 108 108 112 142 147 Total non-current assets e 1 402 1 465 1 536 1 590 1 778 Assets held for sale 0 0 0 0 0 Total assets 3 318 3 209 3 629 3 941 3 831

Accounts payable g 439 398 355 478 501 Bonds (short term) 0 0 0 275 0 Other current liabilities 303 287 311 304 320 Current liabilities2 f 742 685 666 1 057 821 Bonds 767 768 1 067 794 796 Non-current provisions, employee benefit liabilities 266 221 233 224 234 Other non-current liabilities3 68 71 70 106 141 Total non-current liabilities 1 101 1 060 1 370 1 124 1 171 Total liabilities 1 843 1 745 2 036 2 181 1 992 Capital stock 23 23 23 23 2 Treasury shares -65 -118 -106 -70 -56 Reserves 1 514 1 556 1 672 1 803 1 880 Equity attributable to Sika shareholders 1 472 1 461 1 589 1 756 1 826 Non-controlling interests 3 3 5 4 13 Total shareholders’ equity h 1 475 1 464 1 593 1 760 1 839 Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity a 3 318 3 209 3 629 3 941 3 831

1 Employee benefit assets, other non-current assets, deferred taxes. 2 Bank loans and long-term debts with a maturity within the next 12 months. 3 Bank loans, mortgages and other long-term debt.

400.indd 133 24.02.2012 15:32:13 134 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Five-Year Reviews

Five-Year Reviews �

Consolidated Income Statement from January 1 to December 31 �

in CHF mn 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Net sales 4 573 4 625 4 155 4 416 4 556 Operating revenue 4 573 4 642 4 146 4 422 4 564 Material expenses -2 137 -2 251 -1 851 -2 037 -2 259 Gross result 2 436 2 391 2 295 2 385 2 305 Personnel expenses -926 -958 -954 -954 -960 Other operating expenses -872 -877 -801 -854 -868 Operating profit before depreciation and restructuring 638 556 540 577 477 Depreciation/amortization/impairment -127 -134 -139 -138 -130 Operating profit before restructuring i 511 422 401 439 347 Restructuring expenses 0 0 -57 0 0 Operating profit 511 422 344 439 347 Interest income/expense -22 -21 -24 -30 -28 Financial income/expense -9 -28 -4 -6 -3 Profit before taxes 480 373 316 403 316 Income taxes -138 -106 -90 -92 -101 Net profit 342 267 226 311 215 Free cash flow 183 90 313 244 35 Gross result as % of net sales 53.3 51.7 55.2 54.0 50.6 Operating profit (EBIT) as % of net sales 11.2 9.1 9.6 9.9 7.6 Net profit as % of net sales (ROS) 7.5 5.8 5.4 7.0 4.7 Net profit as % of shareholders equity (ROE) 23.2 18.3 14.2 17.7 11.7

400.indd 134 24.02.2012 15:32:13 Sika Annual Report 2011 135 → Five-Year Reviews

Key balance sheet data in CHF mn Calculation 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Net working capital (c+d-g) 922 893 835 803 906 Net working capital as % of net sales 20.2 19.3 20.1 18.2 19.9 Net debt1 j 352 465 265 165 339 Gearing in % (j : h) 23.9 31.8 16.6 9.4 18.4 Equity ratio in % (h : a) 44.5 45.6 43.9 44.7 48.0

1 � Net debt: Interest-bearing indebtedness (short and long-term bank debt + bonds) ./. interest-bearing current assets (cash, cash equivalents and securities).

Value-based key data in CHF mn Calculation 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Capital employed1 2 041 2 109 2 041 2 086 2 352 Annual average of capital employed k 1 963 2 075 2 075 2 064 2 219 Operating profit before restructuring i 510.8 422.0 400.6 439.2 347.1 Return on capital employed (ROCE) in % (i : k) 26.0 20.3 19.3 21.3 15.6

1 Capital employed = Operating assets./.cash./.non-interest-bearing current liabilities.

400.indd 135 24.02.2012 15:32:13 136 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Five-Year Reviews

Five-Year Reviews

Segment Information

Europe North Europe South North America Latin America in CHF mn 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Net sales 1 713 1 736 1 475 1 313 1 336 1 101 1 050 935 874 813 681 657 602 586 614 377 433 395 478 507 Operating profit before restructuring 228 191 159 143 124 168 145 136 127 85 64 47 64 56 51 50 59 57 88 94 In % of net sales 13.3 11.0 10.8 10.9 9.3 15.3 13.8 14.6 14.5 10.5 9.4 7.1 10.6 9.6 8.3 13.3 13.6 14.3 18.4 18.5 Depreciation/ amortization 50 28 29 25 24 21 15 19 16 14 26 25 25 25 22 6 6 6 6 6 Impairment -1 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Capital expenditures 78 67 45 26 19 27 21 17 12 12 28 26 24 9 13 12 26 8 11 19

