Classic interview: Red Hot Chili Peppers' Chad Smith on Californication (2024)

By Louise King


Read Rhythm's 1999 interview with the RHCP drummer

Classic interview: Red Hot Chili Peppers' Chad Smith on Californication (1)

This interview originally appeared in the November 1999 issue of Rhythm. (Words: Louise King)

A big man in every sense, Chad Smith is one of the most explosive rock drummers in the world. As his band, Red Hot Chili Peppers, return with ashattering performance at Reading and an album that many consider their finest yet, Rhythm spends a day in their wild and crazy world.

Slight Return

It's gone two o'clock in the afternoon, but followinga seriously heavy session at a star-studded Versaceparty last night, Chad Smith still hasn‘t surfaced. Wewere supposed to be meeting over an hour ago, and I'veall but given up hope of him ever appearing when,barefoot and sporting jogging bottoms, T-shirt andtrademark back-to-front baseball cap, he ambles out ofthe lift at London’s Metropolitan Hotel, towering over hisfellow passengers.

Black wraparound shades concealjaded eyes, but the familiar mischievous grin is still firmlyintact as he strides across the foyer to greet Rhythm.Back in the UK for the first time in four years, the RedHot Chili Peppers are promoting their magnificent newalbum Californication.

It’s a record that many peoplethought would never materialise. The band’s turbulenthistory has been well documented, and worldwidesuccess and megastardom for the Chilis have always gonehand in hand with the demons of the rock ‘n’ rolllifestyle.

Even so, two years ago persistent rumoursof the band’s imminent demise for once seemedalarmingly plausible, after their attempts to start work on the follow-up toOne Hot Minute failed miserably. The catalyst for the band’s dramatic rejuvenation was the return of JohnFrusciante to the fold after the departure of guitarist Dave Navarro to teamup with old band Jane’s Addiction for their reunion tour.

After playing onMother's Milk and BloodSugarSexMagik, Frusciante had quit the band in 1993,suffering from a serious drug problem. No one was more surprised than Chadwhen Flea (bass) and Anthony Kiedis (vocals) suggested that Frusciante rejoin them early last year‘I hadn't had much contact with John, nor had Anthony,” Chad explains inbetween large swigs on a bottle of mineral water he's grabbed from the hotelsuite in which we're now settled. “Flea had played with him here and there,but I had no idea how it would all work out “

Classic interview: Red Hot Chili Peppers' Chad Smith on Californication (2)

Red Hot For Teacher

As soon as the quartet got into a room together and started to play,though, any doubts Chad had previously harboured immediately evaporated.“Oh, it was great,” he beams. “John is a beautiful, talented and incrediblyinspiring musician to me. There was a time when I thought he was going todie. He was immersed in a lifestyle that he had chosen, but for him - as afriend and a person that I care about - to be back among the living, playingmusic again was fantastic. It's something I never dreamed would happen.”

Born in Detroit, Michigan, Chad grew up on a varied musicaldiet that included everything from Led Zeppelin and Hendrix to Deep Purple,Sly And The Family Stone and Motown. His first encounter with a pair ofdrum sticks came at the tender age of seven, and he considers himself luckyto have found something he was so passionate about at such an early age.

“I was just drawn to it.” he says. “At that stage obviously I wasn't thinkingabout being a big rock star — all I wanted was to be able to play the drum fillson the forty-fives I was listening to at the time. Drumming made me feelgood, and I've tried to keep hold of those feelings it generated in me as a kid.

I remember how I felt at fourteen when I had Kiss posters on my wall and I used to go to their gigs - it was awesome.”Even though Chad never took lessons himself (choosing instead to followthe inherently rock ‘n’ roll route of playing along to records and enrolling inas many school bands as would have him), he is quick to recognise thebenefits of a good teacher.

