Errata for SEI CERT C Coding Standard (2016 Edition) - SEI CERT C Coding Standard (2024)


Before (with error)

After (with correction)


p 9, Section 1.6

Taint and Tainted Sources

Material from this section was contributed toISO/IEC TS 17961:2013.

Taint and Tainted Sources

Added citation for TS 17961 because it has similar content.p. 21, Section 1.16

...Brendan Saulsbury,Robert C. Seacord...

...Brendan Saulsbury, Roger Scott, Robert C. Seacord...

p. 30, Section 2.3.1);}The last line of the Noncompliant Code Example in section 2.3.1 closes the code block incorrectly with a close-parent-semicolin ");", but should be a closed brace "}".p. 43, Section 3.4.1

Noncompliant Code Example (Header Guard)
A common, but noncompliant, practice is to choose a reserved name for a macro used in a prepro-
cessor conditional guarding against multiple inclusions of a header file. (See also PRE06-C. En-
close header files in an inclusion guard.)

Noncompliant Code Example (Include Guard)
A common, but noncompliant, practice is to choose a reserved name for a macro used in a prepro-
cessor conditional guarding against multiple inclusions of a header file. (See also PRE06-C. En-
close header files in an include guard.)Standardized the term to be "include guard".p 44, Section 3.4.2

Compliant Solution (Header Guard)
This compliant solution avoids using leading underscores in the name of the header guard:

Compliant Solution (Include Guard)
This compliant solution avoids using leading underscores in the name of the include guard:Standardized the term to be "include guard".p 54, Section 3.6.2

However, compilers are free to implement arg.b = 2 by setting the low byte of a 32-bit register
to 2 , leaving the high bytes unchanged and storing all 32 bits of the register into memory. This
implementation could leak the high-order bytes resident in the register to a user.

However, a conforming compiler is free to implementarg.b = 2by setting the low-order bits of a register to 2, leaving the high-order bits unchanged and containing sensitive information. Then the platform copies all register bits into memory, leaving sensitive information in the padding bits. Consequently, this implementation could leak the high-order bits from the register to a user.A more precise clarificationp 55, Section 3.6.3

memcpy(buf + offset, &arg.c, sizeof(arg.c));
offset += sizeof(arg.c);

memcpy(buf + offset, &arg.c, sizeof(arg.c));
offset += sizeof(arg.c);
/* Set all remaining bytes to zero */
memset(buf + offset,0, sizeof(arg) - offset);

Zero out any remaining bytes in array to be copied. Use "buf" not "buff".p 56, Section 3.6.5GCC allows specifying declaration attributes using the keyword__attribute__((__packed__)). When this attribute is present, the compiler will not add padding bytes for memory alignment unless otherwise required by the_Alignasalignment specifier ...GCC allows specifying declaration attributes using the keyword__attribute__((__packed__)). When this attribute is present, the compiler will not add padding bytes for memory alignment unlessan explicit alignment specifier for a structure member requires the introduction of padding bytes.Clarification that alignment requirements trump GCC packing attribute.p 57, Section 3.6.7

However, compilers are free to implement the initialization of arg.a and arg.b by setting the
low byte of a 32-bit register to the value specified, leaving the high bytes unchanged and storing
all 32 bits of the register into memory. This implementation could leak the high-order bytes resi-
dent in the register to a user.

Paragraph was spurious and did not apply to code example, so it was removed.p. 72, Section 4.1.8

MISRA C:2012 Rule 12.1 (advisory)

MISRA C:2012 Rule 13.2 (required)CERT cross-reference in MISRA C:2012 – Addendum 3p. 88, Section 4.4.6

static unsigned int tun_chr_poll(struct file *file, poll_table
*wait) {
struct tun_file *tfile = file->private_data;
struct tun_struct *tun = __tun_get(tfile);
struct sock *sk;
unsigned int mask = 0;
if (!tun)
return POLLERR;
sk = tun->sk;
/* T

staticunsignedinttun_chr_poll(structfile *file, poll_table *wait) {
structtun_file *tfile = file->private_data;
structtun_struct *tun = __tun_get(tfile);
structsock *sk;
unsignedintmask = 0;

sk = tun->sk;
/* The remaining code is omitted because it is unchanged... */

Added assert statements to specify pointers that are expected not to be null.p. 95, Section 4.6.7

On such an architecture, improper pointer alignment is permitted but remains an efficiency problem.

On such an architecture, improper pointer alignment is permitted but remains an efficiency problem.