IMEA Asia/Pacific Other segments and activities Total in CHF mn 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Net sales 223 258 264 285 264 478 483 473 661 777 8 12 219 245 4 573 4 625 4 156 4 416 4 556 Operating profit before restructuring 29 32 43 46 25 43 32 54 93 96 -71 -83 -112 -113 -127 511 422 401 439 347 In % of net sales 13.0 12.4 16.1 16.1 9.5 9.0 6.5 11.4 14.1 12.4 -52 -52 11.2 9.1 9.6 9.9 7.6 Depreciation/ amortization 2 3 3 3 3 13 12 13 17 19 10 40 42 43 41 128 128 137 136 129 Impairment -1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 00021-16321 Capital expenditures 12 7 11 4 6 21 20 11 11 17 8 64 46 27 30 186 230 161 100 117

The Region IMEA encompasses India, the Middle East and the eastern countries of Africa (see also the world map on page 16). Separate reporting for this Region was introduced as of January 1, 2007.

Since 2011 the Automotive business segment has been managed centrally on a global basis. Internal reporting structures have been adjusted accordingly. The corresponding automotive units are no longer broken down by region but reported as “Other segments and activities.” The 2010 figures have been adjusted accordingly. Figures for earlier years have not been adjusted.

Due to the first application of IFRS 8, data for 2008 were adjusted. No adjustments were made for prior years.

400.indd 136 24.02.2012 15:32:13 Sika Annual Report 2011 137 → Five-Year Reviews

Europe North Europe South North America Latin America in CHF mn 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Net sales 1 713 1 736 1 475 1 313 1 336 1 101 1 050 935 874 813 681 657 602 586 614 377 433 395 478 507 Operating profit before restructuring 228 191 159 143 124 168 145 136 127 85 64 47 64 56 51 50 59 57 88 94 In % of net sales 13.3 11.0 10.8 10.9 9.3 15.3 13.8 14.6 14.5 10.5 9.4 7.1 10.6 9.6 8.3 13.3 13.6 14.3 18.4 18.5 Depreciation/ amortization 50 28 29 25 24 21 15 19 16 14 26 25 25 25 22 6 6 6 6 6 Impairment -1620000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Capital expenditures 78 67 45 26 19 27 21 17 12 12 28 26 24 9 13 12 26 8 11 19

IMEA Asia/Pacific Other segments and activities Total in CHF mn 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Net sales 223 258 264 285 264 478 483 473 661 777 8 12 219 245 4 573 4 625 4 156 4 416 4 556 Operating profit before restructuring 29 32 43 46 25 43 32 54 93 96 -71 -83 -112 -113 -127 511 422 401 439 347 In % of net sales 13.0 12.4 16.1 16.1 9.5 9.0 6.5 11.4 14.1 12.4 -52 -52 11.2 9.1 9.6 9.9 7.6 Depreciation/ amortization 2 3 3 3 3 13 12 13 17 19 10 40 42 43 41 128 128 137 136 129 Impairment -1000010100 0 0 0 2 1 -1 6 3 2 1 Capital expenditures 12 7 11 4 6 21 20 11 11 17 8 64 46 27 30 186 230 161 100 117

The Region IMEA encompasses India, the Middle East and the eastern countries of Africa (see also the world map on page 16). Separate reporting for this Region was introduced as of January 1, 2007.

Since 2011 the Automotive business segment has been managed centrally on a global basis. Internal reporting structures have been adjusted accordingly. The corresponding automotive units are no longer broken down by region but reported as “Other segments and activities.” The 2010 figures have been adjusted accordingly. Figures for earlier years have not been adjusted.

Due to the first application of IFRS 8, data for 2008 were adjusted. No adjustments were made for prior years.

400.indd 137 24.02.2012 15:32:13 138 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Five-Year Reviews

Five-Year Reviews


2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Employees by Region (as of December 31) Europe North 4 248 4 741 4 417 4 455 4 997 Switzerland 1 792 2 036 1 900 1 912 2 312 Germany 1 302 1 422 1 336 1 321 1 417 Europe South 1 922 1 994 2 108 2 103 2 318 France 664 685 617 603 595 North America 1 319 1 358 1 163 1 360 1 491 USA 1 155 1 180 991 1 189 1 256 Latin America 1 539 1 729 1 561 1 703 2 101 Brazil 188 209 220 244 530 IMEA 789 873 892 1 082 1 224 Asia/Pacific 1 906 2 205 2 228 2 779 3 123 Japan 211 212 197 614 608 Total 11 723 12 900 12 369 13 482 15 254

Personnel expenses (in CHF mn) Wages and salaries 746 780 769 775 789 Social charges, other 180 178 185 178 171 Total personnel expenses 926 958 954 953 960 Personnel expenses as % of net sales 20 21 23 22 21 Key data per employee (in CHF 1 000) Net sales 397 376 329 342 317 Net value-added1 125 112 103 108 92