“If you can find someone who's good - and being a good teacher is adifficult thing - they will help you progress a lot quicker.” he says. “I can playand show you what ! do but it’s probably not technically right, it just worksfor me in the Chili Peppers.”He cites John Bonham. Mitch Mitchell. Ringo Starr, John Densmore, NeilPeart and Buddy Rich - “the greatest drummer in the world”, as he puts it - amongst his biggest influences and freely admits to pilfering plenty from allof them over the years."Oh I steal loads of stuff,” he confesses with a chuckle, “so go ahead andsteal from me if there’s anything I do that you like. Everyone has their ownpersonality that comes through on the drums, so it’s never going to soundexactly like me when you play it anyway ”

Few who attended Drums in The Bush in 1995 willforget Chad's blistering performance. Certainly, hispowerful. flamboyant playing. coupled with anamiable and larger-than-life personality, have kepthim in demand as a drum clinician. Hismischievous antics at such events have beenknown to get him into trouble, though.

On oneinfamous occasion he offered his drum kit to thefirst person to get up and dance naked. Cue madall-nude stampede to the front of the stage.“I like doing clinics and ! would have loved thechance to see some of my heroes in thatenvironment when [ was younger,” he says. “A lotof drum stores don’t like my style of clinic, though - they get really uptight and think that I'm going topull my dick out and spill virgin blood.”

He guffawsbefore continuing. “But seriously, people whocome to see me play know of me because I’m inthe Red Hot Chili Peppers, and I've got to be me,you know? I'm not going to sit there and say, ‘Nowwe are going to do the clave’, am I?”

Me and My Friends

During the course of his eleven yearswith the Chilis, Chad has had the chance to meetmany of the drummers he looked up to as afledgling player. And an appearance on TFI Fridaythe day before the interview gave him and the restof the band the chance to catch up with their closebuddies and fellow mega-rockers Aerosmith.

“They like our band and they come and see uswhen we play in Boston in 1976 I never imaginedI'd be in a big rock band, travelling the worldplaying music and making records and I certainlynever dreamed that I'd be hanging out with JoeyKramer.’ he grins.

“It's kind of strange to meet youridols — sometimes you don’t want to because theremight be hassles that ruin the impression youhave of them. Fortunately, though, all myexperiences have been good.”

Chad's appearance at Drums In The Bush alsobrought him face to face with another living legend - the one and only Ginger Baker.“Originally they wanted me to play last but I justsaid, ‘Dude, no f***ing way am I going on afterGinger Baker’. Ginger was kind of cranky, which isgood because that’s sort of what I expected. It wasan honour to be on the same bill as him - he's agenius, and it was a cool, fun day.”

Ask Chad if there are any musicians - chieflythose no longer in the land of the living - who hewould have relished the opportunity to hang outwith, and the floodgates open.

"I'd love to have had the chance to chat withJimi Hendrix. He is the coolest musician of alltime, if you ask me. And then I'd like to have goneout and partied with Keith Moon and playeddrums with John Bonham - probably havepartied with him too, actually,”

Moonie, Bonzo and Chad out on the razz together.Doesn't bear thinking about, does it?But while we're on the subject of partying, I’m keento hear more about that Versace bash last night.“Oh it was weird,” Chad Proclaims. “All Saintswere playing, and just as I walked in I heard thebeginning of that song of ours they did a cover of (‘Under The Bridge’) I was just like, ‘Oh My God!You are kidding me!’ I met a couple of them andthey were very sweet and down to earth. But it wasquite a bizarre experience."

The shades have now been removed toreveal those distinctive blue eyes: a couple ofbottles of water seem to have eased the hangover thirst. I'm slightly concerned though - the band are due to leave the hotel for the airport in less than an hour, and, as Chad keeps reminding me, he hasn’t actually packed yet.

During this crammed, whistle-stop trip to the UK, the Child Peppers also managed to find time to play a storming gig at London’s Camden Palace. The opportunity to perform at such intimate venues is something Chad clearly relishes. “I had a great time. It was hot and sweaty and we rocked” he raves. “I like the smaller shows - they’re really cool. There’s a good vibe and I like the contact we get with the audience. Of course, there’s something to be said for big stadium gigs as well, but they seem to be less about the music and more about the overall performance.”