The x86 32- and 64-bit architectures...

...but they must also ensure that their compiler, along with its optimizer, also respect these guarantees.

Added counterexample and warning to EXP36-C-EX1. (See EXP36-C for full text.)p 105, Section 4.8.5

if (wp->j == 12) {
/* ... */

if (wp->j == 12) {
/* ... */
/* ... */

Perform proper memory cleanupp 106, Section 4.8.6

if (wp->j == 12) {
/* ... */

if (wp->j == 12) {
/* ... */
/* ... */

Perform proper memory cleanupp. 111, Section 4.10.1if (0 == memcmp(left, right, sizeof(struct s))) {

if ((left && right) &&
(0 == memcmp(left, right, sizeof(struct s)))) {

Added checks to both arguments to avoid possible null dereferences.p. 112, Section 4.10.3

if (0 == memcmp(left, right, sizeof(struct s))) {

if ((left && right) &&
(0 == memcmp(left, right, sizeof(struct s)))) {

Added checks to both arguments to avoid possible null dereferences.p. 120, Section xfloat x;Added semicolon for syntactic correctness.p 125, Section 4.12.8printf("%zu, %d\n, align, val);printf("%zu, %d\n", align, val);Added quote for syntactic correctness.p. 126, Section 4.13

Noncompliant Code Example

Performing assignment statements in other contexts do not violate this rule. However, they may violate other rules, such asEXP30-C. Do not depend on the order of evaluation for side effects.

Noncompliant Code Example

Added a reference to related rule EXP30-C to this rule's introduction.p. 128, Section 4.13.9while (ch = '\t' && ch == ' ' && ch == '\n') {while (ch = '\t' || ch == ' ' || ch == '\n') {Use || to test if a char has one of several values, rather than &&.p. 128, Section 4.13.10 (Noncompliant code)while ('\t' = ch && ' ' == ch && '\n' == ch) {while ('\t' = ch || ' ' == ch || '\n' == ch) {Use || to test if a char has one of several values, rather than &&.p. 128, Section 4.13.10 (Compliant code)while ('\t' == ch && ' ' == ch && '\n' == ch) {while ('\t' == ch || ' ' == ch || '\n' == ch) {Use || to test if a char has one of several values, rather than &&.p.138, Section 4.15Previous section is 4.14, rule EXP46-CNew rule EXP47-C. (See wiki for contents)New rule deemed necessary (vulnerability not covered by pre-existing rule).

p. 150, Section

This compliant solution eliminates signed overflow on systems where long is at least twice the precision ofint:

This compliant solution eliminates signed overflow on systems where long long is at least twice the precision of int:

The phrase should be “long long” not “long.”

p. 186 Section 6.3.2

if (PRECISION(INT_MAX) < log2f(fabsf(f_a)) ||
(f_a != 0.0F && fabsf(f_a) < FLT_MIN)) {
/* Handle error */

if(isnan(f_a) ||
PRECISION(INT_MAX) < log2f(fabsf(f_a)) ||
(f_a != 0.0F && fabsf(f_a) < FLT_MIN)) {
/* Handle error */

Code now safely handles NaN.p. 187 Section 6.3.4

if (isgreater(fabs(d_a), FLT_MAX) ||
isless(fabs(d_a), FLT_MIN)) {
/* Handle error */
} else {
f_a = (float)d_a;
if (isgreater(fabsl(big_d), FLT_MAX) ||
isless(fabsl(big_d), FLT_MIN)) {
/* Handle error */
} else {
f_b = (float)big_d;
if (isgreater(fabsl(big_d), DBL_MAX) ||
isless(fabsl(big_d), DBL_MIN)) {
/* Handle error */

if(d_a != 0.0 &&
(isnan(d_a) ||
isgreater(fabs(d_a), FLT_MAX) ||
isless(fabs(d_a), FLT_MIN))) {
/* Handle error */
f_a = (float)d_a;
if(big_d != 0.0 &&
(isnan(big_d) ||
isgreater(fabs(big_d), FLT_MAX) ||
isless(fabs(big_d), FLT_MIN))) {
/* Handle error */
f_b = (float)big_d;
if(big_d != 0.0 &&
(isnan(big_d) ||
isgreater(fabs(big_d), DBL_MAX) ||
isless(fabs(big_d), DBL_MIN))) {
/* Handle error */

Code now safely handles NaN.p. 189, Section 6.4.1 long int big = 1234567890; long int big = 1234567890L;Addition of type suffix in initialization statement.p. 190, Section 6.4.2 long int big = 1234567890; long int big = 1234567890L;Addition of type suffix in initialization statement.

p. 203, Section 7.2.1

In this noncompliant code example, a variable length array of size is declared.