1 See next page, Five-year review: Value-Added Statement.

400.indd 138 24.02.2012 15:32:14 Sika Annual Report 2011 139 → Five-Year Reviews

Five-Year Reviews

Value-Added Statement

in CHF mn 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Source of value-added Corporate performance (net sales) 4 573 4 625 4 155 4 416 4 556 Intermediate inputs –2 982 –3 132 –2 676 -2 908 -3 119 Gross value-added 1 591 1 493 1 479 1 508 1 437 Expenses not affecting liquidity Depreciation and amortization -127 -134 -139 -138 -130 Change in provisions -27 21 -42 23 8 Net value-added 1 437 1 380 1 298 1 393 1 315 Distribution of value-added To employees Wages and salaries 746 780 769 775 789 Social charges 180 178 185 179 171 To governments (capital and income taxes) 138 106 90 93 101 To lenders (financial expenses) 31 49 28 35 39 To shareholders (dividend payout, incl. minority interests) 79 112 112 112 134 To the company Net profit for the year 342 267 226 311 215 Less dividend payout -79 -112 -112 -112 -134 Net value-added 1 437 1 380 1 298 1 393 1 315 Number of employees End of year 11 723 12 900 12 369 13 482 15 254 Annual average 11 516 12 312 12 635 12 926 14 368 Net value-added per employee (in CHF 1 000) 125 112 103 108 92

Net value-added 2011

Intermediate inputs 68.4% (65.9%)

Non-liquidity-related 2.7% (2.6%) expenses

Net value-added 28.9% (31.5%)

Distribution of value-added = 100%

Employees 73.0% (68.5%)

Company 6.1% (14.2%)

Government 7.7% (6.7%)

Shareholders 10.2% (8.0%)

Lenders 3.0% (2.6%)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 2011 (2010)

400.indd 139 24.02.2012 15:32:14 140 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Sika AG Financial Statements

Sika AG Financial Statements

Sika AG Balance Sheet as of December 31

Assets in CHF mn Notes 2010 2011

Current assets Cash in bank 1 810.2 395.6 Securities 2 0.1 0.1 Accounts receivable from subsidiaries 3 798.2 1 056.9 Accounts receivable from third parties 3 14.5 6.9 Treasury shares 4 33.7 29.5 Accrued income 0.1 0.1 Total current assets 1 656.8 1 489.1 Non-current assets Furnishings 5 0.0 0.0 Trademark licenses 6 1.7 6.7 Investments 7 1 093.0 1 180.0 Long-term loans and other non-current assets 8 7.8 3.8 Total non-current assets 1 102.5 1 190.5

Total assets 2 759.3 2 679.6

401.indd 140 24.02.2012 15:30:20 Sika Annual Report 2011 141 → Sika AG Financial Statements

Liabilities and shareholders’ equity in CHF mn Notes 2010 2011

Liabilities Accounts payable to subsidiaries 9 92.1 155.7 Accounts payable to third parties 9 18.6 16.8 Bonds 275.0 0.0 Deferred income 10 20.5 48.8 Total current liabilities 406.2 221.3 Other non-current liabilities 0.0 12.9 Bonds 11 800.0 800.0 Provisions for risks related to investments 12 82.1 92.1 Total non-current liabilities 882.1 905.0 Total liabilities 1 288.3 1 126.3 Shareholders’ equity Capital stock 13 22.9 1.5 Legal reserves Legal reserve 113.4 60.2 Capital contribution reserves1 0.0 53.2 Reserves for treasury shares 69.9 55.7 Free reserves 51.7 65.9 Total reserves 14 235.0 235.0 Profit brought forward 957.5 1 100.2 Net profit for the year 255.6 216.6 Retained earnings 15 1 213.1 1 316.8 Total shareholders’ equity 16 1 471.0 1 553.3

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 2 759.3 2 679.6

1 Under Swiss tax law that entered into force on January 1, 2011, distributions from reserves from capital contributions are no longer subject to withholding tax; see also note 14.

401.indd 141 24.02.2012 15:30:21 142 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Sika AG Financial Statements

Sika AG Financial Statements �

Sika AG Income Statement from January 1 to December 31 �

in CHF mn Notes 2010 2011

Income Income from subsidiaries 17 226.4 230.7 Financial income 18 104.0 71.5 Trademark licenses 19 32.2 32.0 Other income 0.3 0.1 Total income 362.9 334.3 Expenses Administrative expenses 20 20.9 24.2 Financial expenses 21 62.9 73.0 Taxes 22 4.0 0.2 Depreciation/change in provisions 23 12.4 12.7 Other expenses 24 7.1 7.6 Total expenses 107.3 117.7

Net profit for the year 255.6 216.6

401.indd 142 24.02.2012 15:30:21 Sika Annual Report 2011 143 → Sika AG Financial Statements

Sika AG Financial Statements

Notes to the Sika AG Financial Statements (in accordance with Article 663b, Swiss Code of Obligations) General explanations.