Over the years, Kiedis, Frusciante, Flea and Chad have weathered many storms together, and there is obviously a very close personal and musical bond between the four of them. “I am so privileged to be working with these incredible musicians who are caring, giving and smart. And great to make music with.” Chad says with unmistakable sincerity.

As one of the funkiest rhythm sections on the planet, Chad and Flea have a formidable reputation for firing off one another when they play, and Chad has nothing but praise for his effervescent partner in crime.

“Flea used to be this slap guy, you know. He did that to death and everyone copied him, but he’s grown out of it now. Now I see him as the James Jamerson of the new millennium - he’s really melodic, very musical and great fun to play with. “My job is to keep time, but Flea keeps great time too, which is awesome because then everyone is not just counting on me to keep things in line, and live we can go crazy. We’ve been together for so long now, there isn’t really a lot of discussion; we just play; and when it feels good we all know it.”

Chad is proud of the way his style of playing has evolved during his time with the Chili Peppers. He strongly feels that his experiences in life have played as important a role in his development as the impressive line-up of musicians he’s worked with over the years.

“Hopefully I’m still improving,” he says. “Or they would have thrown me out by now. What happens to us day-to-day makes us the person that we are, and that all contributes to the artist and musician that we become. This is what I love to do and I’m passionate about it, so I try to seek out things that will enhance my life, my playing and my music.”

Right On Time

The clock is ticking away, and I’m expecting the interview to finish any minute. whenChad suggests we carry on talking while he packs. Apologising for the state of his room - which, infact, is surprisingly tidy - he proceeds to literallythrow his belongings into an already overflowing case while he raves about a recent discovery he made in Stockholm.

“You'll never guess what I found there,” heshouts from the bathroom. “An old LudwigVistalite Tivoli set with the lights. We were drivingpast this shop and it was lit-up in the window. Inearly sh*t myself and yelled at the car to stop. It was the coolest drum set that I had ever seenand was in perfect condition just had to have it. I went back to the shop the next day. The guyhad all these vintage snare drums as well. It's kind of crazy - I have to travel to Stockholm to findgood old American drums. Anyway | bought a ’58 WFL brass snare and the Tivoli set. It'll be great inmy house at Christmas time.”

Chad is not a big collector of gear, though heconfesses to having a fetish for snare drums. Healso admits that it's rare for him to play drums byhimself at home. preferring instead to interact withother players when he practises.

“Then you're playing music, which is what I really want to do.” he explains. “I'm not a melodicjazz or solo guy, and it’s more fun me to play withother people. Practising with other people alsomakes you more musical. To young players I always say, ‘Practice with people who are betterthan you - it'll help you improve. I was lucky, myelder brother played guitar and put up with me.”

As we head down to reception to join Frusciante, Kiedis and Flea, who are alreadywaiting for the car to take them to the airport,Chad points out that in a few hours time they'll be enjoying pasta in Milan. The band’s European press schedule is hectic, but Chad's having a good time.

“I get to visit great places,” he says “I meetloads of people and it’sgood to have friends indifferent countries. I'mfortunate, really,because | don't have tosay much in theinterviews that we do. I don't like to talk toomuch about our music,you see — my advice topeople is just listen to ourrecords and come see uslive."

"Our music should beabout your own personalexperience, and reading toomuch about it can takesomething away from that. I know where the music is at,but putting it into words isdifficult. I leave that toAnthony and Flea and justtell a few jokes.”

So, apart from Rhythm,nobody has shown muchinterest in your drums or yourplaying on the album then? “God no,” he shrugs. “Everyoneelse is too busy asking us about drugsand Anthony's new haircut to worryabout what instruments we play.

Louise King

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Classic interview: Red Hot Chili Peppers' Chad Smith on Californication (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.