In this noncompliant code example, a variable length array of size size is declared.

The second ”size” was missing.

p. 226, Section 8.1

A character string literal is a sequence of zero or more multibyte characters enclosed in double-quotes, as in "xyz."

A character string literal is a sequence of zero or more multibyte charactersenclosed in double-quotes, as in "xyz".

The period should appear outside the quote, not inside the quote because the quote is part of the character string.

p. 279 Section 9.5.1

The code checks for unsigned integer overflow in compliance withINT32-C. Ensure that operations on signed integers do not result in overflowand also ensures thatlenis not equal to zero.

The code attempts to check for unsigned integer overflow in compliance withINT30-C. Ensure that unsigned integer operations do not wrapand also ensures thatlenis not equal to zero.The code uses only unsigned integers.p. 283, Section 10.1.4

if(msg != NULL) {
/* Handle error */

if(msg == NULL) {
/* Handle error */

An error should be handled only if msg IS null, not IS NOT null.

p. 286, Section 10.2.2

When opening aFIFO with O_RDONLY or O_WRONLY set:

When opening a block special or character special file that supports nonblocking opens:

Otherwise, the behavior of O_NONBLOCK is unspecified.

When opening a FIFO with O_RDONLY or O_WRONLY set:

  • If O_NONBLOCK is set, an open() for reading-only returns without delay. An open() for writing-only returns an error if no process currently has the file open for reading.
  • If O_NONBLOCK is clear, an open() for reading-only blocks the calling thread until a thread opens the file for writing. An open() for writing-only blocks the calling thread until a thread opens the file for reading.

When opening a block special or character special file that supports nonblocking opens:

  • If O_NONBLOCK is set, the open() function returns without blocking for the device to be ready or available; subsequent behavior is device-specific.
  • If O_NONBLOCK isclear, the open() function blocks the calling thread until the device is readyor available before returning.

Otherwise, the behavior of O_NONBLOCK is unspecified.

Bulleted items weremissing.

p. 365, Section 12.2.3

Signal handlers can refer to objects with static or thread storage a duration that are lock-free atomic objects, as in this compliant solution:

Signal handlers can refer to objects with static or thread storage durations that are lock-free atomic objects, as in this compliant solution:

The phrase shouldbe “storage durations” not “storage a duration.”

p. 374, Section 13.1

• Those that set errno and return and out-of-band error indicator
• Those that set errno and return and in-band error indicator

• Those that set errno and return an out-of-band error indicator
• Those that set errno and return an in-band error indicator

Changed 'and' to 'an' to correct both noun phrasesp. 375, Section 13.1c16rtomb() , cr32rtomb()c16rtomb() , c32tomb()The standard library function name was incorrectly spelled.

p. 447, Section 14.11.1

This noncompliant code example declares a sharedatomic_boolflag variable and provides a toggle_flag() method that negates the current value of flag:

This noncompliant code example declares a shared atomic_bool flag variable and provides a toggle_flag() method that negates the current value of flag:

The variable should be “atomic_bool flag,” not “atomic_boolflag.”

p. 447, Section 14.11.1Execution of this code may result in a data race because the value of flag is read, negated, and written back.Execution of this code may result in unexpected behavior because the value of flag is read, negated, and written back.Changed "data race" to a more appropriate term.p 456-457, Section 15.1.3Replaced Section 15.1.3 (Compliant Solution (Windows)Replaced Section 15.1.3 (Compliant Solution (Windows)Old CS was based on CryptGenRandom() which is deprecated. New CS is based on BCryptGenRandom(), which is recommended as replacement.p 458, Section 15.1.6“CryptGenRandom Function““BCryptGenRandom Function“Updated bib. reference to correspond with new Section 15.1.3p. 461, Section 15.2.3Replaced Section 15.2.3 (Compliant Solution (Windows)Replaced Section 15.2.3 (Compliant Solution (Windows)Old CS was based on CryptGenRandom() which is deprecated. New CS is based on BCryptGenRandom(), which is recommended as replacementp 462, Section 15.2.6“CryptGenRandom Function““BCryptGenRandom Function“Updated bib. reference to correspond with new Section 15.2.3p. 479, Section APrevious section is 15.7.8, rule MSC40-CNew rule MSC41-C (See wiki for contents)New rule deemed necessary (vulnerability not covered by pre-existing rule).p. 501, Section B"analyzer" definition reference was [ISO/IEC 9899:2011]."analyzer" definition reference should be [ISO/IEC TS 17961:2013]Reference was to the wrong ISO/IEC standard document.p. 519, Section C