With the establishment of Sika Services AG and Sika Technology AG in 2002, responsibilities, and therefore profits and expenditures, were reallocated. Sika AG is no longer responsible for operating costs; they are charged to Sika Services AG in full and, in turn, to subsidiaries. So-called stewardship costs (administrative costs of Sika AG) are fully borne by Sika AG. Research expense and licensing income accrue to Sika Technology AG; however, its proceeds from trademark licenses are transferred to Sika AG.

Subsidiaries with excess liquidity use dividends and capital decreases to transfer liquid funds to Sika AG. Loan agreements were concluded between Sika AG and its subsidiaries to cover financial requirements. Under these agreements, flexible loans are issued at market conditions and generally in local currencies. The loans are secured centrally by Sika AG.

Liquid assets at hand within the Group are centralized at Sika AG. Sika AG places these assets at the disposal of subsidiaries in need of funds.

To finance the acquisition of Sarna Polymer Holding Inc. as well as other investments three separate bonds were issued totaling CHF 775 million in 2006. In 2009 Sika AG issued another five-year bond on the Swiss capital market amounting to CHF 300 million with a coupon of 3.5% per annum for long-term, general financing of the company. The first bond issued in 2006 in the amount of CHF 275 million was repaid on October 26, 2011.

401.indd 143 24.02.2012 15:30:21 144 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Sika AG Financial Statements

1 Cash in bank. CHF 395.6 mn (CHF 810.2 mn) � All bank deposits are held in interest-bearing accounts. �

in CHF mn 2010 2011

Swiss francs (CHF) 794.7 297.3 Foreign currencies 15.5 98.3 Total cash in banks 810.2 395.6

2 � Securities. CHF 0.1 mn (CHF 0.1 mn) The share portfolio was largely sold.

3 � Accounts receivable from subsidiaries and third parties. Total of accounts receivable amounts to CHF 1 063.8 million (CHF 812.7 million). Receivables consist mainly of CHF 1 020.2 million (CHF 781.2 million) in loans to subsidiaries. These loans constitute part of the Group-wide cash management concept.

Sika AG has additional receivables of CHF 36.7 million (CHF 17.0 million) due from Sika subsidiaries on open accounts.

Receivables from third parties of CHF 6.9 million (CHF 14.5 million) include CHF 2.0 million (CHF 1.5 million) in credits from the Swiss tax authorities, CHF 1.7 million (CHF 1.7 million) from an insurance company and CHF 3.2 million (CHF 11.3 million) due from associated companies.

4 � Treasury shares. CHF 29.5 mn (CHF 33.7 mn) Treasury shares are appropriated for Group-wide share based payment plans and used to invest liquidity.

in CHF mn Bearer shares Registered shares Total nominal value CHF 0.60 nominal value CHF 0.10 Units � Units

As of December 31, 2009 � 55 627 50.1 0 0.0 50.1 Reductions � -21 939 -20.2 0 0.0 -20.2 Additions � 2 220 3.8 0 0.0 3.8 Valuation adjustment � – 0.0 – 0.0 0.0 As of December 31, 2010 � 35 908 33.7 0 0.0 33.7 Reductions -9 496 -8.6 0 0.0 -8.6 Additions 2 716 4.4 0 0.0 4.4 Valuation adjustment – 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 As of December 31, 2011 29 128 29.5 0 0 29.5

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5 � Furnishings. CHF 1.00 p. m. (CHF 1.00 p. m.) Acquired furnishings, as well as hardware and software, are depreciated in the year of acquisition and included as memo items at CHF 1.00. The fire insurance value amounts to CHF 0.6 million (CHF 0.6 million).

6 � Trademark licenses. CHF 6.7 mn (CHF 1.7 mn) Trademark licenses increased as a result of acquisitions. Capitalized trademark licenses are amortized over their useful life.

7 � Shareholdings. CHF 1180.0 mn (CHF 1 093.0 mn) Acquisitions totaling CHF 50.8 million were made in different regions. Further capital transactions amounting to CHF 31.6 million were undertaken. Major participations are indicated in the List of Group Companies beginning on page 128.

8 � Other non-current assets. CHF 3.8 mn (CHF 7.8 mn) Other non-current assets contain capitalized bond issuance costs as well as premiums for issued bonds. The issuance costs as well as the premiums are written down over the respective term of the bond.

9 � Accounts payable to subsidiaries and third parties. CHF 172.5 mn (CHF 110.7 mn) The total includes CHF 155.7 million (CHF 92.1 million) in liabilities to Sika subsidiaries, resulting from the world- wide cash management concept. The increase is due to the introduction of zero-balanced cash pooling at foreign subsidiaries. The remaining liabilities of CHF 16.8 million (CHF 18.6 million) consist of accounts payable to third parties.

10 Deferred income. CHF 48.8 mn (CHF 20.5 mn) Deferred income includes pro-rata interest of CHF 16.7 million (CHF 18.1 million) as well as other accrued expenses of CHF 3.5 million (CHF 2.4 million). Non-realized profit of CHF 28.6 million from the valuation of Group loans is accumulated in a value fluctuation reserve.

11 �Bonds and other long-term liabilities. CHF 0 mn/CHF 800.0 mn (CHF 275.0 mn/CHF 800.0 mn) and CHF 12.9 mn (CHF 0) Four bonds were issued to finance the acquisition of Sarna Polymer Holding Inc. as well as Group growth. A bond in the amount of CHF 275.0 million was repaid on October 26, 2011.

2.375% fixed-interest bond 2006 – 15.2.2013 CHF 250.0 million � 3.500% fixed-interest bond 2009 – 4.6.2014 CHF 300.0 million � 2.875% fixed-interest bond 2006 – 23.3.2016 CHF 250.0 million �

Other long-term liabilities contain the long-term, conditional purchase price obligation for the acquisition of Axim of CHF 12.9 million (CHF 0).

12 Provisions for risks related to investments. CHF 92.1 mn (CHF 82.1 mn) Provisions for risks related to investments were increased by CHF 10.0 million to CHF 60.0 million. They relate to the economical, financial and political risks of a globally operating company. Provisions for credit risks of Group loans and other provisions in the amounts of CHF 30.1 million and CHF 2.0 million, respectively, are unchanged.

401.indd 145 24.02.2012 15:30:21 146 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Sika AG Financial Statements

13 Capital stock. CHF 1.5 mn (CHF 22.9 mn) In July 2011 the nominal value of Sika shares was reduced in the amount of CHF 21.4 million.

On December 31, 2011, the company had 54 (52) registered shareholders. Information regarding major share- holders can be found on page 126.

At the Annual General Meeting on May 27, 1998, 260 000 bearer shares, valued nominally at CHF 60.00, i. e. CHF 15.6 million, were issued as contingent capital stock. These shares are allocated for the exercise of option or conversion rights. In 2004, 178 new bearer shares were created out of the contingent capital. The contingent capital was adjusted according to the reduction in nominal value.

The capital stock consists of:

Bearer shares1 Registered shares Total1 nominal value CHF 0.60 nominal value CHF 0.10 (CHF 9.00) (CHF 1.50)

December 31, 2010 (units) 2 151 199 2 333 874 4 485 073 Nominal value (CHF) 19 360 791 3 500 811 22 861 602 December 31, 2011 (units) 2 151 199 2 333 874 4 485 073 Nominal value (CHF) 1 290 719 233 387 1 524 106

1 Includes non-voting and dividend recipient treasury stock.

14 Reserves. CHF 235.0 mn (CHF 235.0 mn) Reserves remained unchanged at 15 419% of the capital stock. In accordance with the Swiss Code of Obligations, reserves for treasury shares are to be reported separately.

The Swiss Federal Tax Authority approved the amount of the reserves from capital contributions. Under Swiss tax law that entered into force on January 1, 2011, distributions from reserves from capital contributions paid in since 1997 are no longer subject to withholding tax and for natural persons resident in Switzerland and holding the shares in their private fortune not subject to income tax either. The structure of the balance sheet was adjusted to show the components of the statutory reserves.

in CHF mn 2010 2011

General statutory reserve 113.4 60.2 Capital contribution reserves 0.0 53.2 Reserve for treasury shares 69.9 55.7 Free reserve 51.7 65.9 Total 235.0 235.0

401.indd 146 24.02.2012 15:30:21 Sika Annual Report 2011 147 → Sika AG Financial Statements

15 Retained earnings. CHF 1 316.8 mn (CHF 1 213.1 mn) Net profit for the year reflects the regular business activities. The decline was mainly due to reduced financial income. A dividend of CHF 112.8 million for the business year 2010 was distributed to shareholders in April 2011.

in CHF mn 2010 2011

Profit brought forward 957.5 1 100.2 Net profit for the year 255.6 216.6 Retained earnings 1 213.1 1 316.8

16 Shareholders’ equity. CHF 1 553.3 mn (CHF 1 471.0 mn) Shareholders’ equity lies above the level of the prior year. The ratio of shareholders’ equity to balance sheet total increased from 53.3% to 58.0%.

Contingent liabilities. Letters of guarantee and letters of comfort are issued to finance business transactions. A subordinated claim declaration of EUR 2.0 million has been issued for the former Sarna Kunststoffbeteili- gungs GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany. No guarantees were required for any established zero-balanced cash pooling. Sika AG is part of the Sika Schweiz AG value-added tax group and is jointly and severally liable to the tax authorities for the value-added tax obligations of the tax group.

in CHF mn 2010 2011

Letters of guarantee Issued 171.8 131.9 Used 8.8 1.0 Letters of comfort Issued 2.7 3.6 Used 0.1 0.1 Credit lines to subsidiaries Issued 4.1 4.0 Used 0.7 6.0

17 Income from associated companies. CHF 230.7 mn (CHF 226.4 mn) The income from associated companies includes dividend distributions and a capital gain on the participation in Sika Gulf B.S.C.