137 The macro va_arg is invoked using the parameter ap that was
passed to a function that invoked the macro va_arg with the same
parameter (7.16). CON37-C

137 The macro va_arg is invoked using the parameter ap that was
passed to a function that invoked the macro va_arg with the same
parameter (7.16)Rule CON37-C should be associated with Undefined Behavior 135, not 137.p. 519, Section C135 The signal function is used in a multi-threaded program ( The signal function is used in a multi-threaded program ( CON37-CRule CON37-C should be associated with Undefined Behavior 135, not 137.
Errata for SEI CERT C Coding Standard (2016 Edition) - SEI CERT C Coding Standard (2024)


What are CERT C warnings? ›

The CERT® C and CERT C++ coding standards are secure coding practices for the C and C++ languages. Security vulnerabilities in embedded software increase chances of attacks from malicious actors.

What is the difference between CERT C and Misra C? ›

MISRA C lays the foundation: By enforcing coding practices that reduce undefined behavior and errors, MISRA C creates a strong foundation for secure code. CERT C builds upon it: By addressing specific security vulnerabilities, CERT C helps create software that is not only reliable but also resistant to attacks.

What are the cert coding standards? ›

The SEI CERT Coding Standards are software coding standards developed by the CERT Coordination Center to improve the safety, reliability, and security of software systems. Individual standards are offered for C, C++, Java, Android OS, and Perl.

What is SEI in programming? ›

The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) requires compliance with the CERT C standard for secure coding practices. It includes guidelines and recommendations to prevent common vulnerabilities and enhance the security of C programming.

What does sei CERT stand for? ›

The CERT secure coding standard was developed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), for a variety of languages, with the purpose of hardening your code by avoiding coding constructs that are more susceptible to security problems.

What are warnings in C? ›

In the C Programming Language, the #warning directive is similar to an #error directive, but does not result in the cancellation of preprocessing. Information following the #warning directive is output as a message prior to preprocessing continuing.

What are the 3 certifications in coding under ahima? ›

This training is recommended to prepare you to become an AHIMA-certified medical coding professional (CCA, CCS or CCS-P).

What is the difference between a coding standard and a coding convention? ›

Yes, there are slight differences in the terms. A coding standard is generally something one enforces. A guideline is a recommendation but not enforced. A convention is just the way something is typically done, and all of these are styles.

What are the C coding standards? ›

C Style Guidelines
  • Meaningful names for variables, constants and functions. ...
  • Good indentation (3 or 4 spaces). ...
  • If variables have the same type, declare them on the same line if possible.
  • Leave one blank line between variable declarations and the first line of code in a function.

What is SEI standards? ›

The SEI Standards are founded upon the principles of integrity and respect. Integrity, because integrity exemplifies truthfulness, modesty, and trustworthiness. Respect, because respect exemplifies courtesy, honor, and reverence.

What does SEI mean in tech? ›

A Software Engineering Intelligence (SEI) platform, sometimes known as an Engineering Management Platform (EMP), can provide these insights, helping engineering leaders align with business goals, communicate the impact of engineering on the business, focus on the areas of the organization that need the most attention, ...

What is SEI in usa? ›

SEI Investments Company, formerly Simulated Environments Inc., is a financial services company headquartered in Oaks, Pennsylvania, United States. The company describes itself as "a global provider of investment processing, investment management, and investment operations solutions".

What does the C in CERT stand for? ›

CERT is an acronym referencing the Computer Emergency Response Team division of the SEI.

What does it mean that C is unsafe? ›

C does not have any of these protections: C heap values are created in a type-unsafe way. C casts, unchecked array accesses, and unsafe deallocation can corrupt memory during its lifetime. C deallocation is unsafe, and can lead to dangling pointers.

What are certificate warnings? ›

Occasionally you'll get an error message telling you there's a problem with a website's security certificate. A site's certificate allows Internet Explorer to establish a secure connection with the site. Certificate errors occur when there's a problem with a certificate or a web server's use of the certificate.

What does CERT mean in security? ›

A Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a group of information security experts responsible for the protection against, detection of and response to an organization's cybersecurity incidents.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.