401.indd 147 24.02.2012 15:30:21 148 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Sika AG Financial Statements

18 Financial Income. CHF 71.5 mn (CHF 104.0 mn) Financial income includes interest income and gains from foreign exchange transactions. The decrease is largely due to a decline in sales of treasury shares and also to lower gains from foreign exchange.

Financial income consists of:

in CHF mn 2010 2011

Interest income from Subsidiaries 40.9 40.4 Banks 1.6 1.7 Gains from securities and foreign exchange 57.9 25.1 Valuation adjustments to securities 0.0 0.0 Other income 3.6 4.3 Total 104.0 71.5

19 Trademark licenses. CHF 32.0 mn (CHF 32.2 mn) Income from trademark licenses reflects business development in 2011.

20 Administrative expenses. CHF 24.2 mn (CHF 20.9 mn) Administrative expenses include expenses for the holding company and an allocation for the higher Group management costs.

21 Financial expenses. CHF 73.0 mn (CHF 62.9 mn) Financial expenses mainly include the cost of interest on loans as well as foreign currency losses from foreign exchange transactions and loans. Losses from foreign exchange transactions arise from hedging transactions to secure loans granted to local companies.

Financial expenses consist of:

in CHF mn 2010 2011

Loan and bank interest 33.6 32.2 Interest payed to local companies 0.7 0.3 Coupon redemption expenses 0.2 0.2 Bank fees 0.5 0.2 Fees for syndicated credit line 0.3 0.0 Foreign exchange losses from foreign currencies, securities, hedges 27.6 40.1 Total 62.9 73.0

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22 Taxes. CHF 0.2 mn (CHF 4.0 mn) Lower gains and non-realized profit from the valuation of Group loans, which were recognized in the value fluctuation reserve, resulted in lower taxes expenses in the year under review.

23 Depreciation/Change in provisions. CHF 12.7 mn (CHF 12.4 mn) The change in provision for participations and Group loans amounted to CHF 11.8 million (CHF 12.0 million). Trademark licenses were depreciated as is customary.

in CHF mn 2010 2011

Current provisions 0.0 0.0 Depreciation/provisions of investments 12.0 11.8 Trademark licenses 0.4 0.9 Total 12.4 12.7

24 Other expenses. CHF 7.6 mn (CHF 7.1 mn) This item consists of: – Non-recoverable withholding taxes: CHF 7.0 million – Expenses for trademark licenses: CHF 0.6 million

401.indd 149 24.02.2012 15:30:21 150 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Sika AG Financial Statements

25 Remuneration of the Board of Directors. Compensation paid to members of the Board of Directors in 2011 (2010):

Walter Grüebler Thomas W. Urs F. Burkard3 Paul Hälg Urs B. Willi K. Leimer Chairman Bechtler2 Rinderknecht Vice Chairman in CHF 1000 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011

Cash Fix fees 517.3 521.3 148.9 169.6 118.9 139.6 79.6 139.8 118.9 40.6 85.3 Remuneration1 358.9 280.1 Other expenses 41.4 41.4 25.0 30.0 20.0 24.0 6.0 16.0 20.0 10.0 8.0 Payments in kind 0.6 Benefit obligations Social security contributions 58.5 52.9 10.6 12.8 8.7 10.6 5.5 10.1 8.7 2.8 6.4 Management insurance 56.0 55.3 Benefit plan Total 1 032.1 951.0 184.5 212.4 148.3 174.2 91.1 165.9 147.6 53.4 99.7

Toni Rusch Daniel J. Sauter Fritz Studer Ulrich W. Suter Christoph Tobler Total in 1000 CHF 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011

Cash Fix fees 37.4 0.0 118.8 139.7 108.9 132.9 102.4 123.2 118.9 139.6 1 470.0 1 631.6 Remuneration1 358.9 280.1 Other expenses 6.5 0.0 20.0 18.0 19.5 26.0 17.0 15.0 18.0 20.0 193.4 208.4 Payments in kind 0.6 0.0 Benefit obligations Social security contributions 2.3 0.0 8.7 10.2 6.8 8.8 6.3 7.6 8.6 10.3 124.9 132.5 Management insurance 56.0 55.3 Benefit plan 0.0 0.0 Total 46.2 0.0 147.5 167.9 135.2 167.7 125.7 145.8 145.5 169.9 2 203.8 2 307.9

1 20% or 40% has to be drawn in the form of shares. The allocation occurs at market values. � 2 In the reporting year 2011 CHF 0.6 mn (CHF 0.7 mn) was paid for services to a company associated with T. Bechtler. � 3 In the reporting year 2011 CHF 1.3 mn (CHF 0.8 mn) was paid for equipment to a company owned by U. Burkard. �

For practical reasons the disclosure is on a cash basis.

No compensation was paid to Monika Ribar. Monika Ribar has been a member of the Board of Directors since April 2011. No loans were made to members of the Board of Directors in the course of the business year. There were no loans outstanding at the end of the year under review. No compensation was paid to persons associated with members of the Board of Directors.

401.indd 150 24.02.2012 15:30:21 Sika Annual Report 2011 151 → Sika AG Financial Statements

26 Remuneration of Group Management. For the business year 2011 Group Management is entitled to the following remuneration:

Ernst Bärtschi Total CEO in CHF 1000 2010 2011 2010 2011

Cash Fix salary1 900 1 000 6 479 6 818 Variable Short Term Bonus2 778 613 4 298 3 742 Variable Long Term Incentive3 546 1 071 2 889 5 637 Other expenses4 46 46 408 408 Benefit obligations Pension benefits5 460 473 3 118 3 080 Other benefits6 0 0 462 499 Total 2 730 3 203 17 654 20 184

1 All compensation amounts in this report are gross payments including social security and withholding tax. 2 Estimated short-term bonus of the reporting year that will be paid in April 2012 (accrual principle) including 20% uplift on the portion taken in form of shares (20% or 40% of bonus amount). The allocation occurs at market values. The bonus amount primarily depends on a performance comparison with selected competitors. 3 Includes the estimated payment of the 2009 LTI plan, as well as the early-achievement payment of the 2010 LTI plan. Both will be paid in April 2012 (accrual principle). In 2010, only one plan paid out (early achievement 2009 LTI, the 2008 LTI generated no payout). 4 Includes company car allowance, representation allowance and home office allowance for the members of Group Management with a Swiss contract of employment. 5 Includes social security contributions as well as contributions to company provided pension plans. 6 Includes perquisites and other compensation paid during 2011. Does not include cost allowances for international assignees such as tax equalization, home leave and schooling.

All bonuses shown are bonuses that pertain to entitlements acquired in 2011 that will be paid out in the course of 2012.

Payments to former executives and directors. In the year under review no compensation was paid to former members of Group Management or the Board of Directors.

401.indd 151 24.02.2012 15:30:22 152 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Sika AG Financial Statements

27 Participations in Sika AG. Members of the Board of Directors and Group Management hold the following participations in Sika AG:

Number of shares Number of warrants (potential voting rights) 2010 2011 2010 2011

Board of Directors Walter Grüebler, Chairman 2 170 2 237 0 0 Thomas W. Bechtler, Vice Chairman 426 687 0 0 Urs F. Burkard1 113 213 0 0 Paul Hälg 40 100 0 0 Willi K. Leimer 0 0 0 0 Monika Ribar – 22 0 0 Daniel J. Sauter 1 487 2000 0 0 Fritz Studer 20 20 0 0 Ulrich W. Suter 0 0 0 0 Christoph Tobler 210 210 0 0 Group Management Ernst Bärtschi, CEO 507 794 0 0 Silvio Ponti, deputy CEO 466 556 0 0 Alexander Bleibler 332 456 0 0 Iven Chadwick 92 209 0 0 Bruno Fritsche 111 194 0 0 Christoph Ganz 92 176 0 0 Jan Jenisch 362 500 0 0 Peter Krebser 160 241 0 0 Urs Mäder 201 292 0 0 Hubert Perrin de Brichambaut 25 124 0 0 Ernesto Schümperli 190 261 0 0 Paul Schuler 250 401 0 0 Ronald Trächsel 390 542 0 0 José Luis Vásquez 366 480 0 0 Total 8 010 10 715 0 0

1 Urs. F. Burkard also has an interest in the Schenker Winkler Holding, which holds 2 375 615 Sika AG shares.

28 Information on execution of risk assessment. Risk management is carried out by the Board of Directors of Sika AG and by Group Management. The Board of Directors is the highest authority for risk assessment. The Board assesses risks annually at the level of the Group and Sika AG. Group Management regularly reviews the processes which form the basis for risk management. The risk management process comprises four steps: risk identification, risk assessment, risk monitoring, and risk controlling.

Information on the Group-wide risk assessment processes can be found in note 26 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

401.indd 152 24.02.2012 15:30:22 Sika Annual Report 2011 153 → Sika AG Financial Statements

Sika AG Financial Statements

Proposal by the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting the following appropriation of retained earnings:

in CHF mn 2010 2011

Composition of retained earnings Net profit for the year 255.6 216.6 Profit brought forward 957.5 1 100.2 Retained earnings 1 213.1 1 316.8 Dissolution of capital contribution reserves 0.0 52.7 Total for disposition to Annual General Meeting 1 213.1 1 369.5 Dividend payment Dividend payment out of retained earnings1 112.8 60.3 Dividend payment out of capital contribution reserves1,3 – 52.7 Reduction in nominal value2: CHF 8.40 per bearer share and CHF 1.40 per registered share 21.4 – Total 1 100.2 1 256.5

1 Dividend payment for shares entitled to dividends (without treasury shares as per December 31, 2011). 2 The reduction in nominal value represents a capital decrease and therefore has no impact on retained earnings. 3 The distribution of capital contribution reserves has no impact on retained earnings.

As the general statutory reserve currently exceeds 20% of shareholders’ equity, an allocation to the reserve was waived.

A maximum amount of CHF 53.2 million could be distributed from the reserves from capital contributions.

401.indd 153 24.02.2012 15:30:22 154 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Sika AG Financial Statements

On approval of this proposal, the following payment will be made:

in CHF 2010 2011

Bearer share1 nominal value CHF 0.60 Gross dividend from free reserves 45.00 24.00 35% withholding tax on gross dividend -15.75 -8.40 Net dividend 29.25 15.60 Registered share nominal value CHF 0.10 Gross dividend 7.50 4.00 35% withholding tax on gross dividend -2.63 -1.40 Net dividend 4.87 2.60 Bearer share1 nominal value CHF 0.60 Repayment of nominal value/ distribution of capital contribution reserves 8.40 21.00 35% withholding tax – – Net repayment of nominal value/ net distribution of capital contribution reserves 8.40 21.00 Registered share nominal value CHF 0.10 Repayment of nominal value/ distribution of capital contribution reserves 1.40 3.50 35% withholding tax – – Net repayment of nominal value/ net distribution of capital contribution reserves 1.40 3.50

1 Bearer shares held by Sika AG are non-voting shares and do not qualify for a dividend.

Payment of the dividend is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, April 24, 2012 upon presentation of coupons no. 21 (dividend share from other free reserves) and no. 22 (dividend share from reserves from capital contributions) for bearer shares.

Registered shareholders will receive payment of the dividend and repayment of the nominal value at the address provided to the company for purposes of dividend distribution. The distribution will be made in two separate payments, one for the dividend share from other free reserves and the other one for the dividend share from reserves from capital contributions.

The Annual General Meeting of Sika AG will be held on Tuesday, April 17, 2012, 3 p.m. in the Lorzensaal in Cham, Switzerland.

Baar, February 24, 2012

For the Board of Directors The Chairman: Dr. Walter Grüebler

401.indd 154 24.02.2012 15:30:22 Sika Annual Report 2011 155 → Sika AG Financial Statements

Sika AG Financial Statements

Report of the Statutory Auditors to the Annual General Meeting of Sika AG, Baar Report of the Statutory Auditor on the Financial Statements.

As statutory auditor, we have audited the financial statements of Sika AG, which comprise the balance sheet, income statement and notes (pages 140 to 154) for the year ended December 31, 2011.

Board of Directors’ responsibility. The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation of the financial state- ments in accordance with the requirements of Swiss law and the company’s articles of incorporation. This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining an internal control system relevant to the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. The Board of Directors is further responsible for selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circ*mstances.

Auditor’s responsibility. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Swiss law and Swiss Auditing Standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers the internal control system relevant to the entity’s preparation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circ*mstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control system. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

Opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2011 comply with Swiss law and the company’s articles of incorporation.

Report on other legal requirements. We confirm that we meet the legal requirements on licensing according to the Auditor Oversight Act (AOA) and independence (article 728 Code of Obligations, CO, and article 11 AOA) and that there are no circ*mstances incompatible with our independence.

In accordance with article 728a paragraph 1 item 3 CO and Swiss Auditing Standard 890, we confirm that an internal control system exists, which has been designed for the preparation of financial statements according to the instructions of the Board of Directors.

We further confirm that the proposed appropriation of available earnings complies with Swiss law and the com- pany’s articles of incorporation. We recommend that the financial statements submitted to you be approved.

Zug, February 24, 2012

Ernst & Young Ltd

Bernadette Koch Pascal Kocher Licensed audit expert Licensed audit expert (Auditor in charge)

401.indd 155 24.02.2012 15:30:22 156 Sika Annual Report 2011 → Financial calendar

Financial calendar �

Tuesday, April 17, 2012 Shareholder letter (first-quarter 2012) Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, April 24, 2012 Dividend payment

Thursday, July 26, 2012 Shareholder letter (Half-Year Report 2012)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Shareholder letter (nine months 2012)

Thursday, January 10, 2013 Net sales 2012

Thursday, February 28, 2013 Full-year results 2012; media conference/analysts’ presentation Sika Annual Report 2011 157 → Imprint

Financial calendar Imprint �

Published by

Sika AG Zugerstrasse 50 6341 Baar Switzerland Phone +41 58 436 68 00 Fax +41 58 436 68 50 [emailprotected]

Project Management Dominik Slappnig and Christine Kukan, Sika Services AG, Baar Corporate Communications & Investor Relations

Concept, Design and Realization Ramstein Ehinger Associates AG, Zurich

Printed by Kalt-Zehnder-Druck AG, Zug

Photography Marc Eggimann, Basel

This Annual Report is printed on nonchlorine bleached, FSC-certified paper.

The Sika Annual Report is published in German and English. The statements in this review relating to matters that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. They are no guarantee of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties with regard to future global economic conditions, foreign exchange rates, regulatory rules, market conditions, the actions of competitors and other factors beyond the control of the company.

The consolidated financial statements are prepared according to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

This Annual Report is available in both German and English and can also be accessed on our website The printed German text is the definitive version.

Sika Annual Report 2011 1 → Content (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.